..:: wooHoo!! ::..
wow. i had a GREAT time on Wednesday... it was payday, and my off-day!! got to spend the day with my darling Khai and his parents. shopped till i dropped. spent $300+ that day!
so here's what i bought:
1. Tops from Topshop (2)
2. Pants and Skirt from Dorothy Perkins
3. Cute Knickers from Marks & Spencer
i'm so satisfied! finally i got a job which pays well...and even after spending all that money, giving money to my dad AND paying my bill....i still have ALOT of money left! AMAZING!!
i really enjoyed myself that day. and finally i get to meet him... though i was still grossed out with his scars... i really wanted to ignore all that but couldn't. sorry sayang...
so...si-dod's wedding is tmr... wow... so jealous...
when will my wedding ever be.......

10:45 pm
...:: *blank* ::...
i have always liked her.... she has always been the one lady i feel has the most class. but how sad, now not only is she skin and bones...but also silicon...
i adored the fact that she was natural...then again, i guess once you become rich, you tend to want everything your heart desires.. still, she looks beautifull and as a couple, they're gorgeous!

so si-dod is getting married this coming weekend... wow! soon it'll be me and lenny. at least now i've got a date fixed and i've got most of the things planned..so once the meeting is done, everything is full speed ahead! no need to waste time searching cos everything has already been sourced.
haha! so to those who said i was being
kanchong spider... nyeh! i knew that i'd be busy with work and would need to get things done anytime i get a chance!
ok...this is a very random post... so i don't really know what to write about. haha.
actually, i wanted to write about Victoria & David. i'm just so in love with them.. they are THE perfect couple. i just, i wished she hadn't gone and made herself up. as in, had to do all that plastic surgery. gawd, she was pretty naturally why'd she have to change?? i mean, i'm sure david married her cos of who she is and he married her BEFORE the surgery so why get it? i know she didn't make it big with the whole singing thing, not because she can't sing cos she CAN if not no one would have loved the spice girls isn't it? but i tink she didn't make it cos people were jealous of her life. heh. who wouldn't?? but at least she's nice. well...i tink so...although i've been told by a fren of my sister who works at a hotel where the beckhams stayed, and apparently, when she was addressing Mrs Beckham, she put up her hand and said "Don't talk to me, talk to my husband."
you can look at it as she's being a snob....OR.. you can look at it as she just wants her husband to be respected as well, not many people respect him around the world cos they all think that Victoria DECIDES for him and tells HIM what to do. I don't think so. and even if it's true, i think that it's because he trusts her and knows that whatever decision she makes - it's gonna be a good one!
ok....my brother wants me to write about him. haha. so here it is...while i am typing this, he has gone out to continue watching tv..only to come in later to check the time AGAIN before he decides that it's time to sleep.
that's the story about mr. shakes. - thank you.
back to the beckhams...
just like how my sister adores J.Lo, i adore Victoria...i even did my hair like hers wen i was in school..didn't really suit me cos it just
kembang-ed after a week... i relaxed it and cut it shoulder length and had the whole centre parting thing... regretted that...now at least it's easier to have the same hair as her.... if only i could have that body....not the one she has now, that's too skinny! i want the body she had before... that was just nice... but i'd like to keep my butt and boobs size the same...then i'll look like Barbie! hahha!! :P
right, i think that's enough...i could just go on..and on...and ON about her...but i guess i should stop now... and heres my fave picture of her....

9:59 pm