...:: bAby-G...aRen'T u goNa tAke mE 0uT? :::...
wanted to blog more earlier but my mom was screaming for us to have our dinner.
working on Sunday, which makes Saturday my off day.
got a date with nur. actually it's still in the TBC stage (to be confirmed.)
what to do. both of us are busy like nobody's business! she's be assigned with so many new client's and more things to do. i've...well....you know....work never ends for me. i tell you, the papers on my desk NEVER seem to clear. not because i don't clear them....but bcos just when i do clear them, new ones take their place. and for me, if i don't see it i don't remember it. like Ed always says....Outta sight, Outta mind.
quite interesting myspace. always just seemed to visit the same bands but finally now i have the time to actually go to each site and listen to their music....not bad. i love this band that's playing now... finally found a band on myspace that plays this kinda music...and it's nice. of course there must be plenty more...just need more time to search. heh.
i tink i'm seriously addicted to Friendster! i tink about it practically all day. anticipating new friends added...new messages or testi...finding old friends again!! help!!!!!! i need a remedy for this addiction!!

1:21 am
...:: i wane move to LONDON! ::...
how i wish i could.
i wish everyday.
i wane move to LONDON!was going thru myspace and found this group. listened to their music and fell in love immediately.
been searching for groups that play this kinda music for the longest time. finally found it.
i'm also in love with Lily Allen. i think Alfie really connects to my life. haha. i loike it alot.
ok la... wane eat now.

9:53 pm
..:: i love wednesday's! ::..
went out with khai today.
watched 300. superb! alot of blood...alot of spears...and alot of hands and legs and heads being chopped off but it was a good movie.
and it was free. heh.
*thanks Net & John!!*
headed home after the movie. was quite tired. heh. went straight to the mac and searched....... N.E.R.D - Fly or Die.
i miss this album so much. don't know where it is. need to find it. either it's at my sisters place with Ed, or i lost it! so sad. i lost quite a few albums. i can't remember if it's with Ed or if my whole album is still with Kingz. i tink i shall ask him the next time he's online. he might say no though. haha.
khai got a new pet. haha. but it's cute la. it's still a baby though. but very cute. and green with a red tummy. hehe. cute.
today, while in the bus on the way to town, a thought crept into my mind.
why do i always HAVE TO go on a shopping spree when i get my pay??
then i decided. there will not be anymore unneccesary shopping from this pay onwards. only buy things that are essential. like...toiletries and..er... make up? shoes? CD's? haiz. what to do....a girl will be a girl... i need to make a list of NEEDs and not WANTs for next months shopping.
NEEDS shoes -
i really need new shoes and need to fix my black one too...seriously... i ONLY have TWO pairs of shoes. honest! toiletries -
running low on essentials ok!clothes -
ok, ok...i know i don't need anymore...but.......ok, i shall stay away from Topshop and DP and MNG and ZARA....UNLESS there's a sale! then it becomes NECESSARY!hmm....looks like my NO shopping rules will need some monitoring. heh. u know who will definately be on my back once he reads this. nyeh.
oh...and i dun mean to be mean but....i would really like it if khai works at space as well. it'll be so cool!! but i noe how much Cafe Del Mar means to him............but SPACE is kewl too! and the best part about it is......eventhough we work for the same company..we will never, EVER need to work WITH each other. and you'll be at the warehouse...so we won't meet...unless you get assigned to do deliveries or to come down during stock transfer. so it's perfect.
....i love this song......in fact....i love all the songs on their album....and him as well....

5:46 pm
...:: the start of the week ::...
what a great start!
received my confirmation letter. WEEEE!!! my increment is SUPERB!!!
thanked my manager profusely! lol!!
can't wait for this month's salary! plus COMMISSION!!!!!!
ok...that's enough.

9:24 pm
..:: what a TIRING day.
heh ::..
woke up late today. haha. as usual, my weekend starts off thinking if i should wake up or just continue to sleep. i woke up at 8+ to khai's sms.. he was on his way to site. then at about 9+ almost 10am, my sister sms-ed me asking me
what's that word used to describe that vomiting feeling. haiz. replied and went back to sleep. finally woke up when khai called me. i lazed around for awhile more then finally got up and turned on the mac. i noe, YUCK, but hey! it's my off day!! the day to chill. after about an hour, needed to pee so i went to freshen up. haha. the side of me most people never knew.
so i then proceeded to laze on the sofa and watch tv, Sum (otherwise known as Ani by the rest of the family in CCK) told me that lunch was ready. i watched CSI till it ended then decided to eat. ate in front of the telly (God forbid mom ever finds out) and was entertained by...er...gosh, i can't remember. anyhoo, finished lunch and continued watching Hope&Faith. ah...now i remember, i was watching AXN during lunch. i guess it was CSI. haha. i must have been watching something else before that. wat bad memory i have.
so i decided it's about time to shower and so i did. it was 4pm i guess. got ready to meet all at site. realized that mom was at home sleeping so decided to wait till she was ready then head out with her. man, it was a hot, HOT day! reached the site, it was so stuffy. the aircon isn't running yet so we were all sticky less than 10 mins of being there. khai was super SMELLY! haha. and it was so funny seeing him doing stuff. dun ask me why, even i don't know!
so i stayed till about 8+ i guess, had dinner then left with Pa. oh ya, he came about 7+ with dinner. heh. was so bored there so wen pa said he wanted to go, i was the first one out of there! reached home to see shakez back from KL and lazing on the sofa (it's a Sunday family thing). suddenly i contracted the disease. the lazing-on-sofa-and-rottting disease. heh. watched Raven and MTV cribs. got bored, moved to the boys room. almost fell asleep while waiting to use the mac. thank god shakes didn't see that! haha!
wow. so he added me on friendster. wonder if it was him or his wife. haha. but nevertheless, i sent him a msg. wonder if he actually remembers me or just added me for the sake of adding. i mean, after what happened, or rather DIDN'T happen back then. i still wonder till today...what was going on?! you lead me on, then you made me feel like crap, and later you disappeared. after almost over a year we had this funny relationship... maybe it was just me, but everyone else seemed to think that it wasn't just me. they all said that what you were doing was obvious. but what your intentions were, that's something i will always wonder about. and your friends were being down right bitches after you left. but i just let it go. got me thinking. till today. an unsolved mystery.
in fact, i've a few unsolved mysteries caused by men. some of them leave me asking myself "what the hell happened?!" i mean seriously. people say that women are hard to understand but the truth is MEN are the ones that leaves us women stumped. i mean, you act like you are really interested in us, then get us all happy about it. and when the girls finally do fall for them, they act like nothing was happening and make it seem like we were just imagining the whole thing. nyeh.
thank GOD i managed to find a guy who, well...most girls who know him won't believe me when i say this...but, khai has changed. he's sweet, and understanding. and as much as he denies it...he's a romantic guy. and when he cares for someone, he shows it...in a weird way, but he shows it. though we had the worst kinda fights in the beginning...the kinda fights that will either break u or make u stronger.. we managed to pull thru, and insya'Allah, next year will be THE year. i'm praying.
ok...i think that's enough rambling for the day..
try to blog again soon...something more interesting.

10:49 pm