st. james powerstation last nite ::..
ST JAMES POWERSTATIONnever going there again.
it was alrite. the music was nice. but the dancers. i CANNOT take it. it was like a freaking concert instead of a live band performance!! the bloody canto club is better than the so called "rnb" club! haha! it wasn't rnb at all! it was more like "rnr" - rock n roll! but.......i enjoyed the music cos they played all my fave rock songs.but the dancers!!! ARGH!!!!! farking lame la! that really spoilt it for me. if there weren't any dancers it would be better.
the thing is...for me...as long as i can dance to the music, i'm happy. so i could dance last nite. so i had fun. but i'm never going there again!
but i did enjoy myself with all you peeps. and En, you entertained us quite well. thankiu!
John...thank you!! ;P it was very sweet of you! appreciate it!! i want to work weekend with you again!!!
i was so farking bored today at work! normally on weekends, with john and sina..it's super fun and the day passes smoothly...today... wow! so daym lame la...
anyway...i'm super pissed with khai. i told him i came home at 2.30am and he insisted that i came home after 3am cos there's this stoopid voicemail at 3+am with this girl who apparently has the same voice as me! waderfaq?! and i NOE i came home at 2.30am and slept at 3am cos before i slept i tried to call him again and i check the time i made the call...it was 2.59am!! just before i slept!!! farking pissed! i mean, here i am telling you what time i came home and you think i'm lying! hello! if i wanted to lie, i would have said i came back at 1am. or worse, i wouldn't have told you where i was and just say that i'm sleeping. and not only am i pissed because of that, but it's my birthday and because YOU never even bother to just bloody re-new your passport when you have all the time in the world, yet again i will be celebrating my birthday without a boyfriend around. in fact, NONE of my boyfriends EVER brought me out to celebrate my bday. khai only brought me out once, and that was the first time we celebrated my bday..and only because my mom was in hospital so i could go out. and wen i say take me out on my birthday..i mean ON my birthday...that is..on the ACTUAL day!! and now...the reason is just because you didn't re-new your passport. despite me telling you in advance that i want to go shopping in batam on my birthday and had reminded you constantly to re-new it.

10:34 pm
..:: THANKS GUYS!! ::..
what a great bunch of colleagues i have!
they got me the GUESS watch for my birthday that's coming up!!

now i've got SO many GUESS items. cooLz.
i wonder what my parents got me....

12:01 am
..:: i went shopping. ::..
so much for my ''NO" shopping.
bought a pair of shoes. that's a neccesity at the moment ok. and i did mention i was gonna buy shoes.
but i also but a top from
topshop and earrings from
ate alot. i mean really ALOT. guess wen u're bleeding u just tend to wane eat. haha. but then u look at urself and feel disgusted.
ok, maybe the last part is just me.
and MY GOD! knowing that i'm having my bloody period (no pun intended) couldn't YOU be nicer?! HELLO!! i'm doubleE crankee now! argh.
oh ya. bought 2 books the other day. hope to finish them soon.
the current one i'm reading now is quite good. suspense/comedy/sadness/fell-good kinda story.

11:58 pm
...:: haha. i'm blogging again. ::...
while waiting for khai to arrive...i started to get obsessed with myself and took pictures with my lousy 2 megapixel built in phone camera.
i need to get a digi for myself.
anyway....here's the results.....

and believe it or not...i STILL had time to photoshop a picture!!

oh! and this...my daddy got me new sandals!!!! i love my daddy!!!

2:55 pm
--- ooppss!! ---
AZLIN MSG ME ON FRIENDSTER!!!!!!!! so happy!!! can't wait to meet up!! she's my smoking kaki at JI and she's so fun to hang out with!! can't wait to catch up with her!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!
and one more thing...
apparently nur and og are....[cringes] friends.
found out yesterday...they went to the same skool and og dated nur's ex-classmate.

11:38 am
..:: re-cap ::..
so haven't been blogging recently cos never had a chance to use the mac...the arty-farty and the army boy has been hogging it! heh. so today...my off day...is MY day to use the mac! mwahahaha!!
so here's the updates -
Friday got to know that the girl who just quit her job at space will be joining our department. having the same post as me! BUT....Lu and Net totally dislike her and disagree on having her around!! but as our dear boss has already accepted her WITHOUT even consulting them.... they have no choice but to hire her! it is going to be so awkward! and rumour has it that she has a really bad attitude! wonder how things are gonna be with her and you-know-who! haha.
reflectionsif we ever have another big project like this soon...i'm going to faint! MY GOD!!! there's so much paper work cos the designer keeps changing her mind on what furniture she wants to display and what she wants to return! and she chose more items to LOAN!! AND.....she actually returned the sofa which we indented and specially AIR-FREIGHTED in for her!! can you believe it!!!! my goodness! and on saturday, she came down..and it was just really bad timing la! i was farking hungry...and when i'm hungry i;m grumpy! and i was just about to eat wen miss ee shuu called me to say that stoopid laydee is here to choose more items!! and i had to go down and entertain her! fark rite! the whole of last week, ms ee shuu din come so en and me and to do all her shite! wat the fark rite! the last straw was on saturday la... wasn't even nice to ee shuu...as i would normally just be "ok, no problem".. that day all i said was "ah, ok"
my weekendspent the weekend with Khai.. met him on saturday nite...went out.... was a GREAT nite! then on sunday, went to clementi. met up wit nur+kev for lunch. did some catching up. then nur+kev went to bb to get kev's hair cut. OH!! nur's new hair-do is SUPER NICE!! love it! if only i could get short hair n still look good! hah! still?!? wat the hell?? anyway...so khai+me went to look at fishes and he bot 2 puffer fish. he says they look like me! wat the hell!!
we headed to causeway point initially but found out that the bag the fishes were in was leaking so had to go home ferst to his place to keep the fishes. ended up staying there till about 7+pm then left for causeway point. at his house, his mom cooked noodles...and we found out, a total shock, that his sister came back at 5am the nite before. daring. lucky for her khai was out and she slept before her dad woke up. wow. give them an inch and the want a foot! but then again....who the fark cares what she does with her life now? of course her parents whom which she doesn't give a daym about if money is not involved. and her brother la...who well...only ever matters when he's "needed"..
ok,ok...i'm promised myself i would stay out of her ife... i just can't help but feel sorry for her.... i mean, i did all that too..come back before subuh...stay out till late...but the one thing i did that she doesn't do... i always told my parents where i was and i never once made them worried till they had to stay up and wait for me to come back.. cos they always knew where i was... whether it was clubbing, movies, or at a chalet...heck, even if they call me i'll answer their call cos they know where i was anyway...nothing to hide. i never made them worry.
anyways.... at causeway point...went window shopping.... din buy anything for myself...quite boring actually...
the week so farmonday was normal....actually...not really... went to reflections to get the finalised paperworks done. needed to confirm what was there and what was returned... the shoflat is BEAUTIFUL! if only i could afford to live there. the view is gorgeous. i love having the view of the sea...it's so calming. but i was quite offended that ee shuu din let me help her carry a painting that was practically twice her size! i mean, HELLO!! i can carry it easier. but she din trust me enough to carry it...either that or she just wanted to show ppl she was capable of doing it on her own. but i was utterly offended...
the girl who just got the job at our department came for her final interview and was intro-ed to me and leona... it left us the whole day to think about it... wow. NOBODY wants her here...and she noes it! daym. thick skin siak! was talking about it to cik sal...and she told me the sweetest thing...Lu told her "if i have 10 girls like sha, i'll be very happy.." wow! isn't that just so sweet. i feel so appreciated compared to how i felt when i was in comat. it was always a competition at comat. with a SUPERVISOR mind you. she made sure i always looked bad! argh.
the talking continued again on tuesday...i'm sure it'll continue till she arrives. heh.
oh, khai went for interview at st. james. hopes he gets it. pay is good. hope he gets the call on friday!!!!!! i seriously can't wait for him to start work..
todaysupposed to meet khai to buy my shoe... i can't get him on his mobile..so i guess i'll be going alone. called sis up to meet up for lunch...which means i need to get ready soon. yikes. will try to get khai on the phone...but there really isn't any use in trying cos everyone is asleep and no one will answer the home fon when i call...and his hp never has any reception in his home. it's so annoying. but i tink that the least he could do was to make an effort to wake up on his own! he does noe that we are supposed to meet today.
ok then...need to go get ready for my lunch date! yeay! ta-ta.

10:48 am