...:: we will miss you much ::...
on 070107...my dearest uncle passed away. after battling lung cancer for a year, his suffering has come to an end. the doctors gave him 3 months to live. that was january 2006. at least he lived to see the things he wanted.
- he said he wanted to be able to attend aunty Zan's wedding. he did.
- he wanted to celebrate hari raya. he did.
and not only that, he got to live to see his 2 eldest children get married, and he became a grandad.
i was really upset when he passed away. we had jus come back from visiting him and i was about to sleep when the phone rang. this was 3am. soon, my mom came to my room and said he was gone. i cried most of the nite till i fell asleep. and i'm extremely grateful that i had khai to talk to. the next day i kept thinking, he's gone. no more uncle hafil. i won't see he's smile again. i won't hear his voice calling my name the way he does. and what's more, i really wanted him to be at my wedding. he's a great man. though we may not be related by blood, he never treated me different.
his youngest son is in primary six. but he seems quite strong. i guess he's still young. when my mom passed away, i was the same. i was 7 going on 8. one minute i was crying my eyes out, the next minute i'm playing hide and seek with my nieces & nephews. i guess i just understood. and i guess i created this defence mechanism after that. i just shut evertything out and "don't remember" my childhood.
"i'm sorry i couldn't be there. i had to work. i know you are in a better place with less pain. i wish you well and may you rest in peace. much love to you. you will be missed by all."

10:53 pm