Thursday, August 25, 2005 least i hope so...I finally found the person i'd been looking for for so long!! Rahimah!! As i was on my way to the bus stop to go for tuition, i saw this big-eyed girl... she lookd at me but i could tell she din recognise me! true enough, only wen i was really upclose did she go "oi!" haha!haiz...though you may think that i dun miss u.. i do.... though you may think i've changed...i haven't... and though you may think i hate you...i dun...i dun ignore the fact that i hurt you alot in the past..i dunno wat came over me... i guess it was the influence...i guess i felt my trust was betrayed... i never ever meant to hurt you at all... i was jus confused... i miss d times wen we wld do the stupidest things in school... i remember how we used to play netball and u threw a the ball so hard it went smack! in my face! haha!! i regret ignoring you...i regret hurting u...i regret leaving u... and that is why i've been trying so hard to contact you again... i really hope we could catch up..i'd really like to meet up for lunch or sumthin... oh! n though i may nt dress all dark and stuff... my taste in music hasnt changed one bit! it's jus most of those clothes...dun come in my size! ahakz! so dear...i hope to see you around sometime soon....take care aite! u looking good now!

11:57 am