..:: tired. ::..
nenek has been moved to a ward.
i'm exhausted.

11:54 pm
..:: if it's not meant to be...it's not meant to be.. ::..
everything happens for a reason....i just saw her on saturday...she seemed totally ok...
today, after i excitedly went through the list of things that remained unpacked... after i exchaged sms's with andrea about the trip...i got a call from khai... nenek was in critical condition. apparently there was more blood in her intestines than they expected. she had to go through surgery immediately.
khai was so upset. i could hear him holding back his tears. what really shook him was that nenek told him she won't be able to see him get married. even i wanted to cry after hearing that. she is really dear to him. to see him in this state just hurts me so. and knowing that nenek has to suffer hurts me even more.
and what i don't understand is how the doctor could have made a mistake. they already cleared the right side of her intestines..and they were already dressing her wound...then the doctor realized that the left side was bleeding as well.. thus she had to go under the knife a second time..
i dun understand... she seemed ok... she was so cheerful...
and now the doctor says that there's only a 50/50 chance of her pulling through... she's lost so much blood... i don't understand why didn't they check on her earlier when she was complaining about having pains in her low abdomen area...
i really pray that she gets better.... she's such a sweet old lady... i really do hope that she DOES get to see khai get married....
papa, mom and nani followed me to the hospital after work... we went in to see nenek...since only 2 people can go in at once, mom and nani went in to see her... i was too terrified... i never know how to react when it comes to seeing people who are sick... all those machines and beeping noises just scare me... i guess growing up with all those things were enough for me! and the weird thing about me is that i tend to laugh alot eventhough you're supposed to be serious or you know...sad... i just laugh... and i'm sorry if all of you felt offended..but it's just how i react in these kinda situations...[sorry.]
will go to the hospital again tomorrow after work....
and since i'm off on wednesday, i'll spend the day at the hospital with khai..
and about the thailand trip...i guess we were never meant to go... i realized this when i was contemplating on cancelling the trip... we had a huge fight the week we confirmed the trip..and we fought constantly week after week whenever we spoke about thailand... and now, finally we really can't go... i guess it really wasn't meant to be... and i'm sure it is a blessing in disguise...
things happen for a reason..fate works in a funny way...
Labels: life. fate. blessings. love.

10:32 pm
..:: insya'ALLAH jadi bakal cucu menantu ye? ::..
i hate stocktake.
i don't like doing stocktake.
i do not enjoy stocktaking.
but i do love the free lunch. nyeh.
ok..so i haven't been updating. well, i've been rather busy and having no access to my pc doesn't help either! haha. my aunt from kl is in town. which means that the 2 lil rascals are here!!! they've been here since friday and are leaving monday morning.
sleeping arrangement has made it impossible to access my pc. my aunt and uncle, together wit lil daniel, are bunking in my room. and the other boys have been camping out in the living room. nani and i in the boys room..and well..the parents remain in their room. nyeh.
it has been so much fun having those small people around. daniel is just too adorable. and adam, gosh. he just has LOADS to tell. always making up stories there and then. haha. such an imaginative mind!
having them around has also allowed me to spend more time with my darling khai. met up on friday. had a bit of a fight [sempat kau!] at taka after buying the boys their gifts. we were celebrating lil daniel's 3rd birthday. but si abang adam tak puas hati cos he doesn't get any presents so we had to buy him a gift as well! haha. bought for lil daniel a pikachu toy [yes, he LOVES his pokemon!] and adam a lego car [ he LOVES cars AND lego!]. also bought for them a remote control car to share. gee. the look on lil daniel's face when he saw that pikachu was priceless. he was so happy and excited!! and adam loved BOTH the cars! haha. but the remote control car was a little faulty cos it won't go forward. adam calls the car the 'go backward' car. haha. kids!
so when we were at taka getting the gifts, there was a food fest going on outside. khai realized that his friends were working there so we hung out with them for about an hour or so. sheesh, security guards are so slack these days. especially the younger ones! haha. we had indian teh tarik [absolutely diabetic!] and kopi tarik [super diabetic as well!]. we made our way home at about 8.30pm. when we arrived, the kl people were already eating! haha. lil daniel was so excited to see us! haha.
finally they opened their presents! so cute lah. they were just so excited! and they went around kissing everyone and thanking us all. they even kissed khai. so sweet. so happy that they can all get along. and aunty z was nice as well. haha. :P
on saturday, was supposed to bring lil daniel out. he didn't want to cos he was upset that adam went out without him. said he hates me. haha. was so upset but kids will be kids aye? he hates practically everything. he hates milo cos it's yucky [but drinks it up in a gulp before sleeping!] he hates sleeping cos it's yucky [but will shoo everyone out of the room and say goodnight!] and he hates mr bean [but watches him religously!] kids! so hard to understand them at times! but love them to bits!
adam kept telling all sorts of stories. everything and anything under the sun that he can come up with! haha. and he is just getting smarter and smarter by the day! time sure passes by fast. i remember when he was younger, about 1 or 2 years old... i would read him stories before he went to slept and he would finish all the sentences for me [he knew all the stories by hard!] and would know if i missed a page! so smart right? and he knows all the different car models! all thanks to his dad. haha.
haiz. so sad that they are leaving tomorrow. hurhurhur. wish they could have moved to singapore instead. nyeh. love them to bits.
so back to saturday [ter-sidetrack pulak.] since daniel didn't want to go out with us, we decided to meet all the rest at marina square to walk2. as we were just walking out of the lift to get a bus, mak called khai on his mobile. nenek was re-admitted to the hospital. well, the story goes like this...
after her leg op., she wasn't used to using pampers. so she always controlled her bowels and her tummy was really bloated. no matter what they gave her or how much they massaged her tummy, she just couldn't go. she wouldn't even let go gas. so yesterday, while she was in the toilet with the nurse about to shower, a huge balloon of blood drop out of her you-know-where. she was so shocked! she said it was as if someone had a miscarriage! she was immediately rushed to the hospital. she had to fast the whole day and was on glucose drip and they had to transfuse blood cos of all the blood she lost.
she was much better though yesterday compared to a week ago. she's back to telling her stories and joking around with us. so happy to see her like this. such a sweet old lady. and now she lift her leg and bend her knee! really happy for her. and she doens't have that negativity anymore. she is a much happier person now. and she kept smiling at me. was so nice to talk to her again. when we left, she just smiled at me as if she wants to say something but din know whether to say it or not. i started to laugh cos she looked so cute. then she stretched out her hand as though to touch my face...and told me how pretty i am. so sweet aye? i was blushing all the way cos khai's uncle and aunt were in the ward as well.. so memaluating! but i was so touched.
after the visiting, we headed down to bedok for dinner... jalan cempaka kuning. all sortsa food there!! there's the new hawa place. a western grill stall. spize is there as well [same place we went the last time with khai as well...chicken fajitas...remember??]..really great fun. was really nice to be out with the family again.. all of us...would have been great if aunty zan was around as well... haiz...
family gatherings....i missed syed today. wish we were talking again. it would be 2 years since we last spoke to each other this coming november.. as much as i would love to be able to go out with him and talk to him....but i know that if we go back to the way things were... it would be rather tough on me again... i DO NOT want to go back to that. somehow...it's like a good thing... at least i know i won't be spoiling him. haha. me, the youngest, spoiling him, the elder brother. hilarious aye? that's life.
Lily Allen
Ooooo deary me,
My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed,
I tell him he should get up cos it's nearly half past three
He can't be bothered cos he's high on THC.
I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea,
I can't even see him cos the room is so smoky,
Don't understand how one can watch so much TV,
My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.
Oooooo I only say it cos I care,
So please can you stop pulling my hair.
Now, now there's no need to swear,
Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.
Ooooo Alfie get up it's a brand new day,
I just can sit back and watch you waste your life away
You need to get a job because the bills need to get paid.
Get off your lazy arse,Alfie please use your brain
Surely there's some walls out there that you can go and spray,
I'm feeling guilty for leading you astray,
Now how the hell do you ever expect that you'll get laid,
When all you do is stay and play on your computer games?
Oh little brother please refrain from doing that,
I'm trying to help you out so can you stop being a twat.
It's time that you and I sat down and had a little chat,
And look me in the eyes take off that stupid fitted cap.
Please don't despair
Please don't despairMon frere
the perfect song. i was laughing my ass off after hearing this song cos it's what it really is for me! haha. lily allen is genius!!

11:44 pm