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anyhoos, i decided to go to ikea for a little shopping and so he was dragged. heh. on the way there, i decided to pay changi airport a visit. i had a sudden craving for Swensen's [and only at T2 ok!]. i was actually having a really bad 'wind' attack! haha. i din't eat anything for dinner the day before and so my stomach was so filled with air that they were decided to call for war and started 'poking' me all over! pfft.
it was really bad ok. i couldn't walk properly, and i couldn't even stand straight. by the time we reached T2, all i wanted was a glass of HOT water. it didn't really help though.. and even after eating..very..slowly.. the pain didn't go away.. and so.. i had no choice but to BURP all the wind out. lucky thing khai wasn't too grossed out!
here are just some picutres for fun....
**i love the baked mussels!! you must try it!!**
**ok, i loved the beef baked rice..but khai didn't.. and the breaded chicken was a bit TOO oily for me, but khai was ok with it! haha. guess we should have ordered for each other instead! haha.**
**after stuffing our faces with all that.. we still had desert! they were having this promo.. 1-for-1 on all sundaes and ice-cream! but we wanted the banana crumble.. and since it ISN'T a sundae, we assumed it was just 1..but.. there was TWO!! too much! i couldn't finish mine.. if you haven't tried it.. you MUST try it the next time you're there!**
**i wanted to take pictures at the airport. i ALWAYS go to the airport.. either to fetch someone, to send someone.. and occasional, to be sent & fetched! hehehe. but i never once took a photo OUTSIDE the boarding area.. so now.. i have! weeee!!**
after lunch [and a puke fest in the men's room thanks to khai.. all due to over-eating!], we made our way to IKEA!! i was so psyched to go ok! i just really wanted to see the place since i've not been there since they opened.. so sad right? everyone else has been there but me! nyeh.
my main purpose was to check out a daybed cos i want a new bed in my room.. my mom insists that it's too big for my room.. but i tink it's fine... my room may get a bit smaller.. but.. it IS just me in there aint it? and it can be a sofa in the day... and i like that i can put lotsa pillows on it and i can just sit in it and read a book.. OH, PLEASE CAN I JUST GET IT??
i even took a photo of me sitting on the bed, just to show my mom that it is fine! but she still wouldn't let me have it! hmph. i'll try again. get her pissed. annoy her to the max. she'll eventually give up telling me i can't have it and let me make the mistake! hahahaha. but it'll be worth it. haha. and i'll paying for it.. or at least.. i will? my dad says he will buy it for me, cos it's only $199 [w/o the mattress]... but i thought maybe we could split it.. haha. cheaper for him AND me!
so here are just a few shots.. i didn't really take many pictures cos khai suddenly became very moody.. and i have no idea why, till today....
**i bought 2 boxes to keep all my hazanah and a table lamp for my room [i'll share a little secret with you.. i can't sleep with the lights OFF. i'm afraid of the dark! :( hurhurhur] .. and the lamp is red on the inside! i loike!
i also got ice-cube molds.. they are rubbery so it's easy for the ice to pop out! i first saw them at aunt zira's place and i told myself we HAVE to get 'em! i bought 3 different shapes..
GREEN - bottles, PINK - jigsaw & BLACK - hearts
i also bought containers which i will use as lunch boxes!! hehehehe. since i'm on this really strict diet, i'll start bring food from home.. and food meaning sandwiches.. and i only eat TWICE a day..
though..saturday was a treat cos we had swensen's for lunch..AND at home.. i'll tell ya later...**
**told ya he was moody.. i dun understand what happened though.. one minute he was fine, and the next.. muka boring. hmph.
maybe he was pissed that i was buying stuff and he couldn't...
but it wasn't my fault.. and it's not like i bought rubbish.. i bought things that i really, TRUELY need. **
so on our way home, it was very quiet... he just kept to himself. din talk to me at all.. maybe it was because i didn't want to follow him to Qian Hu to buy his goldfish... and maybe he found it wasn't fair...
but we were already in the east..and for me to go to the west and come back to the east was a pushing it a little right? and i even invited him over to my place to hang out.. but he didn't want to.. he NEVER wants to.. it's always ME at his house and never him at MY house! it's NOT fair!
when i got home, my mom [whom which has started talking to me again.] and nani were just finishing making tarts! haha. hari raya is over, and it's only NOW that they start making tarts! haha. but it was good. our dear aunty siti's very own recipe. yummmm...
and about my diet..so i lost 1kilo in a week.. and i am determined to continue this diet FOREVER! then, my mom decided to cook sambal goreng and asam pedas ikan merah. hmph. i simply couldn't resist. i LOVE my mom's asam pedas!! i can never say NO to her asam pedas. [by the way, asam pedas is a malay dish. it's cooked using mainly chilli, tamarind and some leaves called 'kesum'...and of course..my mom has her secret recipe.. hehehe. and ikan merah is red snapper]
if you just eat this asam pedas while it's piping hot with just white rice.. fuuyooh! *slurp* sedap!
oh.. and my mom and i started talking after the attending a funeral. my ubcles wife passed away on wednesday. it was a sudden death. she wasn't sick, she was quite healthy. suddenly, after her morning prayers, she was breathless and called out for my cousin.. she just couldn't catch her breath and so my cousin got her to read all her prayers and say everything she should say.. and before she went, she told my cousin.. "please ask your father to forgive me.. " and immediately, she collapse onto my cousins shoulders....
the hospital kept her for a day as they wanted to find out what was the cause of death...
i only meet my uncle during special occasions and i have only ever seen him happy OR serious. and that day.. he had the saddest look i've ever seen... and his youngest daughter is 11... haiz.. i had such a flash back.. i had to constantly remind myself that i'm at someone's funeral and stop myself from crying...
the next day, i couldn't help myself.. i had to ask my dad about my mum's funeral... i can't remember most of it unless people help me remember them.. i can't even remember if i was at the cemetry! so, i HAD to ask my dad. apparently, in the ground to bury my mum was my dad, the guy who sells goreng pisang at tekka market, and another man my dad simply can't remember. haha.
an old pak cik selling goreng pisang at tekka mall was one of the men who buried my mom. why? i have to meet this man. for all i know, i could have been eating his goreng pisang all this while and didn't noe he was at the funeral. haiz.
and my brother wasn't around at funeral. he couldn't go. he must have been really sad. and now, he couldn't even attend abah's funeral too.. i can't imagine how he feels..
i HATE cancer! it is EVIL.
The lavender ribbon is recognized as a symbol for all types of cancers.. it symbolizes hope and support in the fight against cancer. learn about colon cancer here..
my mum suffered from it, and it really hurts alot.. learn about it, help support it's research... help others in their fight...
..:: when love is in the air ::..
..:: yeay, yeay, yeay. ::