..:: razzle dazzle ::..
my off day and i spent it rotting at home. woke up a 3pm! that was some sleep i tell you! finally got the rest i needed! immediately called khai to wake him to get ready for work. had to call him TWICE! ONLY twice!! so ammazed!! it normally takes me at least 11-15 times before he ACTUALLY wakes up! amazing.
once it was confirmed that he was awake, headed to the kitchen. actually, headed to the boys room first to find the ns boy sitting at his desk in his UNIFORM! that bugger ah...dunno what kind of army life he has... everytime got off! sheesh. and he STILL whines about NS life!! unbelievable. anyway, he was grumpy so i left him alone. went to the kitchen. the arty-farty was studying! all the kids were home!! unbelievable!
so, i was hungry and there wasn't any cooked food. so i made the prata hot and fried some stuff. hot dogs, tofu-fishcake and a chicken-dumpling thingy. the arty-farty obviously wanted some too. he simply can't see other people eat. he will want to eat too. asked the ns boy if he wanted some, said no. apparently he had a date with lil miss smarty panties. haha.
i've been wanting to say this since i watched the show "cold case". Danny Pino is C.U.T.E. and he looks absolutely delicious. but....he's married and just got his second son this year! *sigh* i think he's such a hottie.

then, i was watching 'Anugerah Muzik something-something'...and managed to watch the award for most popular song...and mawi won... and i noticed that mawi looks kinda hot too!

on a more serious note...after eating, went back to my room. took my phone and found some missed calls from unknown numbers. got a message from imah. our ex-schoolmate and co-netballer passed away this morning. was in total shock. she just celebrated her birthday exactly a week ago. i can't believe it. she seemed so happy. in her friendster, she was saying how she took so many pictures on her birthday and how her albums will be so full.
i'm still in shock.
going to her wake tomorrow. and since imah works at bloomdale we'll be sending them a wreath. gosh. so sudden.
***Christina Chan - May You Rest In Peace***it's so weird... i was thinking about how i don't want to have to die young just minutes before reading that sms...
Labels: death. fear. love.

9:54 pm
..:: tired. again. ::..
so here i am, at 2.30am, sitting in my cosy little room...FREEZING my butt off with the air conditioner blowing at my back! i know, i know....why don't i just turn the daym thing off...well, i hate heat, thus i shan't create heat. pfft.
khai is working the night shift now. boring. and he's working with all his old buddies from way back. dunno if that's a good thing or a very bad thing. nyeh. but at least he's working. hope that it'll sustain him till he starts his PT course. wee! so exciting. then i'll have a beefed up khai. *slurps*
can't wait for the holiday. really hope that everything goes well. though the travel agent hasn't called us back with the flight confirmation. I EXCITED! a full week of freedom! wooHoo! going with my love AND my best friend!! who could ask for more?! hope nur gets to come along too!! though i doubt she can get a ticket unless she's super lucky!
work was alright today. very relaxed. though there were some moments where there was tension building between my colleagues. stress. why do they have to act that way? can't they be more matured? it is only fair that you get the full story before lashing out at people. and gosh, does everyone have to be so influenced by what others say? can't they make their own judgement? do they have to be so openly biased? gawd. i never really notice all of this till today... though it doesn't seem to affect me now, i know it will eventually. i guess i'll just have to learn to play my cards right. i love this job, and i hope that this feeling will not get tarnished by all that's happening around. *sigh*
so i got this picture from Jannah, edited by me (thank you!)...

well, i kinda TOOK the picture from Jannah (thank you AGAIN)! i look like one of the pregnant ladies there. [which by the way is too many for me to handle now]! practically everyone i know is pregnant!! sheesh. anyway, to fiana - congratulations once again!
"ah, tak lama lagi aku dapat cucu...aku tau la anak aku...sama dengan aku..."
hearing this made me feel all topsy-turvy inside. [had to leave out some words though..] i've never heard him say anything like this before. and i never will cos khai was the one who told me what ayah had said to HIS friends!
still counting down....

2:01 am
..:: busy, busy, busy ::..

**ok,ok...my photoshop skills need a little more improvement...give me some time la...**
wow. what a hectic week it has been! and there's still more to come!!
finally finished all three quotes today. been staying late in office for the past 2 nights... daym tired. was so looking forward to my day off tomorrow...but in the end, i'm going back to work and taking my off day on friday. the good part about that is i get off 2 days in a row!! weee!! will be celebrating father's day on saturday instead as i'm working on sunday. nyeh. at least i already got the gift though. hope he likes it!!
so, as i mentioned on monday...i have alot to blog about.. hahaha
went for dinner with sina and dev at newton. ordered ALOT of food. i ended up being the one who had to finish all the food. thank you very much! :P but it was a great dinner. we had ikan pari bakar, sambal sotong, kailan and kerang rebus. *slurp* i dun mind having all that again! haha. and it was spicy!! my favourite kinda meal. i must say, the pirate stall at newton never, EVER, lets me down. simply THE best. must eat from that stall. chatted with the both of them till about 11pm!! lucky we still had our buses and trains to head home! haha!
i'm beginning to feel like i'm talking too much at work and everyone is getting annoyed. or rather, the people i tend to talk to more are getting annoyed. [i DID warn you guys that once i start, you'll wish i didn't!]. i love to talk and tell stories and rant about what i did yesterday and the day before and even last week! i'm kinda used to it though. people always give me that look like "oh why won't she just shut up?!?!" lol. sad aye? but my friends don't do that. they just tell me to shut up or just simply ignore me. haha.
i can't help it. talking relieves strees. for me at least. i can talk for hours. most of the time my mom is the victim. haha. she normally walks away the moment i stop talking for more than a minute. haha. and i talk LOUD when i'm excited. gosh. i think i shall refrain from talking too much at work. i don't want to OFFEND anyone with my little anecdotes. at least here, if you get bored of reading you can just close the window. ain't that right? nyeh.
so, i can't wait for the thailand trip!! hopefully they don't change the date for stock take! even then...i already BOOKED the ticket and i already applied 1 MONTH in advance...they can't make me stay...can they? shytezer. i hope everything goes smoothly!! so far there hasn't been any updates on stock take...crapeedoodadey! somehow i KNOW that something is gonna creep up on me before i leave...hopefully that get that new girl by then so if the dates REALLY do change...there's the new girl! hahaha. shyte.
oritey, need to sleep.
it's freaking 1.45AM.
oh!! i spent at least 1 1/2 hrs looking for this song - 'i love you'..and when i finally do find it...it's a preview!! farking-nuhden! i'll get it tomorrow la.
*i'm quite satisfied with my edited pic. but...i know i can do better! haha.*

11:55 pm
.:: monday. ::..
i want so much to blog today...now...but am too tired...
will update tomorrow..
i've got loads to tell. heh.

2:02 am
..:: what a beautiful day! ::..
the weddings were great! Fiana's wedding was quite traditional. going back to her roots i guess. but all in all, it was great! she was beautiful! and ian was as usual the charming one. heh. but fiana really looked great today. and the food was good. the only thing was that the markers sucked and made all our handwriting look like a 3 yr old was writing. haha. and her sister is so slim. gawd. she looked like a super hero too! haha. and what a shocker! she actually knew my name! haha.
got to meet all the ameq people again! reya, due in JULY! wow. the last i saw her she just gave birth....now she's about to deliver her 2nd child. and it's a GIRL!! so lucky! first child is a boy, and now a girl. super cool.
surprisingly, rian was there too. her daughter is big now. haha. the last i saw her, her daughter was still a baby! wow. that's really long. and when i went up to her, khai was sitting behind her and he passed me my phone. rian looked at him, then looked at me and asked me if he's my boyfriend. so i said yes. believe it or not, rian being her normal self, said "eh2, handsome-nyer *slurp*"... "handsome2, asal tak kasi aku?"!!!!! *gasp* but that's rian for you. haha.
met kak liza, her daughter also dah besar. emerson was there too. he looks healthier! and he remembered me! met jenny, her son also dah besar. christine's daughter also dah besar. more and more like her! gosh. can you imagine, TWO CHRISTINE'S!! haha. chaos! but there are great peeps. had alot of fun working there.
then jannah came. does your boyfriend HAVE to make so much noise with his scrambler??? hahaha. from far can hear you guys coming la... haha. jangan marah...just joking babe. you looked good today. *wink*
then kak ct and abg shaik (!!) came. kak ct and jannah can sit together2 la. both wore pink! haha. but i was shocked to see abg shaik there. thought they split. was happy to see them together though. in fact, when i saw kak ct i actually screamed "KAK CT!!" haha. hope that they will work things out. so sayang to see couples split after so long...
**Sefiana & Sofian - Selamat Pengantin Baru! Semoga perkahwinan anda berkekalan hingga ke pintu SYURGA! AMIN.**headed to Jurong East to meet Dre&Matt. Made our wat to kampong ubi. her car's aircon went bonkers due to the heat in the afternoon, but it was bearable! haha. the wedding was so grand. my timing, perfect as usual.
we arrived just minutes before the pengantin arrived from the girls side. entrance was grand. they were intro-ed by bhangra dancers. super ala-indian style wedding. haha. nur's cousin is quite good looking. reminds me of boboy and salem. haha. weird, but they ARE relatives. nyeh. the bride very the melayu. and she's my age, pakai tudung, kinda fleshy.
the bhangra performance was great. goodness! i never knew bhangra dance was so entertaining! they did spins and flips and leaps!! amazing! and so colourful!!
the food was good. very typical indian style briyani. kuih2 was ok too. not too bad. though i DID only eat a piece of marble kek. how could you go wrong with that?! haha.
but the highlight, for me, was the mashurie sisters! their outfits were gorgeous. especially nur's. she wore a turqoise sari, with purple details. and her accessories were purple as well. she really looked like an indian girl today. haha. kakak renny looked nice in her sari-kebaya. she made her's and nadya's kebaya with kain sari. heh. they looked cute together. haha. and boboy's gf is pretty. she looks very model like. got the height, the looks and the bod. not bad la si boboy's taste! haha.
lil nadya, she's really cute la. she's so clever now. matthew and kevin kept making fun of her. she almost cried a few times but kevin managed to pujuk her. then her mama came and managed to make her finally cry. but she held it back..after kakak renny told her to stop. haha. kids.
took pictures at the wedding too. must remind nur to send the pics to me!! i loved the pic with nadya. she's just so adorable. and so lady-ish. gosh. all of us said she will grow up to marry either a chinese boy, like her aunty will, or a white guy. haha. such a cutey. wish my lil nadia was around as well. i wil definately pamper her!!
finally after the wedding, "the couples" went off to suntec for Gelare waffles & ice cream. chilled just for a while then we headed our seperate ways. was quite nice la. i love hanging out with dre and nur...and seeing that our other-half's can really click is GREAT. makes life so much easier!
so yes, me and khai are happily together again. we resolved the matter. as nur would say.."you guys will work things out. always do." and we have..and khai knows now how i really feel and has promised to work hard to make things better for us. i gave him the belt i bought for him and he immediately used it. haha. so cute. after all the weddings, went back to my place to chill while waiting for the parentals to fetch all of us. all SIX of us squeezed into that little car and we headed for BEDOK. we ate at SPIZE. not bad. the food was really nice. i had the 'steak fajitas' - must try! khai had the 'mediteranean lamb chops' - also must try. i made the arty-farty one order 'bangers and mash' cos i wanted to try it. haha. was not bad as well. but the army boy's dish was the best la - chicken cream pasta (i can't remember what's the actual name)! simply the best! parentals were boring and shared hokkien mee. as usual, forever sharing. nyeh.
i always enjoy eating out with the family and khai as well. really nice that they can all get along. papa still says very little to khai. most likely thinking that this is the man that will be taking my daughter away from me. haha. but i know he doesn't have anything against khai cos if he did, he wouldn't invite khai over. *yeay*
no matter the ups and downs that we face... no matter how much pain we put each other through... even after all those harsh words we spat at each other....
our love is strong and we will work things out. i know i said some pretty harsh words, yet you knew that deep down inside i didn't mean it at all.
we understand each other better than any other. we know what we mean without having to explain. we love each other even without having to say it. [though it's still nice to hear u say it everynight too. heh.]
can't wait for our day to finally come. hopefully the day chosen will be the final choice. [no more delays please!! haha.]
i love you. more and more with each passing day.

12:51 am