Thursday, January 05, 2006
* wedding bells *i'm in the midst of my wedding preperations!! hahaha!! i's still a long way to go.. but i need to have a rough estimate of how much everything will cost... blardy hell, the food cost half of the total cost! can u imagine tt??? i din noe that food cost so much! anyways, people.. dun get so, i'm not getting married this year.. nor am i getting married EARLY next yr... i just wane be fully prepared and make sure that i have enough cash.. and khai too.. only after really doin d planning did i realize how many things i need to do.. there's the decor, the food, the make up, the ROM + course.. blardy hell... there's so many freaking things tt need to be done... and i'm hoping that my dad will sponsor the makan... if not sure pengsan liaoz... and amidst all this prep... i can still have the time to fit in a quarrel with khai! can u believe that??? argh!!!!!!!!!! n it's just over some stoopid pathetic lil thing.. i cnt believe that even in this day n age, there are still ppl hu live in the stone age!

6:37 pm