...:: nyeh ::...
i want to listen to "Yeah,Yeah,Yeahs" and "Fratelis"....
and i can't get my cd's back till next, NEXT week cos Khai got chicken pox and i cant meet him!!!!
and.....now that i have a LONG weekend...i'm gona be bored outta my wits cos i cnt meet khai... all the shops are closed because of CNY...and we had to cancel the KL trip cos there weren't anymore tix!!!!!
the only thingi'm looking forward to is the after-party tomorrow! we are going out!! weee!!! after our annual staff dinner, the whole gang is heading to clarke quay! wee-wiit!! finally....i get to dance!! can't wait!
haiz....i miss my boyfriend...and my sister...and my niece....i wish i could see them... hurhurhur...nebermind...this weekend sis say we can go out. yeay! so long never see her....padahal it's been only a week...but i really miss having them around!!!
some people are so lucky to have a great time growing up with their family as a WHOLE.
ok...i better stop before i start going on about how SAD my life was...

12:02 am
...:: a dedication ::...
i've found my long lost love.
i've fallen in love again.
as much as i did before...i love you even more now.
your voice intoxicates my soul...my mind...my body...
i'm mesmerized by the truth you speak.
i'm amazed at how you move me with any word you say.
your hair, your eyes, your lips..... the fire inside me ignites once again...
i'd forgotten about you...but now..it's all coming back to me.
you are...trully....amazing.....my lovely....Bjork.i love this song....i listen to it practically the whole day today...even now! and i got it on my voicemail...and now my blog...thinking of putting it on myspace....hmm....abit too obsessed i think...
i love her!!! always have!! since the first time i saw her drive that big truck in "army of me". my all time fave Bjork song. i wish i could have her hair. wow. but khai'll kill me if i turn up at his doorstep looking like Bjork! hahaha.
her voice...wow.....it's....unique.
and her songs...i feel are really meaningful... haha....dun ask me why....it just is!

11:46 pm
..::: my office :::..
so today at work, just an hour before we close the showroom... i decided to do some re-arrangement. my desk is more spacious now...

it was much more cluttered before this. i had papers all over the desk and you couldn't even see the desk! haha!!

so this is the collection of catalogues i have for myself... heh. as soon as i got to the new office i created my own little library. and as you can see...i have a wall of my favourite brands...all that is missing is some Fendi and Gucci pictures... heh.

and this is the more serious side of my desk...excludingthe CD pics... everyday i have to face the calendar to keep track of shipments or deliveries...or off days. heh.
Seriously! it may seem like i'm overworked. but hey! if you enjoy your work, you can work 12 hours and not feel overworked! the people are great, with the exception of certain days where they feel they have the right to make me seem like a complete idiot for asking an idiotic question, which in my opinion isn't cos its better that i ask first than just do the job and have to make ammendments later!! that's the only thing that makes me pissed working there.
other than that....I LOVE IT. and no, i'm not being sarcastic!

11:33 pm