...:: Stranded in Yishun! Heh. ::...
Last night was fun! Followed Khai n mates to a jamming session in the most ulu part of Yishun I've been to! Haha!
Mamat's bro was there too. He is super-fantastic!!! He plays the guitar so well! My GOD!! He played my fave song, 'Starlight' by MUSE. Woah. I was just mesmerized!! Really!! If you had seen the way he played.... you'd know what I mean.... I just melted. Haha! It was worth it.
Then finally I got to see the boys play. They're pretty good. Mamat on the drums. Wow. He's good and modest. And a bloody clown...even while playing the drums. Haha! Lamin also not bad la! He sings alrite, more shouting though. Heh. He plays the guitar ok too. Found out it's cos that's his favourite song. Haha. Nizam - Baik~ Haha! Plays the bass quite well too. At least he and Mamat's bro played quite smooth. Haha! Mamat... I'm a drumer babe. I LOVE drummers. So, standing next to Mamat and watching him play the drums...wow!
Then of course....... Khai played the guitar! Farnie la he. He hasn't touched an electric guitar for quite some time so kinda rusty. They played a MUSE song. Can't remember what song though. I think it was 'New Born'. Kelaka nak mampos!! Haha!! Then he just strum2 to get the feel of the guitar. Finally later on he played the bass for The Strokes and Cranberries. Nice. Hehe. I was sitting next to Mamat so when Khai was playing I kept looking at Mamat and pointing to Khai saying " Tu laki aku tau!!" HAHA!!
Last nite really kekek seh. Daym fun. Though there were some wet blankets there. Annoying me to hell. I still managed to have fun. I don't get it. You go for a jamming session either to play or to listen. So at least TRY to enjoy it la. Just cos you never get to play YOUR song doesn't mean you should throw tantrums. GOD! It's always harder for me to click with girls than guys. I don't know why... Maybe it's just me. I just assume too early. And my assumptions, which are 70% spot on, always leaves me with more guys rather than girls. HAHA! At least guys are more straigth forward. Girls, act tough, then wen it gets dirty, they SLAP or PULL HAIR. Watdefaq?!
So yesterday's "Song of the Night" was ' Commercial Breakdown - The Sunshine Underground'. It was the first time I heard this song and loved it IMMEDIATELY! Thank you boys! "Jammer of the Night" goes to Mamat's brother. *Salute* And....last but not least.... The "Event of the Night" was.... Being stranded in Yishun with no money and then taking a cab back leaving me $20 poorer!!ARGH!!!!!! It's all YOUR fault!! Hahah!! Bluff me...say 11pm we're going off... In the end....12+ den we left..... Hurhurhur.
My mom so cute... I called her and told her I'm in Yishun [this was done at 11.45pm, btw] and she was like "Huh?? What you doing in YISHUN??" Haha! So farnie! I told her what happened and reminded her not to lock the front door for me cos I didn't have the keys with me. Heh. Kewl. Finally after 21 long years, coming back late is not a problem for me! Woopdeeedooo!!!
Since 17... I would beg and plead to stay out late, only to be told that if I do come back later than the time specified, I'd be grounded for 3 months. So much for enjoying my teenage life. Alot of lying and sneaking around tired me after a while. So I decided to just tell them the truth if I was going clubbing or overnighting anywhere...this of course only happened at the ripe old age of 18 going on 19. I used to think that all my friends were so lucky to be able to do whatever they wanted. Then now when I see them. Rosak. Either mother of 2, divorced, slutty or drugged out. Some of them wear tudung now! HAHA! What a world.
Ok la. Today is the last Saturday to see Lamin before he heads down-under. Heh. Going town later. Weee!!! Somehow I think that won't happen cos Daya is going out and Nenek is at his house... So, I guess I'll most prob rot at home. Heh. Or.......... read on later... Kwakwakwa.
Liz is coming back!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!
Oh Ya!! After watching this psychotic thriller, I heard about this group Goldfrapp. Wonderfull. I'm sure Daya will LOVE it. Who would have thought a psycho thriller would introduce me to music! HAHAH!!

12:05 pm