so yesterday Mr. FedEx came to deliver parcels at my office... cute. he came in with a big smile and said "HELLO!" and so i replied. he's really adorable.. too bad he's short. so as he left my office, he smiled again and bid farewell.
as if that's not enough, he waited at the lift [my main door is glass] and started playing with his feet. then, as he entered the lift, he looked in and waved his last goodbye.
oh, when will we get more parcels from FedEx?
so, as you all know, i love chatting. i chatted with a guy about 1/2 a year ago and we exchanged email adds. yest, i was damn bored at werk so chatted with him on msn. both of us cldnt remember wat we told each other so, yeah, we started from scratch. i of course forgot how old he was, and told him my actual age.. to my horror, he's younger than me. but at least he's goth, he's english is good,and he watches soccer. so my boredom abandoned me. [thank gawd!]
erk, but y do malay guys love to be so mushy? i mean, we just started chatting and he was already saying stuff like "u suapkan i lah"... gross. and today, dunno watdefaq happen, he got pissed cos i called him smelly cos he hadnt showered yet! duh. oh! and another thing, jus bcos we enjoyed chatting, suddenly i'm supposed to give him my number?? HeLLo!!
this is so typical of jantan caberet!
anyway... khai ROD liao... so he spends his time sleeping most of the day. boring. and i'm getting so agitated these past few days cos i'm so flat broke! and my damn boss signed our pay-cheque late and so i will only get my pay next Monday! AFTER 3PM!!!!!
it's not like they pay me enough to last me the month! and they dun even pay me for the amount of work i do! there is no justice in the werking world! everyone is expected to just nod and say "ok". fikanu.
ok, ok.. enough is enough.
it's back to work now.
peace out....
rawKey miLa

1:05 pm