i'm back!
isn't this nice...butterflies....i modified most of it u noe...not bad rite.. i gave myself 3 pats on my back for this work! hehe!! well...it's not ALL mine..but i managed to change quite a few things...
i cant believe it! my friend is getting married tomorrow..wow! i told my mom that khairul plans to get married at 25..she went "ok, i can't stop him..." then i told her that it'd be US..as in me n khairul... and she was like "what? i didn't hear you..what did u say?" haiz.... well, at least i told her. whether she believes me or not is a different thing..
ok la...been staring at this screen since 2pm! i've had enough!
peace out.......

9:06 pm
temporarily under constuction!!soory but i'm currently searchin for a suitable skin to suit me....please hang on...will b back to norm soon!

4:18 pm
i'm back!!!finally got LAN on my lap top...yeay!! i love ma dad!!
ok la...will b back to bloggin again..but fer now.....GOOD NIGHT!!

11:50 pm