..:: yeay, yeay! da nak raya! ::..
my nani had been in town for about 2 weeks and today she left with aunty zira back to kl. we made good use of those 2 weeks! haha. made sure we got our dose of laughter from her melataring! hahah. she's so cute la! can get her to do anything u tell her to do! hahah.
last night, i made her sing hari raya songs.. haha. many versions ok! she sang in a deep voice, a high pitched voice, an indian accent and a chinese accent! haha. very farnie. the past week, we made her do cute and scary faces! haha. and the results..
today, i was woken up just in time to kiss her goodbye. i will be seeing her again on thursday, and fret not.. we will continue our melataring again! hahahhahaa.
on thursday, khai thought we should meet since he was just at suntec. stayed in the office till about 9.30pm. i got quite bored of waiting so in the end, i started taking photos. gosh. the camera must never be in my hands la.. i'll just keep taking photos of myself! hahaha.
there's plenty more actually but i think this is enough for now yeah? finally it was time to leave and i made my way to the bridge that connects suntec and marina square. it was good seeing him after so long. it never really bothered me much before, but now i realize that it's not doing us any good meeting only once or twice a month.
i used to think that meeting like that was good cause we will miss each other so much that by the time we meet, it would be great! little did i know that it also meant we would drift apart... i told him we should start spending more time together instead of just meeting when we're free. those few minutes meeting up in between suntec and marina don't really count cos all we do is spend about 10 minutes talking. it's not enough! i miss walking around town and hanging out with him. i miss all those special moments together. i guess that's why we've been fighting.
i miss us....
enough of the sadness!! while waiting for him to finish work, and after realizing that i've taken too many pictures of myself.. i decided to walk around the showroom and take pictures of some of my favourite things..
the 'Lenoir' white crystal chandelier

Louis Poulsen's 'Arthichoke' Chandelier
Nelson's 'Sunflower' Clock
Gorgeous Brass Candle Holders
My Style - Poliform
Louis Poulsen's 'Collage' Lamp
Books by Poliform
Louis Poulsen's 'PH' Pendant

aren't they just beauties? i love them all. my favourite chandelier is the Lenoir by Italamp. they also have it in black. it's just too elegant. all those crystals. wow. i fell in love with the Lenoir the first time i saw it. haha. really gorgeous. the Artichoke is another favourite of mine. no words can describe it. no doubt there are many immitations out there, but it's still a classic. no one can make it exactly alike.
anyhoos, yesterday was fun. just the 3 girls working the weekend. what a mistake! haha. the whole day was spent making fun of each other! halfway thru the day, sina decided to take her passport photo and of course, moi had been given the task of snapping
itthem. gosh. first it was the lighting, then it was her fringe, and then... the background! haha. we finally got a few good shots and she chose one to use for her passport. hahaha. so kecoh la!
we decided to go for dinner at swensen's after work. before shutting, i managed to take some pictures with these 2 crazee women! haha. if it weren't such great colleagues, i think i would go berzerk! we're always doing crazee things together and we can really connect. thank goodness!
sina, me & o.c
sina & me
me & o.c
always endless fun with these 2 ladies. it's really great when you have colleagues who are just as crazy as you! hahaha. luv ya girls!! xoxo
lets backtrack a bit. thursday night, i reach home at about 10++ and was greated by a bunch of hyper kids. aunty zira and family came to town to fetch nani and datuk. i got to play with my cute cousins for a while. danial was supper hyper! he kept bouncing of the walls! haha. he kept running into the kitchen and back into the living room and then to the room to disturb he's sleeping dad and then out again! haha. finally gave him a book to keep him busy and to calm down before sleeping.
once danial was asleep, adam knew it was gonna be his turn soon. i got him to sit with me and do his puzzle book. aunty zira wanted to get some fairy lights for her house in kl so i suggested to head to geylang. the moment adam heard that we were going out, he wanted to go too! we all got ready once danial fell asleep and headed to geylang! at 11.30pm ok!
on our way there, nani didn't escape from her melataring duties! haha. it was so fun in the car. after 20 minutes of torture in the car, we finally reached. we went to a few stalls selling lights but none had lights that were nice enough. finally, after almost an hour of searchin, we gave up. we crossed the road to walk back to the car when we stumbled upon another stall. this stall, i fell in love with immediately!! they had the cutest lights and even flowers that could bloom and light up!! it was so cute!
aunty zira loved the lights too and so did mom so we all bought lights there! all in all, we bought about 6 lights! haha. 3 for aunty zira, 2 for mom and... 1 for my room!! weee!! i had been looking for something to add to my oh so dull room, and this was it. i love it!!

initially i wanted to hang them at my window, but mama said it'll look very deepavali-ish. haha. so i threw it on my glass shelf. it's so nice!! i love the glowing feel. it's so cosy now. i LOVE it!!
yeay, 6 more days to raya!! 3 more days to kl. a few more days to meeting john, the married man! [oh! which means i'll get my platypus!! weeeee!!]
btw, my boyfriend has been missing the whole day. he's mobile is off cause the battery died. we were supposed to meet today but i couldn't not wake up this morning. he rang me at 8.20am ok!! how to wake up! he hasn't called me since. i'm sorry, but i always spend my mornings off sleeping.. hello! there are payphones everywhere, couldn't you at least call me?? sheesh.
and i'm sorry nenek is back in the hospital again... i hope she gets better in time for raya...

9:42 pm