...:: don't go green. it's just a fact! ::...
don't ask me why neil diamond and rob thomas are there...i tink it's the eyebrows....but still...

12:37 am
...:: i got bored ::...
i got bored on thursday and so i took some photos...

and since they're all taken by myself and in my room....it explains the way the photos came out... duh...

3:06 pm
...:: Happy Lunar New Year!! ::...
wow....after listening to all her music again...it makes me wonder how could i have stopped listening to her.... i'm sure alot of people who actually know me must be wondering when did i enjoy bjork's music. in fact...most of my friends don't listen to the music i listen to! haha! the only friend i have that enjoys most music that i do is my close friend since sec skool! nadia n i share the most similar tastes among my friends. we like the same music, we have almost the same morbid thoughts and we share the same likeness for cigarettes and rock music than anyone else. but when it comes to the rest of me...its nur and lenny....and sometimes dre...she only seems to noe the weird side of me well! haha!!
anyway.... since yesterday...i have been eating non-stop! it's like a family tradition that EVERY holiday all we do is EAT! and when i say eat...i really mean EAT! my mom n aunt will cook a feast for the whole family! and today, we went to beach road to eat tulang! shiok! heh.
friday, after the annual staff dinner...(where i won a Fritz Hansen chair!!!!!!!!!) we went to butter factory! coolness. i haven't danced that long in a LONG time! i danced non stop from 11.30pm till about 3am!! fantastic. but the next morning...daym. my body was aching ALL OVER!!!!! actually...it was just my legs..the knees especally....too much gelek-ing! haiz. wat a night! i finally got to dance to my hearts content!
poor khai...still stuck at home with chicken pox. he's super pissed and grumpy these few days...cos he can't go out... but been quite cheery lately...
oh ya! this afternoon went to a wedding...my cousin's sister-in-law got married. the decor wasn't that great though. and neither was the food. met azmy's dad. hah! apparently my dad is good frens with him! kwakwakwa!!
and since everyone was in that 'wedding' mood. we had a mini discussion about mine as well. so kecoh! discussing about where it will be held...how many people we're inviting...what will the berkat be.... what will i wear....how the ceremony will be held... wow! so many things!!!!
but what made me happy was that papa actually said something about my wedding... he actually gave a suggestion on what sort of food we should serve...cool! finally he's accepting the fact that i'm REALLY getting married!

11:26 pm