I love you... I love you, I love you
Baby I love you,
you are my life
My happiest moments weren't complete if you weren't by my side
You're my relation and connection to the sun
With you next to me, there's no darkness I can't overcome
You are my raindrops, I am the seed
With you and God who's my sunlight I'm blooming, grown so beautifully
Baby I'm so proud, proud to be your girl
You make the confusion go all away from this cold and misty world
I am in love with you
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you
I'll never leave
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me"

9:51 pm
if i wrote u a love letter, would u write back?
haha!!! last night was the best night out so far!! i saw my babygirl smile! n when i say smile...i mean
really smile!! it was like from ear to ear! she was really happy... that's really great!
we had a new member to the group last night! fazdy-wudzy!! hehehe!! really cute! i think the way she danced was very...
original! hehehe!! wanted to go to Wu Bar, but the girls really wanted to go to hendrix...n i guess it was all good cos alot of things happend...n man it was good to see nana terrified! the poor girl is afraid she might loose the man of her life....
as for me, it was ok lah...except for the part where they kept playing 21 questions...the girl version...even though it was a girl singing....i just couldnt take it last night...sori girls....but on the overall...
I HAD FUN!! especially when dj big played my fave song at the moment...
Isabella!! i sang that song like a dumb
minah sesat at a hiphop club!! haha!!
oh!! i almost fergot...i totally didnt really
layan nana last night...and we were all pissed that she had to come home wit us...damn! but when we reached hendrix...normally i would say hi to nana n ask her how she's doin...but i didnt...it took me quite a while before i actually said hi....cos i didnt want to seem rude...
u noe wat i mean...
damn! i still havent gotten any letter from sham...wat the hell??!? haiz...i have this strong feeling that maybe he hasnt received any of my letters...that's why i havent gotten a reply...but then, he
DOES have my add...unless he's forgotten it...that old fergetful man!!hahaha!!!
okden...gotta go study now....peace out......................

8:10 pm
harroe!! i played netball today!! so fun!! i LURVE netball!!!! weird rite? u guys must be thinking...really??? SHE likes SPORTS?? hahaha!!! yeap! i do! n we{me n ma frens} are gonna make this a weekly affair... yesa!! excercise!!!! den lose wght n look nice fer ma baby wen he comes back! yeay2!! i'm so PROUD of maself!!! yippee!!!n i aint mad at him anymore....i've gotten over it redi...i mean....wats in d past is in d past...bt i aint done wit nana yet! i do not see the need for her to act so weird whenever i ask her abt sham...weird!!!!!! WATEVER!!!!

12:33 am

Say Anything...
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
1. alittle horny but its all good!
How horny are you? brought to you by Quizilla

"what up gangsta"
which 5o cent SONG are you? brought to you by Quizilla

10:22 pm

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

The ULTIMATE personality test brought to you by Quizilla

You charming girl, you're Rose McGowan.
What sexy girl are you brought to you by Quizilla

10:19 pm