..:: 1 year. 9 months. ::..HAPPIE ANNIEMONTHSERY!So today is our annieMONTHsery. Nothing much planned. Going to his house. :DI'm having PMS and he's the victim. Sorry Bee. Dunno why everytime I get PMS, I just get irritated easily, and he always gets it the worst..SOWIE.Anyway, today is Thursday, and tomorrow is Friday. THE Friday.
I have been patiently waiting since last Wednesday for the news. I called Sonia on Friday, she told me I would know by the following week [this week]. I called on Monday, she said maybe later in the week. I called on Wednesday, she said she can only let me know on Friday. TOMORROW!!!It's ok. Patience is a virtue. Patience pays off. Kesabaran adalah separuh daripada Iman. [nyeh.]Please pray I get that SPECIAL call.
I can't take HER anymore.

12:00 pm