hey gerls...had fun at the beach..freaking tired man today... and the bloody fuck is that i have to werk full shift tomorrow!!! argh!!
hafiz called me today...after hearing his voice...i kinda miss him....put aside all the SMALL problems...i really miss him at times... i never said "i love you" so many times to a guy before! he's sweet... that's for sure... i so...cannot hear any of my ex's voice..coz i just tink of the past...n then i tink..."why did we break up?" haiz.... well..kalau da tak jodoh, tak jodoh...nak buat aper lagi? {if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be...what else can we do?}
fuck!i need to cry...if i dnt cry anytime soon, i'll just lose it one of these days n i wnt be able to control myself...STRESS!!!!! i noe tt ppl are telling me to stop thinking of tt m!@#$%^&*...bt...it's hard... i really love him..{sorie hafiz, bt it's true...} n now eventhough there are so...many guys around...i just dont think i'm ready.. the scars are too deep.. it's like i'm falling into a neverending hole... and i keep banging against the sides... making the wounds deeper n deeper... i need help... but where can i get it? at the rate i'm going..i think i'll end up depending on nicotine for the rest of my life!!! {that's nt so bad actually! haha!}
i tink i need a shrink!! hahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peace out............

11:25 pm
Hey kiKy..tanx 4 d sleepover to yah! had a nice time...and tanx 4 ur words...means alot..
i was around his area just now with me cuz...man that brought back memories...fuck! i feel so shitty..i dnt noe y.. on a MUCH brighter note...that guy who works at the noodle shop..remember..at nooch.....well, today i saw him coming out of the car park..n he was looking at me whil i, of course, was looking at him going up the escalator!! heeheehee!!! and we like wanted to smile at each other but like didn't bt u cld see us kinda like smiling...heeheehee!! so kewl!!! i was so happy after that happened!heeheehee!! bt y do i feel guilty?? hmm....

10:40 pm
hi kyra..thanks for the sleepover..i love you..i know how you feel abt him..sometimes we can't help loving or missing someone..we'll get over it..remember..after every storm, if you look hard enough, you'll see a rainbow..take care..cya on tues/wed..
with love, kiky...

1:57 pm
{Beautiful days are long gone
I can’t seem to breathe
Feels like it hasn’t been that long
Since you walked away from me
Now I can try to act real strong
But you and I both know
I still think of you that way
And you should know that...}
guess wat i just found out...fm a VERY reliable source... that bloody m!@#$%^&* was seeing that bloody bitch even while we were together!! n it was not that she gila2kan dier..he potong jln that guy... who btw...is his members... fuck!!! and to think...all the things i did for him..all the things i went through... FUCK!!!

12:48 am