Saturday, September 03, 2005
my dream wedding...after looking through STYLE's wedding magazine..i finnally got a clear picture of what my wedding will look like...i have decided to have a goth wedding...jus like carmen electra's! i'm gonna have black and red drapes..the table will have centre pieces of blood red roses.. and my sanding outfit will be a red kebaya with black lace and khai'z gona wear a red baju kurng wit black songket..hehe! and my bridesmaids will be in silver kebaya's wit red embroidery and my family members will be in gold with black embroidery... or maybe d other way round...then my wedding cake is gona be decorated wit red roses and butterflies.. and my pelamin will also be with red roses...n when i say red roses...i mean really BLOOD red my theme is gona be a red gothic wedding...and khai's side will be a black gothic see you guys on my wedding day! jus wait for the invites aite..noi..hope you'll be ard...

11:43 pm i actually spent d whole day at least till abt 6+.. i went to town with my lil bro..went jln2 at heeren then went for dinner at selera bro ate a whole MEDIUM sized beef fried rice!!then i went to the national library and i borrowed THREE books! haha! i've started reading malay books and there isn't much to choose's either horror, religion, love, love and..yes, more LOVE! haha!! then i borrowed for khai his kamasutra book and i took another murder story.. i'm bored i just decided to the boredom away..

11:01 pm
Friday, September 02, 2005
in need a job....well since i've got alot of time on my hands...i decided to change my skin...i mean my blogskin...i've been sending resumes out for the past 2 weeks and still i have zilch! i'm so bored!! i noe i wanted to have a rest and all...but man...wit nothing to do...i'm dyin of boredom....yest was at my sis place...accompanied her to imm for grocery shopping..wen we got back, my bro started making a big fuss abt me forgetting to pick his shirt up from the neighbours house...then my sis was kinda like baking me up and started saying that i was going home soon and that we were tired after all that shopping...den he thot that my sis was lashing out at him so he got all moody and started shouting at us...sometimes i really feel like shovin a pineapple up his arse! so damn annyoing....he's been pampered at home all his life and now he still wants pampering! his freakin 29 lah...get a job or do stg la! no one made him the way he is! no one asked him to do what he's been's his own mistake! dun blame others..jus b'cos some ppl are afraid of him doesnt mean tt we HAVE to be afraid of him too! i'm sick n tired of being pushed around by him and being forced to do things! i'm not a kid anymore! n my sis has enough probs as it is and he's not making things any better! watdefaq!haiz...on a more cheerful note...khai's mom brought me n daya to geylang! it was the first time i went shopping wit her n daya..u noe..jus the 3 of us...she;s really funny.. we talked about khai n his attitude...talked about fashion...she bought a bangle and i chose the design for her! she actually asked me to choose! haha! then we went home and khai bought for me my STYLE Weddings mag n i was showin his mom all the diff pics...she seemd quite interested too! hehe!! that was a great day for me...ok lah...enough of all to looking for jobs again...daym!

2:47 pm