..:: new look...again! ::..
noticed that my template always has a black background...so change la...
now it's as bright as how my room was! i loike!
haikel is back.
wana go disturb him now.
ok la... bye.

8:05 pm
...:: heh. ::...
hilary duff

i like her. another idol of mine. she's young, hot and successful. i was shocked to read that she supports plastic surgery and even mentioned that she will consider plastic surgery if she finds that a certain part of her body is not appealing to her. wow. never thot that she would say that. but i guess what she said is true. everyone is entitled to do whatever they want with their body.
anyway, i've always liked her cos she's cute. and i watched her on lizzy mcguire. she's so funny in that show. and i love her body. it's just nice.. though now i think she's a bit on the skinny side. but i mean, wow... y cldnt i be like tat? i'm the total opposite. was slimmer before.... now i look like a balloon! need to deflate! haiz... it's all that sitting down and not doing anything else all day! and you just get so used to sitting that you just sit the whole day and not want to move. then u become lazy. ok. need to be more active at work.
cristina scabbia

she's the sexiest woman in the world! i adore her as well. her voice. wow. only she can make "enjoy the silence' sound good with a female vocal. and she's italian. people who says that angelina is sexy...you obviously have not seen cristina scabbia. her vocals, makes that lady who fronts that band... oh ya, amy lee... sound like she's singing for a 'high school musical', as simon cowell would say! and by the way, lacuna coil is the real thing. italian rock. if only i had her voice. wow.
i want to go to milan!!!!!!! maybe next year i'll get to go? PLEASE!!! i want to meet lacuna coil! i want to see them perform!! i want to go to the Gucci boutique in ITALY!!!!

10:22 pm
...:: *breathes in* ahh.... ::..
wat a nice new refreshing blog i have now.
simply adore it.
was actually looking for something with Fendi in it... then i decided that fashion will just do. i'm no way a fashion junkie but i do know a bit about fashion and i try my best to keep up to date. pathetic right? haha.

anyway....what a strange day! khai fetched me from work today and told me that a girl called his home looking for him. weird right? what's weirder was she looked for 'K'. And what makes things even weirder is that an ex of his has just tagged me! haha! wow, how did you find us?
it's amazing that eversince my blog has been made known to anyone who goes to friendster and myspace, there's been loads of people who know khai tagging me! either their jealous or envious...but this is a first. someone has actually tagged me to tell me that his a playa! wow.
just to let you know, i know his past.. and i'm not stoopid, if he DOES go around screwing other girls (be it for fun, achievement or pure satisfaction) i'll be the first to know and the first to walk out. and well, if after almost 2 1/2 yrs he's still with me...i doubt he's still a player.
i'm sorry if you were hurt by him... but thanks for the best wishes! :)
by the way.... maybe you could tell me..or us rather.... how on earth did you find us??

12:26 am
...:: running through? ::...
What wakes you up
when it's worth the time
who has the right
when there's one power
I've had enough
find in you so sour
soon i'll give up
fool it's a total low
How can i explain another daylight
nothing's right in these arms
this cannot explain another daylight
so i'll go at it alone
Take all the rough
sounds like more of the same
I've had enough
movement is hard in this game
How can I explain another daylight
nothing's right in these arms
this cannot explain another daylight
so I'll go at it alone
Time is up
why with all of thisa young child who acts like an adult.
it takes more than make-up to make you an adult.
and make-up is all you've got.
I want this ring.

11:23 pm
...:: wedding bells...or rather
kompangs! ::...
went to si-dod's wedding reception today... she looked gorgeous! loved her eyes.. had diamentes on them! she looked really nice. something like this but with nice make-up.

so there have been new collections added to our showroom and i've fallen in love with so many of them! here are just a few...
this is the Gun Collection by Phillipe Stark for Flos. my all time fave collection by flos. the prices are FANTASTIC for people who bring home a six digit pay cheque! but i absolutely love them. i was so excited when i found out that the lamps came in. wow. the floor lamp... $80K++. how i wish i could own it!

This is another favourite piece of mine. The Egg and Swan chair by Arne Jacobsen for Frit Hansen. I LOVE these chairs! the swan in black leather is to die for...and if its in hot pink fabric, also to die for!! the egg....extremely comfy! every chance i get to 'test' it... it never fails to excite me so!

this...this is the lates edition to our showroom... the Moooi collection... lovely pieces.. this is the Smoke collection by Maarten Bass. absolutely love it. its burnt wood finish in black with upholstery in black leather. really my kinda furniture. you should really come down and see it. its a beauty.

ok.... i got a new phone! Nokia 6288. its quite kewl. wasn't really dat excited wen i got it though... but once i got the music in and all the pictures and themes... ok... now it's a kewl phone. haiz.... but now... i'm broke! haha!

oh. and this one last piece....my favourite. i'm gonna get it soon. i love this lamp! just looks so... wow, i just dunno how to express what i feel about this lamp in words... that's how much i love it! it's considerably cheap, but it's still a great lamp. I WANT IT!!!!

and baby, thanks for the great weekend! muah!!

11:52 pm