Friday, November 17, 2006
...:: whEre d0 bAd f0lKs gO wEn thEy diE? ::...*well...they dun go to heaven where the angels fly.*
I'm pissed.
I'm disappointed.
I'm upset.
I've come to reach that point where...."I couldn't care less what you do".
By January, if nothing changes...I'll change something for you.
I'm not going to sit here and wait for you to get a damn job. I helped, not once, not TWICE, but several times but somehow people don't appreciate my help. Fine. I don't mind. You have to listen to your parents. You have to do what your parents ask you to do. I'm just an outsider. I'm just a stranger. I should not have a say in your life. I do however have a say in mine. And I'm not about to spend my life with someone who just says things but don't take any action.
I've always sided you no matter what people say. I just tell them that it's hard to find work now. It takes time. But it's almost half a year now. And I helped you. I guess now I've really learnt my lesson. Don't bother helping people who can't be bothered to help themselves.
It hurts me to say this, but I have no choice. If things don't change soon. I'm walking away. I don't mean to be a bitch, but it's my future too. I'm not about to get into a relationship where I'm the only one doing something with my life and having goals and dreams. I can't.
I always give. For once, I want to receive.

11:47 pm
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
...:: Wow! Track Record! I'm bloggin again! ::...
heh. i've never blogged so many entries in a row. u're lucky. Today was ok I guess. I was left to do work on my own. I'm starting to get the hang of things at SPACE. It may not be that systematic but HEY! It's definately much better than at C***T. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself everyday. Heh. Today I had lunch with Sina, Mohdar & Dev. Sina surprised me by clinging onto my arm like how people who've known each other for years would do. I'm not complaining..just surprised.
I was quite pissed with some people at work. I mean, you stressed and pissed with someone. I understand, but control yourself la. Haiz. Anyway, today went by easily. I jotted all the things that needed to be done in the morning and I managed to complete all of them before lunch! Heh. Then I had to complete some other things, which I did complete and now I'm just left with getting the right people to sign the necessary. Nyeh. Coolness. En told me that once we move we're gonna be very busy. I hope it's not gonna be THAT busy. I mean, like C***T busy ok la. I can handle. It's just that sometimes I get a total blank staring at the details passed by the sales rep to prepare quotations. It's like, "What the hell is THIS??"
I'm having fun though. And the people are nice. Hera actually spoke to me. More surprises. Heh. Hera kinda reminds me of Liz...but Liz is prettier! Heh. Can't wait to meet her next Monday!! So many things to talk about! Haha!!
*Just fyi, in case u're wondering why I keep using Boy's Mac instead of mine. Easy. Router is down.*

8:37 pm
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
...:: What a DAY! ::...
*i'm using Boy's Mac and therefore I cnt change the font settings. Don't ask me why.
Today was okay I guess. I have this big feeling that everyone at work forgets that this is just my SECOND week. I'm still allowed to ask stoopid questions rite??? I mean, I worked for 2 days and the next thing I know, it's day 3 and I'm left on my own to do stuff. I started doing quotations and orders and modifications and all that stuff. I mean, with just 3 days orientation. Even C***T gave me 2 weeks to adjust. It's not like I came from one design firm to another. Gawd...give me a break. I don't believe it's been 7 days and already I'm already feeling like watdefaq.
I just keep telling myself that I'm still new and if they decided to be a pain, I'll just have to be direct and say, "Look. I'm still fresh here. Give me break."
Chino should be home tomorrow. Poor lil fella. I hope it's not serious. If it is, I hope he doesn't have to suffer much.
So now my 'mentor' has decided it's about time for me to start doing everything on my own. That means, all sales rep are to see me direct if I'm required to do anything. I've to ask the sales rep direct if I have any doubts. I did that. Got yelled at by the person that chose me. I deserved it though. I didn't read the email she sent me and asked for the obvious. But I was rather taken aback. I mean, I can just quit now and I won't be at a loss. Heh. Won't be doing that though. I like SPACE. Not necessarily the people there. More of the atmosphere.
Ok.... Shakes wane use the pc now. Carry on tomorrow.
iloveyou. ireallydo.

9:36 pm
Monday, November 13, 2006
..:: Monday. Duh~ ::..
Chino is sick. Khai said he looked paralysed. Poor kitty.
Starlight... My fave song at the moment. I was wondering why Khai said the song is meaningful to him. The lyrics are nice. I think this album has alot of 'love' songs. Matt must be in love. Or maybe the ghost he seek help for in writing the lyrics was a heartbroken poet. Hah. Kidding.
While reading the lyrics, all I could do was smile. It's really a sweet song. *I won't fade away as long as you don't*
Today I felt like I'm finally starting work. I finally got to do proper work. I did quotations and keyed in orders. I actually had fun. It was kinda stressful cos I didn't know what the hell the items were at first. Then as I went along, I kinda got the hang of it. Oh! And the first thing to happen this morning was..... a talk with Mr. Wee. What a start. Ha.ha.ha. He gave me a pop quiz. Verbally of course. I S.C.O.R.E.D! Haha! I knew all...well at least 99.9% of the answers. He isn't the kind to show that he was pleased, but you could tell. Heh. He asked me what I wanted to do in life. I told him either Marketing or HR. He started lecturing me. Can you believe that?? He asked what I knew about the 2, I told him honestly that I didn't know THAT much. Then he said how youngsters now just say that they want something but don't do anything to achieve it and expect things to just fall into our lap. I was practically laughing on the inside thinking he sounds worse than my dad! Haha!
At least I knew how to answer all his questions.
Khai just called me. Chino may have cat AIDS. Poor kitty. And now he's in animal hospital. He'll b discharged on Wednesday. I don't have all the other details though. So if you want to visit him, let me know.Heh.

10:29 pm
...:: Starlight. MY starlight. ::...
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I will be chasing a starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
My life
You electrify my life
Let’s conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
i'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
i'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

10:11 pm
Sunday, November 12, 2006
...:: Heh. It happened. ::...
We met at Orchard.
I was rotting the whole day till about 7pm wen Khai called me up to say we're meeting at Orchard. We met with the boys+Mamat's bro-Nizam. Heh.
I had fun. As usual. When I'm out with the boys I always have fun. Dunno bout them though. Haha! We had some drinks and munched on OCK. Bumped into Kalista. She said I lost weight!!! HAHA!!! Another person on the list to have said that! HEHE! Must be true! Heh.
The whole time sitting at Taka, Lamin was trying to download a song into his Hp. He couldn't do it. No idea why. It kept saying that there wasn't enough space. He deleted EVERYTHING. Still couldn't download. Khai managed to send it to Mamat's bro's fone. And even when sent from Mamat's bro's hp, he still couldn't save it! Haha. In the end he got fed up and gave up. Exactly 1 minute before we left for the bustop. 2hrs from the time he started trying. Haha. What luck.
Oh. And since Lamin will be heading down-under for training, they decided it'd be fun if they scare him. It worked though. He looked quite....afraid. Haha!
Ok-la. I need to pee.

12:58 am