Tuesday, March 15, 2005
heya people!!! *stressed out*man, i tot that skool would be jus like before....i guess i was wrong.... i've got to complete 3 freakin assignments in 3 weeks n i havent even got a clue as to wat topic i should do! argh!!! on the other hand, my teacher commented that i did an excellent piece of werk for an essay homework.. kewl! but he oni gave me a 7.5/10... daym...well, life has been good.. family problems have evaporated... everything is back to as it was 7 years ago..[today it's 8 years actually!!] no more arguments or misunderstandings...hopefully this'll last for long... khai n i discussed marriage last night! yup! he's really serious man...unlike the other mofo... which is good la...cos i really cant b bothered to be "just having fun" anymore... i think right now is the right time....to....settle down...with jus one guy n not be hopping around like some people my age are doin...[gotcha! :P]so now, i'm inviting all u peeps[those of u that i noe la] to my wedding...it'll be somewhere in october..2010! [gotcha again!!] haha!! i love doing that....ok then...gotta go now...my werk awaits me...bye guys! love u'all n missing all u guys!!p.s.: congrats to liyana and ash! i noe, was due long ago...jus didnt have time to blog or meet up.. congrats to alicia n ian[is that d right spellin??]! at least on of us is REALLY gettin' married! peace out..........

9:16 pm