...:: I hate PMS! ::...Since I had my period, I've been one cranky bitch. And as a result, Khai is the victim again. I don't mean to be so rude... It's just that you KNOW that I'm in a foul mood yet you still want to annoy me!! I don't understand... You ask me a question once, I tell you to drop it. You ask me again, I tell you the reason. Then as if that's not enough, you ask me AGAIN! Of course I'll lose my cool!!!I'm sorry. I know it's more annoying and heartbreaking for you... But knowing that I'm edgy at this point of time.. You should've known better! *I love you*So all our plans have to be cancelled. I still want to go out though. I want to watch movie with you. I want to spend the whole day with you. Can I come over tomorrow? Please.... I promise I'll behave. And I'm sorry your fish died. I'll get you a new one k? I miss your kisses and hugs.
I miss your touch.
I miss you.
I think we've come to that point where we are so used to each other that we don't realize it. The distance has made our hearts grow fonder though. We don't get to see each other much now, and it'll be harder once we start working again. I'll miss you more. We'll quarell more. We'll love each other more. It's the cycle.
At least we're not bored of each other.
That's our WORST fear.
We've made it this far. We'll make it even further.
No matter what. Your MY Special K! Heh. [ I just had to Bee, sorry.. .HAHA!]
Be there or be square.

11:33 pm