Saturday, June 02, 2007
..:: roadtrip ::..
so as mentioned yesterday, we drove up to Malacca today. woke up at about 6.30am to a grouchy mom. nyeh. all were rushed to get ready cos we were running late. left the house at about 7.15am.
my initial plan was to sleep once i entered the car...but then i got hungry and started munching. heh. slept a lil later, almost halfway through the journey. reached malacca at about 9.45am. met aunt. z & unc. a at the Esso qiosk. of course, they were accompanied by the 2 lil rascals. and nani and datuk too as they were staying with aunt z in kl at the moment.
danial was so excited he was bouncing all over the place!! haha. i really mean BOUNCING! like tigger from winnie the pooh. he was so cute. the arty-farty managed to get hold of him and he sat with us till we reached our lunch destination...
had the yet another unsatisfying lunch. nasi lemak. i was so upset that even nasi lemak in malacca wasn't good! the dishes i chose looked really appetising..but tasted horrible. such a let down.
after lunch we headed to the new mall. had quite a few nice things there. bought a top and shades [which i intend to make into glasses]. saw a bunch of weird emo/punk kids. such weird dressing they had! and i thought we were bad!! we were actually there just to waste time while waiting for the barrels to come back [they wanted to see the ships at the historical place].
once they got back, we started on the real journey. the main purpose we drove up to malacca was to see datuk's kampong and his mother's mosque. went round in circles and finally reached after what seemed like hours!! the result..
this is the house which belongs to his mom and was supposed to be his but as he was too young at that time to take care of it, his uncle took it and promised to return it once my datuk was old enough... that however didn't happen... and now, apparently no one lives in this house cos it's too 'hot'... hmm....yet they still don't get it...

this is the mosque which datuk's mom, my great-grandmama, wakaf-ed. you see, this whole plot of land belongs to his mom, and was supposed to be handed down to datuk.. but as mentioned, they didn't follow through... but at least the mosque was built according to her wishes...though it only opens at certain hours...

there we met datuk's aunt...she lives next to the mosque. they chit-chatted while we ate ice-cream. it was so cute. this old man rode in playing the ad of one of the ice cream on his speaker...the boys got excited and all of us got ice cream. haha. once they were done with the catching up, we headed to datuk's brother's house. when we reached [another 1/2hr drive!!]his brother's was in pahang! haha. but there was this other old lady, nobody seemed to know who she was...and nobody dared ask datuk.... anyway, they were talking for about 15 min then we left. we actually took some pics with the kids in the house but it's with aunt z. hope she forwards it to us...
so after all that visiting, we got hungry. papa suggested we go for dinner at the portugese settlement area. upon reaching the place, i remembered going there a couple of times with my two different families! haha. we ate the new-er place though. the food was alright i guess. i wasn't too satisfied either. heh.
i liked the view though. very relaxing. eventhough it was scorching, it was nice...

got tired of waiting for the food so i took some pics...
me with aunt z.

me with the grumpy danial. he just woke up and was super grouchy! nyeh. but i still managed to irritate him more and make him happy with picture taking sessions! haha.

i love my mom's phone. the pictures are so bloody CLEAR!!!

11:51 pm
Friday, June 01, 2007
..:: seriously. ::..

spent the last half hour taking photos, uploading, photoshop-ing and taking more photos! haha. bored. boyfriend hasn't called. most probably cos he thinks i need a day to cool off before things get back to normal...
once in a while it would be nice if you actually called and tried to figure things out! gosh. i'm sure he's actually pissed by the sms i sent him last nite. wat do you expect?? i was pissed and hurt. i really can't believe he asked me such a question... makes you wonder why people always say that
they are greedy, and blood-suckers! always wanting to TAKE, and when asked to give, makes it seem like the end of the world!! it's not that i want to bring it up...but come on!! why do i always end up the one that is so generous?!?!?! fark it. i'm not going to be generous anymore. and if you're not happy, you can jolly well find someone else who is willing to be as generous as i am.
i told you before, don't take advantage of my generosity. apparently you must have forgotten.
you have no idea what i've been thinking lately. i should let you know that you are walking on thin i hope you know what to do. i don't like the way things are going now... and as much as i hope things will get better, i think it's going to take quite a while. and my patience has dried up.
i don't even feel like going to thailand anymore. maybe i won't...maybe i will.... i dunno. the excitement has vanished. it's just so appalling for someone to ask you such a thing!!
no gentleman would.
Labels: love. hate. fed up.

11:53 pm
..:: vesak day ::..
met lenny and kai for lunch at bugis. we had swensen's. the worst lunch ever so far. i strongly discourage anyone from trying the prawn n fruit salad.

gosh. it was TOO sweet. gross. i tot that the mango dressing would be sour. you know, like the thai salads where the mangos are super sour. but it was sweet. like it was meant to be for ice cream and not salad! and it wasn't savoury at all. it was more like a desert rather than a salad! how can anyone eat lettuce with SWEET sauce!! and the fruits...they were fresh fruits either! they were preserved!! and i would have thought that they'd give mango...but they gave preserved JACKFRUIT!! and the longans tasted like jacfruti too!! i made them change it. i ordered the seafod tomato chowder.

the only thing nice about it was the bread and the fish. i dun understand why the have to use FROZEN prawns and clams!! even the salad used FROZEN prawns!!! gosh. it was such an awful lunch, i felt SO sick after that meal! gross. so disappointing. i guess seafood at swensen's is a big NO! bluek.
i headed for khai's house afterwards. felt so sick in the train to his place. reached his place and he was hungry so we ate. i was in desperate need of a drink. coke. i really needed a coke. but din have any cash after we bought food. took some pics of him eating chicken. but it's in his phone and i forgot to transfer it to my phone. duh. after eating, totally forgot i wanted to drink my coke. walked back to his place. saw chino after so long. last time i went there he was out dating. haha.

wathced spiderman 3.

kinda got carried away half way thru and had to pause the show. hahaha. continued watching after that. wat a great show!! loved it!! i'm such a spidey fan! haha. thanks to Ed. kwakwakwa. had a blast with khai today. chino was getting edgy cos he wanted to go out but couldn't. meowing non-stop.
i got hungry and suggested to go to the pasar malam at his place. i opened the door wide and chino immediately ran out!! haha. khai was like "yes lah. so clever." lucky enough, his neighbours walked out of their house and gave chino such a fright he ran back in!! haha. thus, was left at home. poor kitty. i bet he was like "daym."
WALKED all the way to the pasat malam which was at central. gosh. i was so freaking tired and wanted to take the bus..but mister k decided we should WALK! thank you very much.
reached at last, super hungry. i bought so much food.
ayam percik.

burger ramly.

cheese hotdog.



in the end, i only ate the kebab, the hotdog and the chicken. haha. rest gave to the boys at home. this ALWAYS happens when i'm hungry!! but at least i got my COKE!! weee!!! i love coke!!

so all in all...the day ended nicely...until he had to ask me the dumb question. honestly, how could you even think of asking me that question???? isn't the answer obvious?? haven't i always done that for you??? why did you have to ask me that?????

12:23 am
Thursday, May 31, 2007
..:: woopdeedoo ::..
so sis finally got her divorce settled!! WOOHOO!! and she got FULL custody of NADIA!!!! woohoo!!!! so since she was on leave and i was off, we met up at orchard. had a BLAST! bought her a congratulatory lunch. then we went shopping!! i bought SO many things...
since my blusher has depleted...and the stoopid misha blusher i bought is too light to be noticed! i decided to get my MAC blusher! finally i got the right colour for blusher!! it's a great choice for those with a slightly darker me...very the kopi-susu....and you only need to use a little to get it noticed! and MAC blushers last!

i also my brow pencil, Maybelline 'Line 'n Design', cos it was all finished and i had to draw my brows in black this whole week!! nyeh. it's quite worth it as well cos it lasts at about 2-3 months...for me at least cos i only draw my brows once a yeah...those who constantly touch up...maybe it won't last as long..
headed for TOPSHOP next. spent ALOT there! [daym.] i finally got my shorts i wanted for Thailand! then i bought a top and a skirt! and sis bought a dress-top. haha. yeay! i can't find a picture of the top i bought..will put it up once have a pic!
these are the shorts which i bought...the EXACT colours!

and the skirt i bought is something like this but it's blue+grey stripes...and the "flaps" are kinda diff...but basically it's this kinda skirt....

i also got....a RING!! weee!!! i don't have a pic of it now...but once i get a nice pic of it i'll put it up!! and it's from my DARLING!!!! wee!!!!
met up with dre and nur today... nur wanted sis to wait for her before she left to meet kak anis for dinner. so when they reached, they congratulated her wit a big hug! haha. walked together to wisma then sis left.. went to topshop [again!] but this time only dre bought... then they wanted to look at bikinis...din get one though! nur got cranky cos she was hungry so we had to feed her...drove to cine for dinner at pastamania...
chilled at starbucks [thanks for the drink matthew!!] after matthew left, we started bitching about people we know! haha. so the norm! hahaha... dre drove me home! farking hell of a ride! this mat was cabar-ing wane race with wrong to do that... she went full speed and man, she was FAST! then at the red light, the mat was next to us, and he kept looking in but kinda not obviously cos his MINAH was sitting next to him...all three of us couldn't stop laughing! i so had the urge to look at him with an "L" on my forehead. did it! den these mats on bikes turned up on the right of us and i couldn't help laughing cos these guys kept looking at us and trying to cabar dre to a race. watdefaq?! sheesh. and i was like sitting RIGHT in front... wat a rush! but it was fun! hahaha!! lucky no TP!
ok.... meeting lenny for lunch tomorrow....been awhile since i chilled with her... but kai will be there...nyeh. it's ok la...just lunch anyway.... then meeting khai! yeay! can't wait...should go to sleep now!! it's freaking 3.30am and the cats downstairs are fighting again!!
...i loved today ya'll!! your company will always be treasured!...

1:29 am
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
..:: unbelievable ::..
i can't believe it!! miss universe 2007...Miss Japan....wore my favourite GUCCI dress!!!

she's really pretty..and i think her answers were quite ok.. least ms korea didn't win. gawd, she sounded so.....barbie! haha.
anyway, today work was great!! tiring, yes... but still GREAT!! gosh. i stayed at the office till about 10.30pm finishing up all my work before my off days... cool bananas!
i'm going SHOPPING tomorrow!!

12:07 am
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
..:: story of the day ::..

finally remembered to bring home the cable for my mobile and...TADA!! i have finally uploaded all the pics i promised to put up...lets see... lets start this off with the pics of my birthday prezzies...haha! almost 2 months over-due!
these are from daddy...

these are from mom (the perfume), the arty-farty (the voodoo doll) and the ns boy (the shawl)....

and this....this is from my colleagues!! can't remember if i already posted this pic...but yeah.... heh. here are some latest pics of me! hahah...this is so just gonna be lotsa pics!
these two pics...i was bored at work. 'nuff said!

notice how my pose is the same as the model in that CD ad behind me! LOL!
and these... i was bored at his house. hahaha!

ok....picture overload! haha.
sleepy now.

1:02 am
Monday, May 28, 2007
went to wiyah's sanding today...she was GORGEOUS!!!!!!
absolutely stunning!!!
and man, it was a hot..Hot..HOT day today!! my bloody baju kurung was soaked thru! and it was super embarassing la! but i had a good time today with khai...finally after almost 3 freakin weeks we finally get to go out today!
after the wedding, went over to khai's place. chill out a while.
got hungry and went to 7-11 to buy hot dogs and pom-poms. fried them and ate just enough before heading to mak besar's house.
had MORE food there.
oh! and we walked there so my baju kurung got soaked thru again. had to stand in front of the fan once i walked in. so memaluating!
then zali came home and khai & i took some songs from his phone. like ALOT of songs!
ayah came and we hung out for a while more.
then kakak came home so we chatted some more. she told us about the spooky events at her new place at punggol. this confirms that i will NEVER move to punggol!
then dayah arrived...outside...din come in though...weird. but what the hay.
then finally ayah was tired and ready to head home.
papa called and said would be sending nani home so could fetch me.
sat under mak besar's block till they reached.
tot could give khai a lift but car was packed.
sorry B.
reached home the same time khai reached home. that was weird considering we stay at least 30min away from each other (by car that is).
and now i'm about ready to go to bed.
so, goodnite! :P
Semoga perkahwinan anda akan berkekalan hingga ke pintu syurga! AMIN!

1:02 am
Sunday, May 27, 2007
..:: photoshop. i loike. ::..
so i spent the last few hours...erm... i think i started just after the Janice Dickinson show on channel 5. so yeah, this is the result.
i think i'm getting the hand of things...........
anyway, it's Wiyah's wedding in a few hours. khai has managed to psycho me into wearing my white baju kurung! nyeh. no i have to make sure it doesn't get burnt while being ironed!
and!!! this morning, i boarded the bus and tapped my card...but the machine didn't make that "toot-toot" sound.... to my horror, my card was missing!! and i NEVER take it out of my pouch unless i need to add value to it!! so someone TOOK it!! and i told my mom and she made the maid look for it....
you know, she can lie about so many things but the one thing she can't lie about is my ez-link card "hidding" in between my letters! IMPOSSIBLE!! like i said... i NEVER take it out of my pouch, let alone take my pouch out of my bag! so what kin of game does she think she's playing??? and it's so obvious she's lying cos everytime she lies, she gives the same kinda answer... and i had at least $22 in my card...tomorrow i'll just have to brace myself to see the remaining amount!
UNBELIEVABLE!!! lucky i had some coins in my wallet! if not, i'd have to WALK to work!! not that it's very far...but it's farking hot at 10.45am!!
anyway... to dayah:
i'm sorry too for the misunderstanding and having to go thru this unneccesary period. hope lessons have been learnt and that what's in the past, stays in the past.oh! and i took some pics at work today and wanted to upload it... heh. forgot to bring my cable back home! SO CLEVER!!!!

1:42 am