Thursday, June 21, 2007
..:: i miss my boyfriend. ::..
i think every month we try to break a record. haha. the longest time spent away from each other.

last time we met was at fiana's wedding. that was 10th June 2007. thus, it has been exactly 11 days since we last met. we didn't even get to meet on our annimonthsery [yes, i do still celebrate every month! nyeh.] he has been working non-stop since monday night. and when i say non-stop, i really mean NON-STOP. he went to work on monday evening and hasn't gone home! and no, i did not bully him and pressure him to work 24hrs...36hrs...48 hrs!! he just wants more $$ for the trip cos his boss is only gonna pay him half his salary first and the rest when he gets back.
cos his boss is afraid that he won't come back after the holiday.
cos he just joined the company. heh.
anyway, today work was boring. yes. i said it. BORING! from the moment i came in, i had to rush to the main showroom to get the fabric samples for xiu. then i had to arrange courier for them. then john came so i had to go through with him all the things to transfer back to the warehouse. so boring. then need to do invoice and check delivery schedule. the only exciting part was when i had to help xiu attend to her client cos she had to go out for an appointment. heh.
stayed in the office till about 9.30pm. got bored at about 8+pm so i decided to shift my things on my desk. so now my pc is in a diff position and i have more desk space. heh. if u see my desk i'm sure you will wonder why on earth do i need so much space. haha. well. it is SPACE anyway. haha. ok. lame. sorry.
so i just got off the phone. finally got to have a real conversation with him. for the past few days all we ever say to each other are..
- Tengah buat aper?
- Dah makan?
- Makan aper?
- ok, tomorrow kalau i free i call you.
- apa-apa msg.
- love you.
- goodnight.
how sad right? it's like we are just having a verbal sms conversation. now you know why i miss him so much. so todays conversation was precious. we finally had a good 1 1/2 hr telephone session. yeayness. he did most of the talking though. told me storied of what all those boys [and man] talk about in them middle of the night. men will always be men. all they ever talk about is sex, soccer and women. haha. thank god khai doesn't like to elaborate when it comes to these kinda topics [sex and women that is].
ok, i'm extremely sleepy.
shall sleep now.

11:07 pm
..:: lets make a memory ::..
today was my off day.
how did i spend it?
i spent the earlier part of the day online doing nothing but blog-hopping, searching for music, updating the song on my blog AND browsing friendster.
it's amazing how time flies when ur on the pc having fun! i had to keep pushing myself to get ready to pick up the tickets and drop by the office [yes i went back to work on my off day. workaholic. help.]finally got my butt up at about 4+pm. went down to sunny holidays to pick up my tickets!!
WEE!!! our morning flight is CONFIRMED. i'm so the excited!! first time holidaying with deary. and we're going with my bestie andrea and the new man in her life, mr matthew. [heh. finally she got this one right!]can't wait to rest and relax. finally. another 13 days!!! i have to get my bag out. and i have to start packing by next week. unlike si kak nya tu, already started packing. i think she's the MOST excited among us all. haha. khai doesn't want to think about it. haha. he's too nervous. never taken a flight before. on top of that, he's TERRIFIED of heights! anyone out there got a cure for people who are afraid of flights??
after getting [and paying. *sigh*], was a little hungry so went to buy something from bugis. then took a bus to work. haha. i know. WHY take a bus when i can freaking WALK right?? well....bugis IS further than city hall you know. so i have all the reason in the world to take a bus...eventhough it's just 3 stops away. nyeh. as usual, when i reached the office people were like "eh!! what you doing here??" haha. john even worse, i came back just to do his work and he can tell me he haven't prepare it yet. pfft. felt like smacking him. then he gave me curry puff. haha. so he was forgiven. haha.
went to the main showroom. just about to reach then bumped into Lu and Xiu. Lu was so cute, she put her hands on her hips [i think it was her hips. cldnt tell, she's SO pregnant. due next month!] and gave me THAT stare. LOL. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" i just smiled.
ali and mok were at the showroom today. heh. i was just walking off the platform to go to the main office then mok saw my legs i guess and ran in. smiled. and said "sha. hi." waved. smiled again. then walked away. i tell you, he is one confusing fella.
why is he confusing? cos we can be in a conversation, like really talking, then suddenly he will stop and walk away. pfft. watdehell. even worse, he will call me over, then when i do walk over he acts like he DIDN'T call me over. seriously. so annoying. i give up trying to understand what the hell he's doin!
left the office about 8.45pm. had 5 min to have a ciggie before the shuttle bus leaves. i actually asked the uncle if i could smoke first. haha. i've found a new friend. ahakz.
when i came home, my room was re-arranged AGAIN. i leave the house for FOUR hours and i come back to a changed room. sheesh. i can't imagine what'll happend when i'm away for a week!!
*note to self - MUST remember to bring the camera along! MUST remember to bring the memory stick as well!!* If you don't know if you should stay
If you don't say what's on your mind
Baby just, breathe there's no where else tonight we should be-
You wanna make a memory.

1:34 am
Monday, June 18, 2007
..:: sometimes you make me feel like i'm living at the edge of the world ::..

i'm overjoyed. another favourite band of mine is coming to town! i don't believe it!! suddenly all the great bands are coming to town! since last year..coldplay came, but i didn't get to watch them. the killers came, and i didn't get to watch them. placebo had a mini performance, and i didn't get to watch the performance either. and i told myself, if muse ever comes to lil ol' singapore...i'm definately going!! even if it cost me a bomb!!
AND I WENT!!!! the best concert i've ever been to! i mean, duh. compared to the ricky martin concert i went to when i was like 15! so all that shoving and pushing and losing my new pack of ciggies was worth it. oh ya, did i mention i lost 10 bucks as well!! but the ciggies really broke my heart.. only had 2 sticks..
the whole experience was awesome. went with khai and the boys. so much fun. and muse is THE best band ever! matt was just superb. chris is always just magnificent. and dom. wow. the best drummer. really worth my money watching them perform. the best british band. heh.
and now...the cure is coming to town... i know i mentioned that i'd definately get the tickets once payday arrives.....but.....
i was heading to the main showroom and i bumped into yixiu on the first floor while walking to the mailbox.. saw her looking at some products at a roadshow.. went up to her to disturb her..then she handed me an envelope. THE envelope. at first i was blur. i thought she just wanted to show me some flyer. then i stared at the cover and i said to myself "ni benda macam familiar jer.." and i realized what it was... opened it and...there it was... "The Cure Live in Singapore"... these five words stared at me. and then yixiu walked away smiling.

YIXIU BOUGHT IT AS A PRESENT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!! i simply couldn't believe it!!
i didn't get it at first..then she said she bought it for me.. so i thought she meant she bought it for me first and i can pay her back when it's pay day... then i saw the price of the tickets. i was like "xiu, i don't have this much money to pay you back!!" how embarassing. then she just smiled and laughed and said "i BOUGHT it FOR you!" i was still blur. simply caught me off guard. absolutely dumbfounded. didn't know what to say. i walked up to her slowly. my jaw must have been touching the floor by then. and i just stared at her. and she gave me this huge smile and hugged me! i just froze.
where can you find such a fantastic colleague like her??? all that hard work and having to put up with all the "NOW!" and "CHOP2!" was all worth it. this is what makes me love my job. to know that you are appreciated. to know that all the work that i've done thus far hasn't gone to waste. to finally feel like you mean something to the company.
these new colleagues of mine are the best bunch so far. my previous colleagues has never shown so much gratitude to the staff as much as this bunch has. once you stop thinking that work is work, you know you've found the place you've always wanted to be.
thank you yixiu for making me feel so appreciated.
and annette too. the best Asst.Mgr one could ever ask for!!
***to khai - i hope nenek is alright. i'm so sorry to hear about her having to go for the op. do take care of her well. i pray that she will get better after the operation. and i promise i will visit her on my off day. we have to cheer her up. i can't imagin what it's like to lose a leg.... i just hope that things will get better. love you always. me.***

10:33 pm
..:: we think the same things at the same time. ::..

caridee won!!!! yeay!! though many of you most prolly knew that a long time ago..i simply enjoyed watching melrose's expression when she realized she'd lost! hahah! i can't stand that woman. gawd. she is SO irritating! and she still had the cheek to say that being called a bitch was not worth it. haha. bebeh, it's called KARMA.
had always wanted caridee to win since the first time i saw her. she reminds me of nadia! haha. really! for those of you who know gotta agree with me right?? her attitude, character and features are so similar!! and the way caridee hid dizzily..gosh, exactly wat nadia would have done. FOR SURE!
work today was a very typical sunday. totally no mood to do any work what-so-ever. kinda did xiu's quote. got quite annoyed by the fact that i have no clue which model i'm quoting for as there isn't any that i could find with the same description. nyeh. 'salright though. have till tuesday to finish it up. somehow i feel that i've forgotten to do something. dunno what it is though. first thing tomorrow morning when i reach work - get samples. pfft.
sat at the reception today. got to listen to the music they've been playing. normally i sit at my desk and play my own music so i don't really pay attention to what's on outside. pleasantly surprised to hear thom yorke singing. somehow i knew it was him and have been asking the others if it's him. but apparently none had an answer for i checked the lyrics to the song and voila! confirmed. the sound of thom yorke echoes through our showroom. felt so stupid though. didn't even know that he had his own solo album. duh. been waiting for radiohead's new album to come out. thought i'd never be able to hear their music ever again. can't wait for the release!!

did some research on the hdb scheme for fiance/fiancee. not bad. got the dates re-confirmed for the course this year. somewhere in september. hopefully BOTH of us manage to make it! so hard to make time these days.
parents coming. stress will begin after that. hurhurhur. i wish it would come soon, yet at the same time i wish it would take a lil longer. we need to seriously start saving up man. do weddings HAVE to cost so much?!

1:32 am
Sunday, June 17, 2007
..:: happy father's day!! ::..

celebrated father's day a day earlier cos lil ol' me has to work on the actual day. nyeh.
had dinner at Mino-Q japanese restaurant at king's copthorne hotel at havelock. affordable buffet! $38++ for an all you can eat japanese dinner! food was alright. we had a whole lot of food. what i liked the most was the snow peas... i LOVE snow peas.... and also the fried tofu which they served in a sweet chilli sauce. delish! the rest of the food wasn't anything fantastic. on the whole, i give the restaurant three and a half thumbs up! the japanese restaurant at purvis street was much better.
so papa liked his prezzie. and datuk got a battery operated shaver from mama. when she told me what she got him..i was like "why? he doesn't really need to shave...." lol. but datuk liked it...
the whole dinner, the eating process, was great. we had a good time talking and eating. then i kinda opened the topic of when i get married can i stay with the parentals for while waiting to get a immediately said NO. papa said ok. haha. so then we started talking about buying a house and renovations and where to buy a house... so stressful...
i think we need to register for a house end of this year...prolly get one that'll be ready in a year or so... then by the time our wedding comes, we just have a few months to wait for the house to be ready for us to move in.. just hope that he has enough in his cpf to buy a house. heh.
if things go as planned, his parentals will be here in august to do the official proposal.. i dun see the need for this..i mean, we're the ones getting married..and he already proposed to why do the parentals have to propose to my parentals? sheesh. traditions. i can never understand them! but i guess we hafta listen to what the elders say and respect their decision. suddenly they are the ones to decide how much dowry should be given and how the whole wedding will be done! the things we kids have to endure! hahaha.
i just hope that papa will be nice and not start giving his ever so popular 'they're too young and should wait' speech. if that happens....i dunno what i'll do. i seriously dun get him at times.
initially he was against us getting married so early...then the next thing i know he's shoving brochures of caterers in my face and deciding what kind of food should be served...then he goes back to that 'you should wait a little longer' mode. *confused*
and my mom isn't making things any clearer for me either! she is all up for the wedding cos practically ever other cousin is getting married or engaged or giving birth soon! so i have to be the
next girl to get married. then, when the 'fever' cools off...she tells me to wait a lil longer... HELLO!!!
SO DO YOU WANT US TO GET MARRIED SOON OR NOT???? i bet if khai was a rich man's son they'd marry me off in a jiffy. heh.
i've already done all the research. i've already set a date for when we should attend the pre-marriage course. i've already decided on what kinda wedding to have and who my brides-maid are. i've already set THE actual date!! can i at least have a confirmation from someone?! sheesh. it's as if i'm asking them to sign a million dollar cheque! can someone explain to me WHY parents are so confusing??
the funniest thing today...nani suggested we
nikah gantung. cute. so cute. if only. but if it were that easy....everyone would be doing that! i'm so happy hdb has the fiance/fiancee scheme!! so much more easier to get a house. no need to gantung anyone. hahaha.
and so the journey begins..but only after we get back from thailand. heh.

12:37 am