Wednesday, January 11, 2006
...:: the Bitter End ::...
I'm so tired of all the bickering... i dun understand why is it that it's always me that is in the wrong... eventhough it bcos of things that others do, i'm the one that "makes things worse".. is it fair to me? is it ok for me to seem like the bitch all the time? i guess it is...ppl want me to change...they want me to be better.. they want me to control my emotions.. i've been doing that all my life... is it bad for me to let it off once in a while.. thank god i've not gone mad... but i think ppl see me as a psychotic bitch.. i'm tired of acting happy when i'm not... i'm tired of just taking everything in with a "pinch of salt".. i'm tired...emotionally and mentally.. it's nt like ppl dunno my situation... dey noe exactly what i'm going thru.. yet they always want me to forget abt things.. i've gotten so used to forgetting things that i cnt even remember wat i did last year... sometimes i feel like i need help... but sometimes i feel like i'm taking things too seriously... but when do u noe tt YOU have reached that point where it's not just a bad day...? i tired... i'm tired of always feeling this way... i'm tired of always feeling like i am the cause of everyone's problems... i'm tired of crying to myself and not being able to tell anyone how i feel... my heart aches... everyday... yet no one notices... no one seems to really care about me... people want me to change? dun worry, i will... i'll change so much that no one will know what's happened...

9:49 am