*Janji Pada Mu*
[Tiada kusangka sejak detik itu
Kau membuka pintu kamar dihatiku
Cinta yang terhampar satu tika dulu
Bersinar kembali
Pandainya dikau mencuri hatiku
Dengan kejujuran dan tingkah lakumu
Memberikan aku satu keyakinan
Mendungkan berlalu
Akan kupertahankan cinta ini
kesetiaan kupadamu
Akan kutempuhi onak duri
Demi untukmu bidadari
Percayalah janjiku ini
Andainya kau
jauh dariku
Dekat dihatiku
Andainya kau yang pergi dulu
Hampalah cintaku
Jangan tinggalkan ku
Jangan persiakan cinta yang murni]

12:44 am
*ma best fwen...*
i'm so touched by wat u say....i almost cried...you
ARE the best! although we might have had our differences in the past... everything has turned out ok! i really
ruv you deary! tanx so much for being there for me and understanding me so well..hope our friendship last forever...you are one person i can really trust! [
all tha best to u in ur life..be it your love life, family life...or your health! i noe i may b irritating at times..but i guess i do it all to hide ma insecurities... but i really have fun with u.. n i love he fact we can call each other all sorts of things n yet we noe we r just joking![
babi btul! haha!!]
anyways, hope your life will b filled with happiness and protection from
[love ya babes!

11:36 pm
* i need help....*
i feel horrible...my studies are going down the drain...my love life is zilch at the moment cos my guy aint around...[ i havent received a
single freaking letter! wat the
my bro is surrending himself most prob end of the month...i happy that he's finally doing it...butat the same time i'm sad cos i'm really gonna miss him...i havent really been able to spend time with him and this past year has really been different...i've really began to bond with him...i've begun to understand his
life better...[most prob cos my daRRRling lead the same life as him before.]
i'm gonna miss him...n i'm sure my sis'll miss him too..eventhough she never really
hangs out with him much ...always hung up with
charlie, charles,charles,charles! hehe!! well...i guess it'll do them both good...
i almost cried wen he told me what he's gonna do... 3 [
god damn freaking] years! he's like my best guy fren! hehe!! we may not show it, but we know how much we all love each other... [love you Ed!]
i quote his fren.."this is sharmila, syed's most
beloved sister.."
that really touched me.....
baby...i cant wait for u to come back....please....]

12:02 am