..:: yippeeee!! ::..
i got it!
my third package for the week!!

i LOVE it!! it's so BRIGHT!! i'm happy with this purchase and i can't wait for tomorrow's package to arrive!! yeay!! new clothes!! yeay!!
on another note.. what do you think of my hair...
the bf hates this new look i have... says i look stoopid. belo. like a poodle. hmph. i think it's cute. hahahaha.

the straight hair look is quite tempting too. after my
dayhalf day of straightness.. i feel so tempted to rebond my hair again... but... i know i will miss my curls very much.. and though it is easier to maintain straight hair rather than curly... it'll be quite boring for me... besides, everyone seems to say that they'd rather see me with curls than with straightness...
but it's nice kan????

vat to doo.. vat to doo... vat to doo...
i'm missing something right now.. i'm missing the feeling i had the first time we met... i'm missing the times we did what we wanted without thinking about what happens next... i'm missing those stoopid things we did to each other just to annoy.... i'm missing the old us..
we've grown.... i've gotten used to you not being around all the time.. i've gotten used to seeing you once a month.. or maybe twice if we're lucky.... i've gotten used to doing things the way i want to....
i want to be able to touch the sky.... i want to be able to see the stars... i want to be able to walk on water... and i want to do it with my hand in yours....
are we living for the sake of living?
are we wanting.. or needing... or just so?
are we being us.. or are we being them?
i miss the old us. without a care in the world. just looking forward to the future. just anticipating.....
what's waiting for us in the future? is your future the same as mine? are we really aiming for the sky... or is it me who's trying to soar before flying?

12:17 am
..:: lets join the broken heart club ::..
as much as i know that i'm the one who has sinned today, i also know that i did not deserve your harshness.
why is it so hard for you to just listen?
can't you be a little more patient?
i wish i could understand the thoughts that run through your mind.
i don't want to fall out of love but it seems i'm falling further away than you can imagine....
i know you don't want it to end...
i know you don't want to give up...
ever thought that i might get tired of looking back and searching for your lost shadows?
the future seemed bright.. somehow the colours have faded and they seem to have blurred...
the voices in my head keep telling me...
the voices in my heart keep yelling...
who do i listen to?
i'm being rash...
i'm being impulsive..
i not one to sit around and watch the days pass me by....
procrastination leads you nowhere...
help me understand?
i'm lost in this whole world of filled emptiness...
could this feeling be caused by the cycle?
it's going all wrong though...
i yearn to feel safe.. surrounded by a warm feeling...
i've lost myself...
you will find me again...
but where?
falling into the black hole..
or emerging into the bright light...
give me a reason to be...
and i'll jump as high as you ask me to..
give me some closure...
it's falling apart now..
crumbling into nothingness...
soon, it will be....

1:00 am
..:: help. ::..
i'm broke.
e shopping is bad.
especially for me.
i'm hooked.
anyways, i've got some stuff to sell too... not all are mine.. my mom and bro too...if interested, let me know can?

oh, and here are the pictures from Monday's outing I said I would upload... don't laugh ok!

anyhoos, let me know if you want to any of the items. my email is as stated on the left.. just email me if you're interested. Meet up's are on a case-to-case basis, with location choice of my preference. :)
Selamat Berbuka All!!!

4:50 pm
..:: happy fasting!! ::..
ok. so it's been a long while..
been really busy with work that i've gotten so tired and lazy when i get home.
have loads to tell.. here are some pictures to help..
last week was Naumi Hotels opening and we were invited. we supplied the GORGEOUS furniture they have. the moment u enter the lobby, you'll see our elegant Dora & Hola chairs (by Zanotta & Cassina respectively). I love those chairs! Too bad they weren't on display that day as they needed the space..
the suite has a Ardea chair (also by Zanotta) which the 'tour' guide mispronounced!! how embarassing for her! hahaha. din take any photos of the rooms though..more of us! haha. got more pictures with Xiu..must get them from her!!

it was such a fun nite out! haha. the food was quite nice too. in case some of you dun already noe, Naumi Hotel is the FIRST boutique hotel to be opened in Singapore! it carries designer furniture and has lots of chic. the rooms are pricy but it's worth it. fully equiped suites with a tv in the lounge area as well as bedroom. the bathrooms are equiped with a bath tub, shower area and Aesop toiletries. They even provide a coffee maker for those caffeine addicts that need thta Expresso boost in the mornings! it is definately worth a visit [but only for special occassions though]. I give it 4 stars [partly cos we have furniture there which me and ms huang put in alot of effort in getting it there!].
next up, was the 'Tribute to Twins' held at Redbar [organized by Arvind, my secondary schoolmate]. I had more fun hanging out with my long time good friend Imah than I did listening to the bands! sorry vin, but the music wasn't great at all... the axl rose wanabe was alrite la..but the rest played quite bad la.. and NOBODY can do a Marilyn Manson song hokay?!! NOBODY!!
oh, and by the way.. i cut my bangs!!! what a mistake i made by not rebonding it IMMEDIATELY! now i have a cauliflower on my head! bleargh! it was nice though having straight hair for a dayhalf a day!

Last of all, was today's outing with khai, darling daya and Mak.
khai picked me up from work at about 6.45pm..just in time to buy food and buka. decided to eat at BK since it was the nearest and the fastest place to get food. had ALOT of food! still stuffed now! hahah.
hung out with black for a while.. was waiting for daya & mak to make their way to geylang before we made our way there. made fun of each other and some other parties! hahahhaa. so much fun la...
finally made our way ot geylang cos daya & mak reached ready! haha. we were late! wanted to take a cab but couldn't get one so we took the train.. met up with them at the bazaar and walked to the pasar. bumped into my cousin kak Ani with all her kids! hahaha. her son couldn't recognize me at first till i told him my name! haha. the last time we met was when i was 8 and he was 7? hahaha. yeah, he's my nephew and we are 1 year apart! yikes! it was nice seeing her! she got a shock though when i approached her! took her a while to register who i was! hahaha. i miss them la...should visit them more often.. sorry mak itam...

daya has all the pictures with me in them! hahah. will upload tmr.. now, i'm waiting for all to be downloaded.. and i dun tink i can stay up much longer to edit them... heheheh.
anyhoos, i am no longer a virgin.
an online shopper virgin that is! what were u thinking???
i signed up with ebay and tried my luck with a bid. next thing i noe, i WON the bid and got myself a new dress for less than $15!! hahaha. and i also got a top from StudioFrost. their stuff are quite cool actually. i like. you should take a look! but their stuff sells faster than hot cakes so u gotta go quite often! hahaha. i was lucky to have even gotten this top! i wanted this black&white tube as well but i was too late! hurhurhur.
Go check it out! It's cool!!

12:11 am