...:: red eyes. late nites. ::...
ok...been a while since i last updated. it's gonna be a long post today...
yesterday we went to batam. we as in my family. we met up with uncle ramly and aunty budi. oh! n kalista came along. did a whole lot of eating and shopping!!i bought so many things!!! will upload the pics soon as i get the camera. we woke up at 5.45-6am yesterday, bearing in mind i was working on saturday till abt 9pm and i slept at around 1.30am. my eyes were bloodshot the whole day! everyone tot i got sore eyes. actually i tink it's cos on saturday i had to do packing cos we're moving soon. i guess alot of dust got into my eyes. anyway, batam was great. we walked alot. it's just the cutest lil town i've ever seen. i kept thinking i was in m'sia though, until they start talking. heh.
i got a white Gucci bag, an LV key pouch, a Guess watch, Levi's shoes... erm... i think that's about it. i spent under S$100!! i love indonesian currency. heh. u get it at like really expensive in THEIR currency, but when u convert it's actually so cheap! my mom bought way more stuff than me, but we can SHARE. heh. i love the mng bag she bought. i'm so gonna borrow it soon. heh.
ok, tats abt it for batam.

The BOYS! i loike going out with them. they are SO funny. my GAWD! i crack up everytime we go out. it's great that we can click and get along. i mean, well at least when i'm around they treat me nice. i wish we could go out often. i miss my boyfriend..........
work has been fun. finally getting the hang of things. i know what the flow is like. though the asst mgr is kinda had to understand, as in it's hard for me to read her. one moment she's a bitch and the next she's lovely. it's so hard to noe what she's feeling.
now that it's christmas season, my FAVE time of the year, the atmosphere at work is good. i'm finally able to blend in and joke around. leona and i can communicate ok. i need to anyway cos she's kinda like my partner. heh. i'm starting to get familiarized with the designs and now i'm kinda able to differentiate the different brands just by looking at the design. cool stuff.
i really wane write more but my eyes are closing... need...sleep....BAD.....
i miss my sister.
i miss my boyfriend.
i miss my bed.

10:38 pm