Friday, September 29, 2006
..:: Buka & Puasa.. and more! ::..Yesterday, Khai fetched me from work and we went for buka together. We went to Serangoon to have thosai at Ananda Bhavan. Was nice. Enjoyed it. And I was so surprised that even after all that food, we had alot of side dishes, I was still hungry! HAHA! And so, I continued munching away and drinking like a camel.Now I know why... PERIOD.Anyway, back to last nite. After buka we went to Tekka Mall and Khai wanted to go to the supermarket there. I shouldn't have agreed! LOL! He bought a blardee Garoupa! A LIVE Garoupa to keep at home with all his other "exotic" fishes! And, I knew this would happen, the fish is dying. I think it's nt used to living in such a small space and maybe just worried that it will be taken out and whacked to death to be made into Sweet and Sour Garoupa! Poor fish. Poor Khai. He gets so emotional when his fishes are about to die. [ It's ok Honey, some fishes just can't be kept as pets. And some just would rather end up on your plate! ]So today, we had butter rice and fried chicken for sahur. NICE. Then to my horror, when I woke up and had to clear my bladder.... I saw RED. Daym.I'm quite happy today! So I've been praying hard for a better job opportunity and guess what?! I got a call today, from quite a "Grand" company. I applied for an Admin position, but now they wane offer me sales... Considering.... May just take it up... But hope that the pay is good. Anyway, 9th Oct is the date. Hope all goes well! Oklah... So, my tummy hurts, I can't wait for next Monday when I walk thru the door and see that Ms Kental is GONE! WooHoo!!Toodles!

11:15 am
Thursday, September 28, 2006
..:: My book. Your Book. ::..well, i know i said some stoopid things this morning. I din mean it. I know u do care about me. I guess i was jus really upset that u think the way u do. I'm sorry you feel like i don't have faith in u. I'm sorry u fell hurt by wat i said. I'm sorry tat i blurted wat i did. but as u said, it's ur book, n u noe how to take care of it. so, i won't do anything and i won't bother you anymore wit my stoopid questions. so as i said, u do wat u wane do. and i do wat i wane do.thank you.

11:41 am
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.
i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.i want to quit my job.SOMEONE PLEASE HIRE ME ASAP!!! i can only start after 1 month notice... that sux!

4:14 pm
Monday, September 25, 2006
..:: my NEW shoes ::..
Above : new black shoes. so not like me. "velvet" Below : my new white shoes. shiny & crocodile skin like.

9:54 pm
..:: fasting month and other updates ::..*sorry, i cldnt think of any other tittle to use. nyeh*so it's fasting month. not bad actually. I dunno y but i always get emotional during fasting month. must be the season. it's day 2. and i'm at werk. i knew this wld happen. i've had to bite my tongue the whole time i've been in the office [it's 1.20pm now.. i started work at 10am...] Ms Kental got on my nerves. CCTV got on my nerves. KY got on my nerves. not just once, but multiple times in a row. and not to forget the daym ringing phones! y cnt they just STOP ringing for a day!anyway... terawih was interesting last nite. there was this cute lil boy who was wit his mom n aunt n grandma n maid. he went to all of them n said "Assalamualaikum" while holding their hands, then salam them, then bow. super cute! and he got a short tongue so wen he say "Assalamualaikum" the 'S' got extra. haha! but he was super naughty! he kept pushin n thuggin at his mom n maid while they were praying. and the poor maid, she was just abt to finish praying when the boy pulled of her tudung! then she had to start over. poor girl.oh! and yesterday for buka, i maid "bread and butter pudding" but with alot of improvising! i used choc-chip bread instead of white bread. I used peanut butter and nutella. haha! haikel said it tastes like ben & jerry's ice cream. teehee.the highlite so far since i last blogged are:- khai & i finally decided to go for the marriage course in November- i got to see Fuad Rahman sing on stage at Kampong Glam- i finally got my new library card and paid off my premium membership fee. woopDeeDoo~- i managed to catch a movie, Miami Vice, before fasting started- we got a new maid, who is quite the sotong, and my mom is like a mine field. she'll just blow up if u're there at the wrong place at the wrong time.- the new maid said she was 23... she's 19.- i hope that SPACE will offer me a good deal!- ms kental is leaving C***T! wooHoo!!- i'm trying to lose weight so that everyone else will get off my back! i cant wait for Saturday!! going for buka with sis n her friend! wee!!! so exciting! i just came back from my lunch break and i bought 2 pairs of shoes! woohoo! 1 white & 1 black. blardee S$75+! but nice la...finally i have this kinda shoes... i will post the pictures later when i get home!ok.. back to werk now... feeling more energetic now! miLa

1:23 pm