Saturday, July 21, 2007
..:: this picture ::..
I hold an image of the ashtray girl
As the cigarette burns on my chest
I wrote a poem that described her world
That put my friendship to the test
And late at night
Whilst on all fours
She used to watch me kiss the floor
Whats wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this picture?
Farewell the ashtray girl
Forbidden snowflake
Beware this troubled world
Watch out for earthquakes
Goodbye to open sores
To broken centre floor
We know we miss her
We miss her picture
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Farewell the ashtray girl
Angelic fruitcake
Beware this troubled world
Control your intake
Goodbye to open sores
Goodbye and furthermore
We know we miss her
We miss her picture
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Hang on
Though we try
Its gone
Hang on
Though we try
Its gone
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Sometimes its faded
For fear of growing old
Cant stop growing old...
Placebo - This Picture

4:08 pm
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
..:: spending time....AGAIN!! ::..

so today was my off day and i slept till 3pm! hahaha. so shiok. took my shower and got ready to ge to the office. hahaha. off day and still go to work! *workaholic*
went to work to the normal exclamations of "what are you doing here?!" and the double takes when walking past my desk. haha. almost all of them do the same thing! haha. sheesh. like still not expecting to see me is it? and maybe also cos i only strolled in at 5pm!!
anyway, today was great cos i bumped into my very good friend Black! after almost 1yr++ of not seeing him! haha. i mean, he went to ns and then i hadn't seen him since he finished bmt. wow. that's long.
i was like a farking mad woman screaming and jumping when i saw him! everyone was looking!! so pai-the-seh! apparently he's been working at the coffe club at millenia for a week ready! but i've NEVER seen him! sheesh. obviously i never pay attention to the people there. kwakwakwa.
and as a punishment for not contacting him all this time..i had to buy him a drink. so since i was hungry anyway, we headed for starbucks. weird though. the barista was quite bitchy! no idea why! from the moment we walked up to starbucks. even Black was puzzled! pfft. ANYway, we are supposed to go out on friday. wee!! hope he dun buih me! heh.
since he's gf came. i went to work and he left. walked in to find yixiu at the front desk. haha. shocked me for a minute. thot leona cut her hair!! went into the office and it was practically dead. only the two drafts and En+Yixiu. all the PV were missing.
then slowly they walked in. one by one. all giving me that "SHARMILA!! YOU'RE HERE!!"
apa nak buat...superstar! hahahaha *rolls around laughing uncontrollably*
then met with khai at suntec for a smoke. he's working there now but he can't leave his place for long so i go over to his place to smoke. sheesh. love really does make you do silly things. from millenia walk all the way to suntec. "aper jer!" [ok, private joke. sorry.]
i asked sina where she's going after work. told her i wanted to go shopping for a skirt. she said she needs to think about it. then, after much pestering, she said no. hurhurhur.
skali, while going down the escalator, she said she will follow! wooHoo!! so off we went to marina square to shop!! wee!!
i was actually out to look for a mini-skirt, lycra, black.
first we went to Dorothy Perkins. No have. but....i ended up buying a really nice tube top and....something i've been DYING to get.... SKINNY WHITE JEANS!!! wee!!! so happy!! and it's a nice fit!! and was the LAST piece!! and ON SALE!!! apa lagi nak tunggu?? beli lah!! yeay!!!
so, still hoping to get my skirt, we headed for Topshop. couldn't find a single skirt at all with THAT description. pfft. but...i ended up buying a white top i'd always wanted to get, and a black boobtube!! it was really love at first sight! i just HAD to get it!! and...i FINALLY got my black leggings! at long last!
at first i didn't think it'll look nice on me cos they said that chunky legs don't look nice in leggings. but i tried them on and they looked fine! i guess my legs aren't THAT chunky after all. so happy! i feel's the word.... er....ELATED!! that's it!
so in the end, i bought like FIVE things! [all of which were either black or white.] and sina...she bought ONE top. ONE. haha. always liddat la. i will buy so many things and she....just ONE! hmph.
so, here's the stuff that i bought. would have put up the actual picture but it didn't really turn out that

so now you see the proper picture...soon you'll see picture's of me wearing wait patiently.. hahaha. as if awak2 semua nak sangat tengok saya pakai baju2 itu! "aper jer!"

11:51 pm
Monday, July 16, 2007
..:: aper jer!! ::..

today was filled with work!! i loike!!
now i can be a certified true workaholic! lol.
but seriously. i love work. i dunno. maybe i'm crazy. i love doing my work. of course, there are times where i get pissed with SOME people for valid reasons. but on the overall i love what i do. i guess it's cos i've always loved watching travel and living. and i love watching those shows about rich people's houses and all the different types of furniture. oh, and i love watching cribs and checking out the stuff they have. so i guess i'm like living my dream. haha. i get to do what i want. and it's in the industry i love. luxurious, chic and pricy furniture. ahaha. ok la, pricy shouldn't be one of the reasons. but... heh.
and the best thing of all. almost 90% of the furniture we sell are from my most favourite place on this planet... ITALY!! i wish i could just live there! i love the people, the food and the fashion [of course! duh!]!! i can't wait for 2009!! going to ITALY with the family!! weee!!!
ok, so i've actually just notice how LONG my posts are. sheesh. sorry people, i just have alot to tell. and i thought i just talk alot! hahaha. must try to summarize. but how too?? i just HAFTA tell the whole Goddang story! haiz. i think it's an Aries thing. or runs in the family?? nah..definately and Aries thing...
ok, enough already.
oh..i just have to say this. khai is working just walking distance from my office now!! BUT, we can't even go for lunch together cos he doesn't have the time! nyeh. work so close yet can't even meet! not even for a cigarette break! hmph. but he DID say tomorrow we could meet. hurhurhur.
i miss my boyfriend...........
oh ya! and insya'Allah, we are going to KL next weekend. yipee!! hopefully this time everything goes well and nothing happens. insya'Allah. i just really need a break la. but must make sure that when we leave, nenek is okie dokie! if not, i don't think i will feel comfortable holidaying.
if we go, i'll finally get to meet my darling long lost cousin!!! wee!!!!
MIHA!!! i'm coming to town!!!

11:08 pm
Sunday, July 15, 2007
..:: happy birthday Dev!!::..

we celebrated Dev's birthday last night at Atticca. i loike. and the best part was that the dj's for the nite were DJ Titus [!!] and DJ Ya5ith[!!]. the moment i knew they were dj-ing, i knew i was gonna have a GREAT nite!! they spin the best music i have ever heard. a good mix of old skool, top 40's and lates hip-hop r&b!!! my love when it comes to dancing and cocoking langit! weeee!!!
i started grooving the moment we entered the place. was still quite empty at that point of time though. we finally got a table . it was 5 seconds to Dev's birthday so they decided that he should drink till he ages by a year. made him drink straight from the bottle for 5 seconds straight!! wakaka. after that, his face went all scrunched up! haha.
john arrived a little later [am not talking to him still.] made Dev drink God noes what. next thing i know, Dev puked in the corner. haiz. he looked bad after that. and he was all over the place! haha. but, being the birthday boy...what else could you expect right??
anyway, was dancing with leona on the dancefloor when i turned and noticed someone. looked extremely familiar. i looked harder, and realized. it was him. haha. i smiled and he smiled back. so i thought, hmm...he recognizes me! told leona to go over to where he was and we did. stood right next to him and danced. member pon shiok sendiri! haha. then, he did the dumbest thing. "excuse me, what time does this place close?" what a pick up line ain't it? hahaha. obviously he DIDN'T recognize me! haha.
me: you don't recognize me do you?him: [stares] [smirks] ok.him: [looking worried] should i recognize you?me: yes.him: [looking even more worried] where have we met?me: [laughs] i was from J.I too.him: [GASP.] what's your name?me: sharmilahim: [GASP.] you mean R----- Sharmila??me: yeap.him: OH MY GOD. you have changed!! [looks at me up and down.]me: hmmm..him: [looks at me dancing] wow. someone is an avid clubber!me: not really... [by this time i was quite..erm...well... OVERJOYED that he had THAT reaction! haha]sheesh. i bet now he regrets doing what he did when we were in school! heh. on the whole, that part of the nite was quite hillararious.
overall, i had a good time. and Dev, i hope you did too. hope you were having a better day today then last night. i'm sorry you felt the way you did. don't take it to heart ok?
john disappeared within an hour of wishing happy birthday to Dev. how rude. and he was the one going on and on about how we have to get him so sloshed that he would need help getting home. and he left. gosh. made me even more disappointed with him. haiz. john and i were so close. and now, i just can't look at him. he just really disappointed me. and what's worse is he did it TWICE!! i can't believe it... he noes that i'm upset though. i've stopped joking with him. i've been real serious at work with him. he doesn't call me anymore unless it really requires us to speak. he just sms-es me. and i do the same too. pfft.
when he arrived at the club last nite, instead of doing the usual "JOHN!!" i just looked away and acted like he wasn't even there. and when i was dancing with Dev, Dev pulled john to dance with us as well. i guess he must have thought that it made things ok with us cos he spoke to me like normal and got all excited and asked "Are you working tomorrow??" and i said yes. then he started clapping his hands and smiled and got excited. then i said "Actually no. i worked today. just going back for a while to do some stuff." den i walked away. gosh. and he showed me his new handphone too before that. hoping i would give a reaction. haha. i just went "hmm. ok."
and today, when i went back. i guess he wanted to see if i would talk to him. he did some things to get my attention. like...
1. play a loud annoying game.
- my reaction: didn't even flinch
- a normal reaction: JOHN!! what are you doing??
2. exclaimed how cute something was in a magazine he was reading.
- my reaction: turned, heard what he had to say [he was really excited to see a sun tanned pig]. laughed. and turned.
- a normal reaction: You and your pigs! crazy! love pigs so much for what??
3. exclaimed how cool something was in his magazine.
- my reaction: no reaction.
- a normal reaction: what's cool??
oh, and i broke my spoon while eating lunch, he laughed! he thought i didn't hear it! then i walked to the back to get another spoon and he offered me his. ha.ha. i told him it's ok, there's one at the back. sheesh.
ARGH!!!! i just don't understand. but sina says there's something bothering him. so i guess i should cut him some slack. but still, there's just some things that has no excuses. nyeh.
anyway, today was my nieces baptism. Megan Natalia Anthony. so sweet right the name. i love the name Natalia. so sweet. she gonna be one hot chick when she grows up. haha.
marryanne was there. surprisingly. gerradd was cute. so quiet. abit too quiet la. but i love his eyes!! long lashes and big round eyes. lovely. but just too quiet. haha. i guess he'd rather be quiet than be as noisy as the parents! hahaha.
must visit nenek soon. khai went to see her today. she lost a lot of weight. all she seems to be now is skin and bones. says it's too painful for her to eat. and it's no good cos she's been passing motion too much. so she's dehydrated. tomorrow is her check up. hope all is good. will most prob visit her on wednesday. i'll be too busy the rest of the week to visit her after work.
i hope khai doesn't worry too much la. he's always so sad when he visits her. he doesn't want to loose her now.

9:19 pm