Wednesday, October 05, 2005
life is unpredictable
embrace each day as it comes
dun let anything stop you
dun allow plans to fail
though in darkness, find the light
find the one that make things right
pessimist will vanish,
joyousness prevailed..
don't wish for happiness,
let it wish for you..
make yourself worth living for,
and not let life control destiny..
design your path, design your fate
LOVE will be beautiful..
even in total darkness...
- RawKey

11:19 pm
...hehe..haha..huhu...'s puasa now...duno wat to do...supposed to prepare buka but i gotta teach tdy so my mom says she'll rush home to cook...sorie..
it's my last session with her!! YEAY!!! she is super imposible..but i hope that she did learn things, and manages to pass...i gave her alot of encouragement, but she lacks confidence... i pity her...
ok buka is gona be grand! hehe!! i gotta get ready now...see ya soon!!!

3:35 pm
...waiting...waiting...haiz...i'm actually freakkin sleepy but i cnt sleep now cos it wnt make sense to sleep for 1hr.. it's 3.33am now, and at 4.30am we'll be havin blog hopping...found my cousins blogs..real cool.. read an entry tat shocked me! didnt noe she had tt in her! *u go girl*anyways, i'm not really close to them , but hey! all of them went to the same school as me! yeap...all three managed to end up in the same school as me..consecutively! now wat are the oddS! and they have such diff personalities, but 1 thing for sure is that they definately know how to have fun!oklah...head hurts..shall lie in bed till my mom knocks my door..SLAMAT BERPUASA!! - again! haha!! -

3:31 am
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
*pats self on back!!*haha! i did it! i put music on my blog! n i got music on my myspace! now its left with music on my friendster..WOOHOO!!!!!

3:20 pm
*WooHoo!!!*i did it!! i changed my blogskin! finally...found it super irrtating to read cos the space was so small..anyways..still jobless now! daym! i hate it! i bought khai's bday present today! it's really nice! it's quite BIG actually! but i cnt say wat it is just yet cos i know that khai's gonna read my blog n i knoe that he'll think tt i'd definately rite it here! haha!! Too bad sweety! :Pok lah..this past week so boring..oh ya! actually, my dear friend got into a car accident! lucky thing she's ok..jus got some back injuries...haiz...puasa is in a days time!!! so fast's like it was jus yesterday to everyone out der...SELAMAT BERPUASA!!! MAKE SURE PUASA TAU...KLAU TAK TKLEH CELEBRATE RAYA!! LOL!! :P

12:21 am