...:: tuesday. ::...
i had fun at work today.
i really did.
i knew what i had to do. i managed to understand a few things. i'm beginning to know how to manage my time and how to plan and schedule my week. i knew that by finally getting my own desk, i'll be able to do my work better. way, WAY better. i'm more organised. i got my own set of things, i.e. stationery, pedastal, folders, etc...
gosh. time really passes fast. it's exactly a month tomorrow since i've joined SPACE. wow. and i'm finally getting comfortable. i guess it was pms that made me feel like i made the wrong choice in joinin space and that the people there aren't very friendly. today was a good day. everyone was friendly...even mr Wee. cool rite? heh. baby, i'm not gonna quit. i like it here. and even if the people there piss me off once in awhile, or even every now n then, it's ok. i won't let them bring me down.
**i love lacuna coil.
got to meet the BIG boss today. our boss from Australia. scaree. i've never seen mr Wee that way before. so... scared. hah. no offense. he just always seemed to be the scary one, so to see him scared, wow. weird.

10:12 pm
...:: 160107 Fort Canning ::...
guess who's gonna be there.
guess who else is gonna be there.
Khai...and I.
i bought the tix today. khai n i, standing infront of them, breathing the same air,watching them play LIVE. i can't wait. thanks guys for making my dream come true.
i can't wait. i'll need to take the day off.
camping! heh.
i can't wait!!!!!

11:16 pm
...:: pay day. the end. ::...heh. spent half of my salary already.
i enjoyed myself yesterday! i ate alot. i slept alot. i did some EXERCISE. and..........i bought CD's!!!!
finally.... i bought my CD's.
2. Supernova - Rockstar
3. Mansun - The Legacy
Heh. i'm enjoying the music! love,love,LOVE it!!!
i'm actually at khai's place now. just wanted to send myself some pics for my desktop wallpaper cos i can't use internet at work so easily. and now that i've bought those albums, i can play it while doing work cos we have finally moved to the new showroom! weee!! i have my own desk now and my own pc! and my desk is big!! bigger than any of the other desks that i've had. and it's more private. wee!!!
ok la.... i shall continue updating tomorrow.
*p.s: mashie! welcome back to bloggin! at least for now. heh!

8:47 pm