..: i'm blogging again! ::..
took these photos on Wednesday. the first one was taken on that day..from his mobile. heh. though the person who took the photo makes my blood boil, the photo is nice.

and knowing his fans will see this, many will then have the following feeling...though it isn't my intention to have that effect...

some may actually feel THEIR blood boil at seeing these pictures thinking that i'm ANOTHER victim. one word.
to my dearest baby brother (the arty-farty).
you'll be turning 16 in a few days time and i hope that you will grow to become the man that i know you are...somewhere in that big round tummy of yours! heh. just thought i'd let you know that though you do piss me off at times, i still love you deep-deep. and...heh. no time to buy your gift la... on the ACTUAL day i pass to you can?? hehe. anyways, hope you have a great day and remember that you can always talk to me if you need to.
much love,
your annoying big sister.

1:38 am
..:: what's ur story? bitch. ::..
well, let's see...it's been a while since i've last blogged aye? didn't have the chance to use the mac long enough to blog. but now...FINALLY my dad's installed the wireless and i can finally use the internet in my room! at long last!!
so, the latest news? i love my job even more now!! really enjoying myself!! the people are fantastic. the job is fulfiling. it am satisfied with myself and work every day! and i look forward to work every morning. thought the usual dread does simmer up every once in a while...but i get over it once i step into the office. having great colleagues also motivates you to work. the greatest ever experience in the world is to go to work each morning not thinking of it as work. it's true what they say about how when you enjoy work, it never seems like work. amazing. it's is really a great experience and i really dun mind staying on for as long as it will take me...
khai bought yet ANOTHER fish. he is fish crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y! but his fishes are cute! i loike. was nice at his house till little-miss-fragile came home. gosh. the moment i saw her face, the blood suddenly rose to the ends of my hair. i just had to leave. but then i tot, why give her that little pleasure? *smirks* anyway. seriously la. the thought of her just pisses me of to infinity. i really can't stand her. and i dun really care that she hates me either. i mean, hell...she hates her family yet snuggles up to her mom and takes family potraits then labels them "family love". THAT is what pisses me off. HYPOCRISY! farkin hypocrites. they are the wankers of the universe. say something just for the sake of it, then turn around and totally do the opposite. like...erm...saying u hate japanese food than go to a japanese restaurant and saying that it's the best food on the planet! ARGH!!
i think i've been keeping this in me for too long and now it's gone way out of hand and i've just lost my cool. and dun even think that all this anger is due to jealousy, cos honey...it's not. wats there to be jealous about? why on earth would i want to be jealous of a family-hating, ungrateful, rude, spoilt little brat? and i just because she doesn't ALWAYS gets what she wants...she does get some of the things she wants. and why do i call her spoilt you may ask...well, she's spoilt because when she's gotten what she wants, she doesn't appreciate it. that's what makes a spoilt brat.
ok,enough bitching. makes me more frustrated than i was when i started.
...who will be, the on to marry me?...

10:55 pm