Saturday, June 17, 2006
...::: i changed it!! :::...I changed my blog skin!! finally! After being so pissed for God know's how long, I finally decided to stand up and speak to my HR Manager! But I knew that there won't be much of a diff after that. I told her I wanted to move to a diff dept though I know that there isn't any openings. But I gave her some views and she agreed on what I had to say.And everyone thot that I had a major tiff with Ms Kental! HaHa! Just goes to show how much people enjoy gossiping! I can't stand it! I mean, I go to work to work and not to gossip. Even I you PAID me to gossip about my colleagues to my other colleagues, I wouldnt do it. SICK.And since that day, Ms Kental hasn't been the same. Not that it's been the same anyway since Ms HR came along. Ms Kental just can't stand it when others get praised and she doesn't. I mean, c'mon!! If you did a good job I'm sure they would praise you! Whatever! Ok then, I'm famished! Going to City Hall to have lunch with my dad.Catch ya another day!Peace out...

1:04 pm
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
..::: i love my job! i HATE her... :::..yes, yes, i'm back.. finally... i just really need to let all this out!!i love my job, i love meeting and talking to people! even though i can do something else and find a "better" job, i love doing wat i do... some people see customer service as an "easy job", a "lousy job", a job tat asks "whats so great about that?!". but i'm not doing just custmer service.. i also do sales and events![ok, ok, enough of all this promoting...]anyway, i cant stand working with my supervisor... she is just so pushy! goddamit, she thinks that just because she's a snr she can boss me around like i'm a bloody coolie?! she doesnt do any work but wants to take all the credit! she blames me for all the wrongs that she does! and she cant freggin accept it when i get praised! and she's bullying the new girl. she gets her to do all the registration [under HER name] and simply sends out the confirmations! she doesnt even do the faxing! she abuses her authority! and she used to do that to me, but now that i stand up for myself, she doesnt do that much and she has also become colder towards me! what the hell!!!!!everyone is suddenly warning me about her and telling me to watch my back. they say she is capable of backstabbing me and putting all the blame on me whenever there's a mistake! and that is slowly happening! thank god for the new HR manager cos she sees it! haha!!! [ i know.. i'm mean, but she deserves it!]argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i feel like leaving, but i love this job, and most of the people... i just hate HER!!!

10:56 pm