..:: straight from the bitches mouth ::..
so, yeah.. it's been a while since we spoke. i still can't meet you without getting enraged. i still can't talk about you without blowing a fuse.
i do actually miss talking to you. i do miss laughing with AND at you. i do miss having a younger sister.
i guess i just have to come to terms with the fact that you're growing. and it's a sad but true fact that anyone who enters the "GREAT" art school of this lion city will change. they will either be cold-hearted and big-headed....or cold-heartedly big headed. either way, they will change...some for the better...most for the worst. with this said, i guess you are the minority who has changed for the better...though still cold hearted and swollen in the head.
i guess what really pisses me off the most is that i see abit of me in you... and the fact that no matter how matter of factly i tell you so... you never listen..and you will never understand what i'm trying to do till one day...maybe 20 years down the road... when u see someone doing the same things as what you did, will you realise what I was trying to do...
for now, you just see me as a miss "know-it-all" bitch trying to ruin the happiest moments of your adoloscent life.
but i am sorry that our relationship turned out this way. i'm sorry you see me as a bitch. i'm sorry that you feel i'm ruining your life. i hope that you're life has been good without me bothering about it. and just for the record, i don't snitch on people who i have cut all ties with. so i hope you stop pointing your finger at me for every problem that happens in your house.
you know what, i guess we will never go back to what we were. it clearly doesn't matter to you and that's why it's like nothing has happened. while i'm here thinking what a waste it is to lose someone over something petty that happened months back.
all i can say is that i have no regrets over saying what i said. cos i know that in the years to come, you will understand why i said it.
you don't know what it's like to lose a mom at 7.
you don't know what it's like seeing your loved one deteriorate in front of you and feel helpless.
you don't know what it's like to wonder who really loves you.
you don't know what it's like not having a real family.
you don't what it's like to live a life full of up's and down's. all i'm asking for you know..is to sit and try to understand what i said... i don't expect you to be my friend. i just want you to understand.

1:08 am
..:: spring/summer '07 ::..
so this year's spring/summer collection is fab.
gold and silver is in again. not only for the clothes but make-up as well. gold and silver eyeshadow, full eyelashes and dark eyeliners. what's also in is nude lip colour, topped with a tinge of red or pink lip gloss.
headbands are in too.. the normal elastic types we all used during school days. and also the new thin ones that look like bra straps. also something most of us used a while back. marc jacobs has design a great line of head bands..decked out with jems. gorgeous!
ponytails are also coming back in style. high pony-tails and low pony-tails. tie them high with style by giving them that extra bounce at the ends. tie them low and casual finishing off with a chiffon bow, inspired by Chanel.

most designers have come up with a very futuristic line of clothing this season. alot of metalics. alot of robotics. some have created the most vibrant lines ever, namely D&G and Gucci. i like the dress below by Gucci. the colours are rich and vibrant. the flow of the dress is so soft.

i watched E! today...thus the post. haha.

7:20 pm
..:: marriage. ::..
Wiyah's wedding is this Sunday...June is Fiana's wedding...December....got 1 more wedding... aiseybedah...
it's ok...just count down the days.... not too far away....
just have to be patient...

10:20 pm
..:: haha. never get me started. ::..
Your Celebrity Style Twin is Mischa Barton |
 Funky, bohemian, and girly. |
Your Celebrity Boob Twin: |
 Lucy Lawless |
You are a Rocker Girl! |
 If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's. Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know. Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime. Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker! |
You Are 32% Spoiled |
 You're barely spoiled. You may have some nice things, but you never let them go to your head. You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have. |

1:05 am