Saturday, September 01, 2007
..:: hmmm..what happened?? ::..
today was cool.
i had one of those days at work!
those days where i have tons of things to do within an hour! what a rush!! i realize i work better under pressure! hahaha! i LOVE it. [yeah, i really, really do!!] and i'm not being sarcastic when i say it. i trully enjoy what i'm doing! weeee!!
and what with a pay raise... and a huge commission this month.. pheeweeet! i'm an extremely happy girl!!
decided to treat the whole family to dinner tonight. supposed to eat at the manhattan fish market.. but daym! the que was unbelievable!! i'm sure some people actually waited more than an hour for a seat! haha. dad got impatient and so we headed to thai express. waited half hour for a table. but i was too hungry to try to look for somewhere else to go...
the dinner was fine till i went to pay the bill. my dad created a scene. so embarassing. i dun understand why he has to make such a fuss sometimes. and he gets so angry so fast it's really upsetting. especially since he was never this way before. i dun understand wats wrong with him. the whole nite after that i merajuk with him. i still can't believe he did that! :(
so here are the pictures.. hehe. this time i had the camera with me. yeay!
since it was the friday of the month.. it meant LATE NIGHT SHOPPING!!
headed to wisma after dinner with mom and dad. did a little shopping.. not much.. was still upset over what happened. kinda dampened my mood. how sad. heh. but i spent quite abit today on my shopping.
lunched with sina at kenny rogers @ marina square, after which we headed to zara. i swear they will soon start banning us from going for lunch together!! hahaha. we always end up shopping!! zara was very fun for me. hehehe. i bought FOUR tops! would you believe it?? I can't believe it! but i'm happy with my buy!
next, at plaza sing.. since i was very annoyed.. i ended up in bodyshop and bought myself my passionfruit lip balm and white musk perfume. it was on impulse. hmph.
then at wisma, headed straight to topshop and got a tube top and a PINK dress!! i loike it aLot! and i got to use my $10 voucher! lucky i remembered it cos today was the last day to use it!! hehehe. and on top of that, i got ANOTHER $10 voucher! hahaha. how cool is that??

2:17 am
Thursday, August 30, 2007
..:: hahahahahaha. ::..
Deadly Fruit
One day in the forest, 3 guys were just hiking along a trail when all of a sudden, a huge pack of indians attaked them and knocked them out.
When they woke up, they were at the leader of the tribe's throne.
The chief then said "All of your lives may be spared if you can find ten of one fruit and bring them back to me."
So after a while the first man returned with 10 apples. The cheif then ordered him to stick all ten of them up his butt without making any expression at all on his face. He had a little bit of trouble with the first one and started crying while trying to put the next one in. He was soon killed.
Later, the next guy came in with 10 grapes. The cheif soon ordered him to do the same as the first guy. After to the 9th grape, the man started laughing so hard for no apperant reason, and was killed.
The first two guys soon met in heaven and the first guy ask the second, "Why did you start laughing? You only needed one more grape and you'd have gotten away!"
The second guy answered while still laughing, "I couldn't help it. I saw the third guy walking in with pineapples."

11:45 pm
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
..:: ha.ha.ha. ::..

11:48 pm
..:: past..present.. FUTURE? ::..
things are falling into place now. we have started talking. and i'm taking things slowly. he needs to slow down too...
i read thru all my previous entries. way back from when i just started blogging, to when i was wit sham [and wan. haha.] and all the way to when i first knew khai. reading through all those entries made me realize how much he really loves me and that i should give him this chance. and also NOT to jump to conclusions all the time. heh. i can't help it. i guess it's in the blood. both my sister and i are alike in this way. i guess my mum was that way too. my sister really takes after my mum though. at least for me it's a little less of the dosage. haha.
anyways, i decided to give in. why? well, after talking to my mom i realized how patient he is. even after all the things i said to him.. he was still so sweet and patient and didn't even once yell or let his anger out on me. even though i really said a lot of mean things to him, all he said was "can we please stop fighting?"...
he didn't even lash back. well, except for the issue on the fishes [which i still can't believe actually happened!], he was really..NICE!
doesn't that just show how much he loves me?
i've been really mean and i guess it was due to all those pent up feelings i had. the lesson here is, you should always tell when somethings bugging you cos if you hold it long enough, one day you're just gonna blow up and that would be fatal [who would want to see spews of you all over the walls and floor rite?? hehe. ok. L.A.M.E.].
i guess this was one of God's BIGGEST test for us. we have gone thru plenty of them and we managed to pull through.. but this was the hardest test of all.. i really didn't know what was happening. i just kept pushing him away and kept picking on every little thing that he does wrong. and now i feel like a total idiot. haiz.
i must admit that i'm still a little sore.. but he has managed to soothe it so far...
he is really the one for me i guess. my mom told me that this is most prolly a test.. just before the parents come over...... i think she's right...
it's the stress of it all that caught up.
ok, enough about that... while reading my previous posts... i found this picture!!
this was after our first huge fight! haha. i got so pissed i cut bangs! and i did it cos i knew he didn't like it! hahaha. haiz... i miss my straight hair....
should i rebond again??
NO WAY!! i love my hair now! and if i ever want straight hair.. i can always go to the salon and iron my hair out.. hahah... hmmm..
I'm gonna pierce my tongue again!! WEEEE!!!!! i can't wait!!! i actually want to pierce my upper lip.. but my guy frens said it's not nice.. and john is extremely against it! haha. i'm still considering.. lol.
i may get both at once!!
what say you?? should i pierce my upper lip.. according to daya it's called the "monroe" piercing.. hmmmm.. comments?
and i want this!!

oh! and here are some pictures from khai's cousin's wedding.. enjoy!

isn't she gorgeous?? i think she's the most gorgeous bride i've seen so far! heheh. simply stunning!
hmm...will this be me next? will our dreams finally come true? will things go as planned? i pray hard that it will, and all that's happened will make us stronger... never before have i felt the way i do now. may we flourish through whatever hardship we shall encounter. may all of His test strengthen our bond. my love for you has never faded. i hope it goes the same for you. insya'Allah.

3:18 pm
Monday, August 27, 2007
..:: everybody's changing ::..
so here are some pics we took at mohan son's wedding...

everyone is getting married and engaged... and here i am alone again..
i read through the older posts...ones where we just started out... and after reading, i thought "hey, maybe i should just give him this chance.."
and i called him. we spoke a while like nothing happened, then he said he would call me later.
that was at 11.30pm... it's 2.20am now, and he didn't call.
and when i happened again..
i was on call waiting...and he didn't answer.......
half an hour later, his phone is off.
is it really sham all over again? at least with sham it was just slightly less than 2 years... but now, after almost 3 years together, you want to do something like this to me?
and the fact that i just decided to end it before u could, you made me feel so guilty and you made me look like the most mean person alive... but in actual fact, you already have someone else.... and you deny it..
people tell me i'm jumping to conclusion... now i know why you suddenly speak with that bogus accent... now i know why you don't even bother to call or msg me to say u really want me back.. cos u dun really want me back.. u're just putting up a front.. pretending that u're hurt..
i forgot. u have always been acting. and u lie to practically everyone. even ur own parents. so what makes me so special that u won't lie to me??
now it's all clear......
i guess there really is no point in me trying so hard [though u think i'm not]...
i hope she's worth it.
then again, won't most guys find it oh so flattering to have a young caucasian girl give them their number?
i really hope she's worth it.
cos now, there's no way i'm going back to you.

12:11 am