" I think God made you for me,
A mix of passion and fidelity,
Baby you're so complete...
I write this song to let you know,
That you will always be to me,
My lust, my love, my man, my child, my friend and my king..."
Haiz, wonder what's taking so long for him to reply to my letters...wonder if he has actually got them yet... anyways... Saturday wa GREAT!!! i really enjoyed maself!! man i was high! haha!! but not as high as some other people...u noe hu i'm talking about! Hehe!! i'm so proud of maself! eventhough i like tot a few guys were cute, i didn't flirt with them or like do wat SOMEBODY did, {hehe!!}, i jus looked awhile, told some ppl i tot he was cute, then fergot abt him! hehe!! I love ma baby!! hehe!!
and i'd like to take tis oppurtunity to thank a few ppl...Black, u're da best! thanx for ur help n concern! really appreciate it!! :) Amy n Hairi!! Gee, u guys dnt even noe me tt well, or at all as matter of fact! but u guys r willing to help me...i'm really touched! it really means a lot to me... Tanx guys! :D U guys r so.....sweet!! i could just hug u!! *hugz**hugz**hugz* {hehehehe!!!}
well, i'm finally getting used to him not being ard, funny cos it's harder than all the other times... i guess cos now i noe how long he'll be gone n tt he WILL be coming back to me.. :) but there are days where i feel like i just want to pick up the phone n call him , den i realize..."hey! he's not home..." you noe the feeling....where u just need to talk to someone...and tt's the ONLY someone u want to talk to...but u can't cos he's not around... all u can look forward to are his letters... and it takes a longer time to arrive than normal letters....n tt sucks... :(

5:37 pm