Friday, October 13, 2006
...:: HELLO! ::...
So, this is jus one of the pics that we took on his birthday. nice right?!? hehe. anyway, if you wane see more, you can take a look at my album at .So, today started out BAD. The testing server had some problems and the candidate was being problematic! So, I had to call up the help desk and get them to guide my tech guy on how to rectify the situation. Then, the candidate requested to re-schedule his exam. I tried calling but I never could get thru. Finally, I realized that we could not call toll free numbers. So I had to borrow PT's mobile to make the call. When I finally did manage to get thru, I needed to give so many details that by the time I got the details, I didn't need to talk to him anymore regarding the re-scheduling! Waste of time. I wasted 2 1/2 hrs just settling this problem. What a start.Well, that aside... Next Friday I'm on half-day leave!! So, planning to meet Khai at Queenstown to collect my free tix. Then, we can go catch a movie for free!! Weeee!!! I think most likely we will buka at town. Well, at least that's wat i wane do... Dunno about him. Maybe he would rather just stay at home. but so boring la... OH!!!!! We can go to Geylang!! YiPee!!! I wane look at the baju2 there. But.... This Saturday also I'm gng to Batam, most prob to look at the stuff there. Doubt I'll buy anything though. haiz... i'm having such a headache now... i need SLEEP!!!

1:16 pm
Thursday, October 12, 2006
oh ya!! the photos! once i get the pics from daya, i'll put them up aite? sorry...

5:55 pm
...:: new tagboard ::... So I changed my tagboard. not because i din want any of the previous tags no more... just that it always ALWAYS has problems. so i decided to change to one that is more stable. and i assume tat this is stable.anyway, today was quite a dull day. did my normal registrations and sending out of emails. i had to teach the new girl how to do registrations and what are some of the problems we face. not much actually. very basic. common sense will be able to help you through the registration. so it was a very fast training. me n khai are going fish shopping on sunday. can't wait. dunno why but fishes suddenly seem interesting when i'm with him. but it gets annoying when all he ever talks about is his fish! but my datuk says its a good thing! cos at least his into fish n not other stuff like drugs.i really love khai. he is just so super-dee-dooper perfect. he says he can't wait to get married. cos he can't take not seeing me everyday. teeheehee. so sweet. and he said that once he save enough money, he gonna make a grand wedding for us! so kewl!!so khai starts his new job on monday. it's gonna be nite shift, so we won't get to spend as much time together as we used to. and he works 4 weekdays n a weekend, just like me.. so confirm gonna be tough to meet... sigh..but at least his pay is gonna be high la... more than me ok!!haiz...i miss him.. too bad... i oni get to meet him on sunday. actually i wane meet tomorrow wit dre and all... but dunno whether can make it anot.. ok la... need to finish up my work...*peace*

5:26 pm
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
...:: Weee!!! ::...It was Khai's b'day yesterday. 21!anyway, yesterday was fun. we went to IMM. as usual, he was late! i dun understand why he is ALWAYS late when he meets me... or anyone for that matter!So we were talking about kids(!), marriage, work... and he said with his next pay he'll buy me my RING!! WEEE!!!!so exciting!anyway, we had lotsa2 food last nite. yong tau fumurtabak (chix)popiahbubble teaokla... nt really tat much, but the quantity was much and just for 2 people...we were super stuffed after dinner...lucky we walked around and managed to digest everything slowly...den we took lotsa pics...will upload once dayah has emailed me the pix... *tks for lending us ur digi yest!!*so, yesterday when i got back i saw THE letter. Finally i got the letter of offer from SPACE. so i start werk on the 6th. and my last day at COMAT is 31st Oct. so i got 1 week to exciting!!!can't wait to start my new job!! i 'll get my own notebook and i get to make coffee from a real coffee machine(for myself of course) but i'm most likely to go to starbucks every now and then to get my regular vanilla latte! simply addicted to it!ok, so this year, not too sure what baju kurung to get... i mean khai wanted to go ala Indian this year... but dunno if we gonna follow thru with that. maybe we'll just buy a norm baju kurung...oh ya! i'm going to Batam this Saturday with my family... gonna look at some of the baju there.... duno if they've got my size though... hmmm...i gotta get back to werk now. update soon!adios muchachos!

11:50 am
Monday, October 09, 2006
..:: To K's Fan ::..Thank you very much for your wonderful comments about Damma, and K especially. Unfortunately, K is no longer with the band and has moved on. He is currently experimenting with a couple of friends and have yet to confirm the status of this "band".He is currently working a normal job somewhere in Singapore.It is really touching to know that there are still some people around who indeed appreciate such local talent. And to have such loyal fans is what gives them that certain want to carry on with their music.Do keep a look out on this site as there may be updates on his progress every now and then since I know that there are people who know him reading this blog.Appreciate your support.Regards, RawKey (on behalf of K)

12:41 pm
Sunday, October 08, 2006
..:: Life...what’s it about? ::.. Well, I duno wat happend, but suddenly this tot has gotten into my head again. I know that it won't happen anyway but there's no harm in dreaming right? I was actually watchin One Tree Hill with my bro. Then there was Hailey & Nathan. Well, I guess the only difference between them n me is that I dun come from a rich family. N neither does khai. So in case none of you watch One Tree Hill, Hailey n Nathan are in high school and they're married and living together on their own. What hit me is not that their married so young, but that they've got their independence and that they're living on their own. I've been thinking about moving out and living on my own. But it doesn’t work that way in Singapore. I mean, you can't rent a place unless u're married, or your parents are dead, or if your unmarried and 35 & above. And I mean, that's if u wane rent under HDB. But if u wane rent from the owner themselves, it’s gonna cost more. Like if your salary is below a certain amount, your rent with HDB can go as low as S$40/mth. But if u rent from the owner, watever ur salary is, the lowest it goes is S$350/mth, nt including power, gas, water & telephone bills. Well, i dun really need the telephone anyway. But it's so hard to learn independence in Singapore. And if you want to, you'll need to be rich! I dunno why, but I just want to live on my own. Not so that I can do watever I want, but because I want to experience life. It'll be different living on your own than living w ur family. I mean, you'll finally be in charge of your life and you'll get to understand it all. The bills you have to pay, the expenses, the responsibilities. I guess that's why Singaporeans are always spoilt. They never really get to experience all these kinda things. Of course, I'm sure there are people out there who wish that they didn't have to go thru all this at such a young age, i.e. ppl hu have lost their parents when they're young and hafta live on their own. I guess some ppl wld think I’m ungrateful for wanting to leave. But it's nt that. I just wane experience life. I wane be able to show ppl that i am a responsible and mature individual unlike what most of my family members think. I've been called a spoilt brat because ppl think that i get wat i want. I’m really shocked and disgusted. I mean, they dun even now wat goes on in my life, and just because I got stuff that they dun, they think I’m spoilt?! I dun get watever I want. And if I do have things that others dun, it's because I werked for it. I dun jus snap my fingers and get things. And since I started werking 3 years ago, I bought everythin I needed on my own. My clothes, my shoes, my necessities. It’s nt bought by my dad. Yes, wen I wasn’t werking, he supported me, bt I returned it to him. And if he does buy me things, it’s only because he knows I’ve wanted it for years. But if u tink I’m spoilt, I cant say much to change your perception can I? This is y I want to move out. I wane live my own life. I wane experience everything. I wane explore the world. I wane prepare myself for what’s to come soon. But I noe it wnt be easy. I wane get married. But I noe that marrying young will nt be THAT successful. Especially wen both of us r just beginning our careers. We’ll be fighting about financial issues, definitely. No matter wat we say now, it is unavoidable. And then, theirs our individual responsibilities. Our need for space and some freedom. I noe it'll be hard. And I wont lie, I noe tat I’m not fully prepared for it, i.e all the fights and misunderstandings. I mean, I can get upset over a small comment made by him. But he doesn’t see it. To him it's a small matter. And the comment was a fair one. But to me its not. It means more than wat he tinks it is. But he doesn’t get it. And I noe that this will continue to happen. We wnt be able to understand each other fully. nt for the first few years though. bt maybe later. I really wane live on my own. bt I noe it wont be easy. And I noe I’ll need to earn way more than wat I’m earning now. Wen I tell my mom abt this, she tells me how everyone in the west now want to live with their parents and not move out. Weird. I guess cos it’s getting more expensive now, or maybe their jus single and enjoying living off their parents. I mean, u gotta look from their perspective rite?Well, i jus hope that things will change and i'll be able to experience all these soon...

3:57 pm