hey!! i just got back..damn tired! i went out wit me primary school frens n her guy..n her very noisy fren! hehe!! they're a nice bunch of ppl...bump into my ex-classmates from j.i.{no not the terrorist group...it's JURONG INSTITUTE!! a.k.a.natinal gossip institute} haiz...Wan...Wan..me thinks that it ain't gonna werk out..i can't picture us together... too bad... looks like i'm gonna b single again for a long...............time......sian! haiz..so boring....hahahahahahahaha!!!!! ok den! take care y'all! seeyaz soon..whoever...MUACKZ!!!

10:03 pm
hie2! i'm back... geee...i just typed so much n it's all gone! bloody fuck!! it's okay...i can re-type again..i ain't got a thing to do anyways! tanx for the pic kik! but i look real bad here.. must be the eyes...blue makes me look like a ghost! damn!!
haiz...realization sucks!! when it hits u, it hits u hard!! i'm finally moving on..no more crying for him...no more worrying about someone who doesn't worry about u! he is the past..a past that will never b forgotten...damn...{listening to "best i ever had(gray sky morning)-vertical horizon...so true...} haiz... but that last phone call really meant alot to me... at least i noe that he's gone due to the unforseen circumstances... n not bcoz of some other bitch! ooops...sorie.... not!! hahaha...{now listening to "cry me river" haha...another soundtrack for us!} i guess he only called so that won't think that he's disappeared again with some other bitch..i mean woman...haiz..bitch,woman..same difference! hahaha!! i'm so....mean! thank you!
well..on a brighter note...the cortina watch shop guy is back! n so is the noodle guy! is there a reason for they're return at the same time...or is it pure coincidental..? hmmm..... {taps finger on lips n tinks....laughs out loud! hahaha!! nuts!} haiz...that watch shop guy really reminds me of the m!@#$%^&*...damn...i just can't run away from him can i?? everything around me has something to do with him...fuck!
I NEED A MAN!! damn that's pathetic...but i'm so bored...no guy...haiz...no sex...hahaha!! joke! but do i really need a man..?when i've got the best sister in d world!!{love u!!} and the best sistAs!!! {love u gals!! yeap, that includes u jon! hehe!} what would i do without u people... oh!n not forgetting me dearest cousin!! SMellY!!hehe!!
hmm....maybe i'll get a guy soon...maybe i'll get him next year...or maybe even in 5 years..u'll never noe will u?? i'm weird!! haha..one minute i wan this guy...n the next i just wane be frens....what's wrong with me??? {baby if u give to me...i'll give it to you...i know what u want...u know i got it...baby if u give it to me...i'll give to u...as long as u want...u know i got it..}
ok..i think that's enough for today...gonna go disturb girls on irc now...hahaha!! so fun u noe...gudnyt!! muackz!!!!!!!

10:53 pm