..:: out shopping...AGAIN! ::..
met with sis today after work today. went to delifrance for dinner. food sucks. was expecting so much more!! there was this 'perfect' family there celebrating their sons birthday. we, or rather sis, lent them her lighter... and we got cake in return! so cute! haha. really nice of them. and why are they 'perfect'? cos the whole family is gorgeous and they look so happy together!
went to rafflescity. got papa an esprit wallet for father's day and bought khai a belt from esprit as well. heh. eventhough i'm so pissed with him, i still got him something. haha. so much for being angry.
the weddings are coming up this weekend. gonna be so hectic. thank god dre got the car this weekend! woohoo!! already got my top and can't wait to wear it. yeay.
a lil note for someone out there...
i've had just about enough of your messing around here. yes, me and khai are having problems, that doesn't mean i'm gonna leave him. and for god's sake, stop with the 'just throw him and i'll pick up the pieces' shit. don't you understand?? he doesn't know you. he doesn't remember you! i'm sure you read his response!! GOD! how thick skinned can u be?? why do you have to pick on every problem that we have? what is wrong with you? are you really THAT desperate?? and you're at hard rock are you? well, maybe i'll just pop by and pay you a visit! wouldn't you like seeing khai again? especially with ME wrapped around his arms!! listen up woman! there's no way you're ever gonna get him, so back off! every relationship has problems and this is ours. we will solve it eventually. just because i say what i say in the moment of anger doesn't mean anything. get a life mrs-k-wanabe, cos i am the real mrs k.

12:07 am
..:: thailand? ::..
so we went out yesterday, andrea matthew, him and me. met up at sunny holidays to pay for our tickets. yeay. finally it's confirmed that we ARE going! woopee!!
went to komalas at tekka for dinner. then headed to mustafa for shopping! spent freaking $75!! man...i noticed that hypermarts are DANGEROUS!! i just keep grabbing stuff and end up paying a BOMB! crap. but it's alright. i got all the important stuff.
can't wait for the trip. need a break. just want to relax. no stress. no thinking of work. just pure bumming. yeay.
but i do have this weird feeling that i'm not going to enjoy it that much. i just know that something is gonna happen there....
"i love the way you love...but i hate the way, i'm supposed to love you back"yes, trouble is brewing in the love department. i used to just wish we could get married NOW. yet,with the way things are going...i'm glad we aren't... i don't think i want to. i dun think that i can get what i want if i had gotten married. i suddenly realize who i am with. and what i need and want out of a relationship.
it really hurts to see history repeat itself. suddenly i feel like everything that i've given wasn't worth it. no gratitude at all. and money is the cause of it all. i guess when the elders talk, it is wise to pay attention. as much as we would like to say that money isn't everything, it is. and it's a BIG everything.
and mom's are always right. you can't just live on love and happiness.
and it's so sad to see how people change when money is involved. i'm surprised by how i find money so important to me. but, i worked for it and therefore i treasure it. but i guess some people just don't see it. i'm not a selfish person. but i know when to give, and when to say no. but i guess to some that's being selfish.
i admit i was harsh. i just lost my patience. i've been quite patient with you. but you're reminding me of someone whom which i've forgotten... and never thought that you could be the same. taking is easy. and the more you take, the more you want.
i'm not going to beat around the bush. i've given, and now i want some back. yes, it's the modern era where women don't need to depend on men. but does that mean that men can then depend on women? does that mean that we do not have the right to be pampered? does that mean we can't take back what's ours? i expect what's mine back because it is my hard earned money which i have been saving for the wedding that will never happen. is that so wrong? is it so wrong to want what's mine?
yeah, i know.. you're the victim here. and i, the super villain.

1:08 am
..:: what a world out there ::..

my cousin's wife gave birth this morning... 0407hrs...040607... cool! she's cute! lotsa hair. more hair than her two elder brother's when they were born! haha. her name...Megan Anthony.. so now there's three of them... Matthew Anthony, Max Ryan Anthony..and finally..Megan Anthony [a girl at last!!].
and what makes it cooler is the sequence of the children... two boys then a girl. just like my cousins family..two boys then a girl...though the girl came TEN years later! haha. but what are the odds aye? and the cutest part was that the eldest, Matthew, is so jealous of the sister! kids! even that can make them adorable!!
after visiting them at the hospital, all of us went for dinner. i love hangin out with my cousins and aunts from my dad's side. they are just so different from my mom's side. i just feel like i belong with them! and i'm super close to this aunt of mine and her kids cos i'm kinda the yougest cousin...and then there's Mel, my dearest cousing of all who is 2 years my senior..the rest of my cousins are all in their 30's... so i'm really close to this family....spent alot of time at their place when i was younger..i miss those days..eventhough my cousin insists on me being a spoilt brat! irritating!
anyway...today work was fun. wow. i really can't believe how lucky i am to be able to have job this enjoyable! eventhough i have to work long hours and have the demanding sales people on my back all day long! it gives me such a rush to have to do work at that speed. it's such a high! haha. weird right?! well, i'm psycho like that! kwakwakwa.
finally managed to clear all those "pending conversion" orders. need to do up the invoices tomorrow. and Annette has given me advanced warning that tomorrow she has a quote for me to do. which reminds me...i still have a quote for Yixiu. i guess i gotta get it done first thing tomorrow before all of them come in. and i'm pretty sure i'll have to stay late tomorrow since i'm off on wednesday. seems to be a ritual for me to stay late every tuesday nites so that i can enjoy my off day not having to worry about any outstanding jobs! phew.
oh! the weirdest thing, it's the time of the month again for me!! i just had it about 2 weeks ago!! what the hell?!?! first it comes super late..and now, super early! my system is going bonkers again! and i finally got it on track after so long! daym.
**don't blame your daughter by the cardigans - my current ear candy. you should listen to it too.**Labels: life. kids. fate.

11:15 pm