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..:: spiderman is having me for dinner tonight ::..
..:: fuckery? fuckeru. ::..
today was superdeedooper!! *jumps high*
woke up at 1.30pm instead if 11am! haha. khai was supposed to wake me up. in the end I had to wake HIM up. pfft.
since the parentals were going to town too, i hitched a ride. we arrived at orchard at..er..hehe. 3pm? since papa parked his car at lido, i got to ketuk him to buy for me Gelatissimo!! wooHoo!! i had apple pie+veronese chocolate. very, VERY nice. papa ended up eating most of it. as usual. if i had it on my own, he would have told me how fattening it is and how much sugar is in it! pffft. so to avoid all those ramblings, you share with him. hahaha. that way, he can't say much. nyeh.
we headed to wheelock to watch tapestry. the arty farty is part of the crew there. when we reached, this band named 1989 [after the year there were all born in] was playing. quite good. they played 'Plug in Baby' and the lead played it quite well. i was impressed. not many people can play it. he must have practised it 24/7!
the band after that wasn't as great. the vocalist not confident enough i guess. and, well, no offense, but it was a girl. and the moment i saw her get the mike, i knew it wasn't goin' to be great. it's those kind where u can just tell from one look that she's not gonna sound too good. from the way she dressed to the way she introed the band. see, her voice is real sweet when she speaks, so can you imagine a really sweet girl singing a ROCK song? yeap. she even "growled". girls can't sing like guys. and girls definately can't "growl" like them too. sorry. but i must say that she should just sing with her voice and not growl.
the next band was interesting. the vocalist was a tiny malay girl. and she was wearing a tudung. khai was like "woah, is SHE going to sing??" wow. even i was thinking, daym. i hope she won't sing like the previous girl. that'd just be weird. haha. but to my pleasant surprise, her voice was sweet and she didn't "growl" [thank GOD!] that's how it should be. the music can be all loud and heavy, but all you need is a strong and clear voice and you'd sound GREAT! her voice wasn't really loud, but it was nice. very cranberries. i loike. and the band was quite good. kudos to the band!
after watching all the bands perform, khai and i looked at each other and we had that "are you thinking what i'm thinking B1?" moment. hahahaha. both of us wane join tapestry next year and perform. wooHoo!! and the arty farty has been recruited to be our drummer. all we need now is a bassist. *anyone interested??*
and this shall be an excuse for khai to start up a band again. and hopefully get back into the performing line. yeayness.
ok, so after watching the performances, we headed for wisma to repair khai's phone. we reached there and the que number was 123. we went to get our ticket. ticket read 186. 186!!! watdefaq? we decided to eat while waiting our turn. and since we would be walking around, we registered for the sms alert thingy, we got number 189! farkinaden.
wanted to eat at mac but apparently wisma doesn't have mac anymore. hmph. so.....we headed for food republic. he had nasi briyani ayam with teh tarik=$6.50! [dang!] and i had rice with paru and sambal-goreng-tak-jadi and the kacang+ikan bilis=$4/! [double dang!] but compared to the nasi briyani, mine was a much better deal! hahaha.
finished lunch and headed to the sony ericsson service centre. number read 156. pffft. decided to head to taka to exchange the remote control car we bought for adam+danial. by the time we had tested the new car and walked out of taka, it was already 6.30pm. khai decided to farkit with the service centre and we made our way to bukit batok to visit nenek.
nenek looked so much better than when i saw her last week. and she's smiling again!! so happy. and i made faces at her cos she kept lookingstaring at me and she wanted to laugh but ended up just smiling widely. hahaha. so cute. after maghrib, everyone left and it was just me and khai. spoke to nenek for a while till they made the OFFICIAL announcement that visiting hours are over. gave her a kiss on her forehead and waved goodbye. told her i'd come by again when i'm free. she looked so shocked+happy that i kissed her. haha. felt good seeing her today.
we stopped over at a void deck to smoke while khai decided on where HE wanted to go. and there was this cute baby meow-meow there!! and it was so playful! i called it over and it came, then the mom came and started scolding the baby for wandering off and going to strangers [or rather me and khai made it up! haha.]. got bored and took pictures. so here are some pics taken from the void deck and also at the bus stop to see nenek earlier. heh.
rushed home immediately!! mama cooked chicken rice today!!! weeee!!! en's mom cooked chicken rice yesterday AND last week too!! so i wanted to eat chicken rice TOO!! so last night while eating dinner[!!] i asked mama to cook chicken rice for dinner today..and she did!! woopdEEdOO!!
..:: nasi briyani ayam goreng. thankiu. ::..
all of them look so nice!! i can't decide. i like the ultimate 81 LE and the M-Street... the ShotPut ST is also a fave... and though i know for sure that NENYAN won't come in my size, i really like it!! in case you didn't already know...my feet are a whopping size 13!! yes, you saw it right! 13!! i guess since my mom didn't pass her looks to me like she did to my sister [sis is a carbon-copy of my mom!!], she decided to pass her..er..assets??
i got her curly hair. her oval shaped face. her lips. her eyes. her fingers. and yes, her BIG build. her BIG feet. and her keloids! thanks mum!!
but it's alright. at least i HAVE something that she had too! i always thought my sister was so lucky to look EXACTLY like my mum. then i realized i got everything ELSE! haha.
tomorrow am meeting khai in orchard to repair his phone. then we going to jalan2. weeee!! finally we are going to town. long time seh never go town with him. 1 month to be exact! khekhekhe. then we're going back to his place to feed his fish [??!] and follow mak to visit nenek. and tomorrow i'm gonna bring the camera with me!!! hoooraayy!!!!
can take many2 pictures with him, and mak, and nenek, and him, and myself, and myself, and myself. hahahahah! narcisist!
i need to figure out what to wear though. have no freaking idea what to wear tomorrow.
skirt? pants?
black? white?
leggings? jeans?
red? green??
sian. will most prob figure out what to wear while having my shower. as usual. hahaha.
i love oasis!!!
did you enjoy it? liam looks different... how come he looks so....YOUNG??
p.s.: parents went to esplanade to "watch" the ndp preview. then they ate at... D'Original Satay ClubStall!! so i told mom i wanted satay too and mee soto... and i got the mee soto FREE from Cik Hussein!! wee!! so sweet of him right?? see, i used to work for him while they were open under the bridge at one fullerton. worked for him from the start till they closed down. or at least few months before they closed. hehe. and he still so sweet to "blanja" me mee soto.
Go eat the satay at Glutton Bay - Makansutra @ Esplanade!! very delish!!