Saturday, July 28, 2007
..:: why? you miss them already is it?? ::..

my wireless is going bonkers!
farking naden!
i've had to refresh and refresh and refresh for the past hour!!
i didn't even manage to post a single word! pfft.
so now i'm typing super fast before i lose the connection again. i dun get it. when i use the laptop, fuh, the connection is EXCELLENT even in the kitchen. but when i use my pc..mak kau..peh lembab! and my room is closer to the router!! BLEARGH!!!
anyway, today work was work-less! hahaha. since the office is under reno, i had to sit out front. couldn't really do much. was SO not in the mood to be doing anything serious! wakakaka. and i wasn't the only one.
how to work??
firstly it was so noisy. secondly we had to share 2 laptops among 6 people!! and was raining!!
ok, so the raining part should not be a factor..but we were all feeling so sleepy..... i just wanted to snuggle up under the covers of one of the beds in our showroom!! hahaha.
mr wee nampak..mampos aku! heads will be rolling2 across millenia walk!
so tomorrow is packing day. need to pack MY stuff! and i need to make copies of all the pricelists for KL. hmph. i have to go to the main showroom cos our copier has been unplugged. BAH!
but the day should fly by just as fast as today. and before you know it, it's time to lock up! wooHoo!
my darling khai is sick. down with a fever. so scaree. everyone is getting fever.. and his working place for the past week is apparently infested with mosquies... hope it's just a normal fever. hurhurhur..
oh ya! black came by the showroom today. heh. felt guilty cos everytime i wane go smoke with him..he's either left oready or busy. so he came to make it up to me. bought me a drink from starbucks!! i got my vanilla latte!! wooHoo! THANKS BLACK!!! then we went for a smoke. haha. he is full of he's usual crappy monkey business! always talking crap. and he called me by my nick in front of all my colleagues!!! so pai-the-sey la... now confirm john will call me that! hmph!
sampai hati kamu pak hitam!I'M IN LOVE WITH HILARY DUFF!!!!
*this is a very random post. sorry if i had caused any headspinning or circle-circle dot-dot syndromes. heh.*

12:19 am
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
..:: money, money, money!! ::..
just a few more days to pay day. i can't wait to see what is my salary this month!! weee!! every month is surprise for me! though not every month is as great as the previous... but this month... this month is special.. this month, i'll see a NEW figure! yeap! i got a raise! ALHAMDULILLAH![i vaguely remember mentioning it in an earlier post...] and i have no idea how much! so yeah, IT'S A SURPRISE!!
i think next month, i wane go music shopping!! hehehe. i want to get the new album by Gwen Stefani, and The Eraser by Thom Yorke, and the LATEST album by Interpol!!! wooHoo!! can't wait to get my hands on them all!!

and did you know that "
THAT CD SHOP" sells locally produced albums at only
$11!! and it's THAT cheap cos it doesn't come with lyrics! but who needs lyrics anyways? it's all on the net anyway.. so yeah! wooHoo!!
i feel like eating chocolate chip cookies!! i guess i'll be baking this weekend. daym. then i'll need to buy the ingredients. as if i have the time to go! by the time i get back, the stores closed! hmph. guess i'll have to ask my daddy dearest to buy the stuff for me! hahaha. now where did i save the list ingredients... must search!
on another note, i have no idea WHAT did I do now, but my mom is having one of those "mood swings" again! i have no clue why she's behaving the way she does. sheesh. she really needs a chill pill. just because i didn't put my clothes in the washing machine! well, all i noe is that my mind has been set that my clothes don't mix with the rest, so it's kinda hard to change it... and daym, just because you yelled at the maid then felt guilty doesn't mean you can turn around and blame me for YOU losing YOUR temper at her. pfft.
ok, i think i should just let it pass. i mean, i can't blame her. she's most prolly upset that her whole family is in m'sia and she's the only one in SG. so i guess this is her way of handling it.
lets just hope that there's not gonna be another drama! i don't think i will be able to take it this time. i've kept my mouth shut everytime she starts giving me lectures. and why does she always have to tell me off when my dad is not around anyway?? and the moment he steps in, she just acts as though nothing has happened. and i of course won't say anything cos i don't want my dad to have so much to think about.
ok, ok, i should stop. just because she told me off about not keeping my stuff the way it should be kept and for not throwing my clothes into the washing machine doesn't entitle me to be a bitch and make a big fuss about it. oh, and she's telling me to be nice to the maid? i give the maid the LEAST things to do. and i hardly speak to the maid since i'm hardly home anyway.
ok, ok. i should really stop. i could just go on and on about this.
just pray for me that there won't be another drama in this house again. i'm tired of it. and i don't think i'll be able it handle it as i always do.
my mom isn't THAT bad... it's just when she gets her mood swings and shows how much she doesn't like me. that's when it hurts the most. as much as she may think that it's subtle, it's not. i can tell by the way she holds out her hand for me to salam. by the way she answers my questions when i'm trying to start a conversation. by the way she looks at me as though i'm sprouting horns outta my head. and what hurts the most is that i don even noe what did i do.
you can't blame me for being upset that you told me off because i didn't keep my make up back where it's supposed to be. it's not like it was lying on the floor. and it was on my table. quite nicely placed. and the clothes, like i said. it's a habit i have to pick up you know. you can't expect me to change a routine i've been following for the past 5 years overnight right? i'm sorry but you gotta take it easy. ever tried looking at things from my point of view?
i do. i always give the benefit of the doubt. maybe she had a bad day. maybe she's stressed with work. maybe she's just not in the mood. i always think about why you act the way you do, and i just let whatever happened pass.
for me, it's ok if you don't like me. i'm not your blood anyway. it would be nice if you would be sincere.
i guess if my mum was still around we'd have the normal mother-daughter squabbles. but that would be different right? cos she's your mom. right? you wouldn't think that she hates you or wishes you would leave, right? i really dunno how it feels to quarrel with your mum.
does it make you feel singled out?
does it make you feel so small that it's as if you don't exist?
does it make you feel so unloved?
how is it supposed to feel?i'm sorry. i always get this way when
these things happen.
i can never figure out what am i supposed to do.

12:19 am
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
..:: sheesh. get a grip woman! ::..

yeay,yeay,yeay!! it's my off day tomorrow!! yeay,yeay,yeay! and NO!! i'm not going back to the office! weee!!!
was supposed to pass drea her bag, but she said to push it to thursday. hmm...i guess either the dad found another bag to use....or he's trip was delayed... beats me!
so this is going to be a very brief post. [ahahaha. as if!] which i shall do in point form
1. i can't wait for high school musical 2!!
2. i'm looking forward to watching high school musical this sunday!
3. The Cure concert is NEXT WEEK!!!! woopee!!
4. i love watching the hills. though i never can remember when exactly they show it and only get to watch it when i channel surf at times. hmph.
5. i think pete wentz from fallout boy is sexy.

6. i miss my boyfriend. though we DID meet yesterday! but it was like for 15 min only. pfft.
7. i realized that there are many cute stars out there. namely: pete wentz, adam levine, chris brown...that's all i can remember for now.
8. i finally got the software for my creative and now i can put in all my new songs!! weee!!!
9. i miss my friends. we need to meet up!
10. i want to look like her. the darker version. hhahahha. can??

ok la...i can't think of anything else to write...kinda sleepy la...brain not functioning well...and my room is oh so cold. and the weather is oh so cool. so nice to sleep......
so i shall sleep soon. kept thinking about how i can sleep in tonight!!!! no need to get up at 8am tomorrow!! wee!! just hope my dad doesn't wake me! sure spoil everything! AND i'm gonna lock my door so that mom can't come in and turn off the aircon! so irritating. if only i had my fan. then there would definately be NO disturbance. but my mom sure will wake me up and tell me the aircon on her side is leaking. sorry la. that won't work anymore! kwakwakwa!!
ok la. toodles.

11:11 pm
Monday, July 23, 2007
..:: chin chow + soya milk = michael jackson. ::..

the staff dinner was great. i had beef medalions with roasted veggies. *slurps* the salad was great as well! mixture of various grilled mushrooms, my FAVE!! i LOVE mushrooms!! and the salad had sun-dried tomatoes as well!! *slurp* the desert was all right. nothing special.
but now i actually have a major headache. dunno why. i think the lighting was too dim. haha. and i kept turning left and right cos i was talking to people across the table and behind me.
and my walk home. wow. super warm. i dunno how chris can wear his jacket! and i was wearing a farking tube dress and it got soaked with my stinky sweat! bleargh.
and it made my headache worse! i feel like my skull is gonna crack and my brain will split in half anytime soon!!!!! yet i still wane blog. something is definately wrong with me.
btw, this blog will be very all-over-the-place cos i'm typing whatever comes to mind.
oh, and chris is khai's friend. i met khai after the dinner and walked with him and chris to bugis cos they wanted to get dinner. so funny. i made them cross the road and it was in a totally opposite direction and they just followed blindly. haha. chris actually asked, "she taking taxi ah?" hahaha. doink.
and this freaking china man from under my block kept looking at me and waited like at the side of the letter box area while i waited for the lift. thank God there was another couple waiting for the lift and they got in with me! if not, confirm that china man wanne go in with just me..ALONE! so scary. i hate men like that. i always kena followed by them. Chinese, Indian, Nigerian...u name it, they have followed me! sheesh. don't they realise i am as BIG as them and can easily knock them out?? gawd. at least the africans who follow me home just stop at the lift looking puzzled cos i didn't say hi back. haha. the rest...really scary... i'm not so much afraid of the africans as i am afraid of the locals. gawd noes what they are thinking! once, i had to ask my dad to come down to bring me up. creepy la they all.. and i dun understand why they get so excited.. even when i'm like dressed all covered up..they give me that look like they want to makan me! skali ku lempang!! kepala pusing 360 degrees! amek kau!
ok, so they rest of the office peeps headed to the SAFRA karaoke place. i was too tired to go. and besides, if i had gone confirm kene from khai cos he thinks i've been going there TOO often. hmph.BORING!
ok la, my eyes hurt. my head hurts. and now my nose hurts. don't ask me why! i don't know myself! lol.

12:11 am
Sunday, July 22, 2007
..:: nak order ketam?? ::..
so today i had alot to do.
woke up to a noisy house. the ns boy had his friend's over. sheesh. i never knew that young indian girls could make such high pitch sounds!! i'm like the alto version of an indian girl. haha. anyway, they were really irritating. one of them screamed so loud, and with such a high pitched voice..i bet if we had a crystal would have shattered. i almost snapped at her. but..i snapped at haikel instead. haha.
enough about that, i headed to the travel agent to return my tickets for them to process the refund. reached there, the entrance of their outlet was surrounded with mats. sheesh. i never knew that bugis attracted so many mats!! and i LIVE around there! hahaha. anyway, the lady i spoke to was quite friendly. even asked about nenek. that's sweet. better than the last time when i called and they were being so bitchy. hmph. but, thanks to her for all the help. appreciate it!!
then i headed to khai's place. the main point of going to his place was to leave andrea's bag there and head to the hospital. but khai said it's dumb cos we'll be having dinner out and it wouldn't make sense to go back to his place to take the bag and go back to her place since we were so near anyway. so...i lugged the bag along to the hospital.
nenek HAS lost weight. her eyes look so sunken. she's got dark rings. her cheek bones are showing. really2 showing. quite sad. and she doesn't talk as much. and you can forget about seeing her smile. her smile is so rare now that it has become the most precious thing. but i dunno why..when i see her smile, i feel like crying. heh. i guess i just treasure that moment. hmmm...
i just sat and stared at her while i was there. i hate hospitals. and i never know what to say. and to tell you the truth, old and sick people kinda scare me..... sorry. they just seem so fragile. and i really feel like i might break them. i know, stoopid right? i dunno. i just have that weird thinking.
she was quite sleepy and drowsy so we let her dose off. she kept drifting in and out of sleep. we just let her be.
i feel more comfortable with her when i'm just with khai. if there are other people there, i feel very awkward. i dunno what to do. and i can't say or do the things i want to cos i feel like i'm just an outsider visiting. i'm not really family anyway. so, yeah. feels awkward. i'm sorry if i seem emotionless, i just freeze when i know people are watching my EVERY move.
after the visiting, we headed for Al-Ameen for dinner. since my cuzzie Fahm keeps eating there, and keeps saying the naan is good, i decided that today would be a good time to try it. so we did. was GREAT! weeee!! thanks Fahm!! :)
I used to eat there when i was living at Hillview. then since we moved, i never went there again. now, after just 5 years, the whole place has CHANGED tremendously!! it is much bigger then i remembered it to be! totally expanded.
i remember we used to eat there after touch rugby training when i was in J.I [now known as M.I.]. so much fun. haiz. wish i could do it all over again!! [without all the politics!]
we ordered more than naan! haha. we had keema, kebab, tandoori chicken, aloo gobi [potato and cauliflower], kerang rebus [boiled cockles], lala in hot&spicy sauce and ikan pari bakar [bbq stingray]!! **slurp**
and i had Milo Godzilla!! weee!! long time never had that!! so shiok!!
daya enjoying her kerang!
after eating, farhan joined us. totally voice-less. haha. and didn't eat. just had an iced milo. he just came from participating in NDP.
i'm totally satisfied with my meal today!!*i'm totally annoyed that i had to lug that stoopid bag from home to khai's home, to the hospital, to Al-Ameen and BACK home again!!*

12:29 am