...:: "our day" ::...
we're supposed to go out today. we're supposed to meet at 12pm at Clementi. it's now 1.54pm and he's still asleep. he was the one who said that today was going to be "our day". since we dun get much chance to meet on weekdays, and i've only got ONE weekend off....so... yeah. "thanks"
anyway, met with Nur yesterday. did my nails!! nice anot??

only cost me $12!! and it's better than the one done at CCK. heh. anyway, after we did our nails, we headed for far east for dinner. wanted to chill after that but nadya came along and she was sleepy so they had to go home. tot we could meet up today, but nur left rite after the interview. daym. well, i'm still waitng for khai to get up and call me. i'm guessing that'll only happen after 3pm or maybe even 5pm?? i hate this. he even went to sleep early last nite so that he would be able to wake me up today for us to wake up.
well, guess what. i'm up and he's not. ALWAYS!!!!

1:55 pm
...:: what a start to the new year ::...
i'm sick.
got 2 days MC. so that's one day's worth of pay gone. woopDee-blOody-doO.
feel so bleargh. nyeh.
wane sleep now.

1:22 pm
...:: wat a GREAT day! ::...
today was great.
i really had fun.
i treated my family[minus my dad cos he had a lunch date!] and khai to a movie. we watched "School for Scoundrels". hilarious. my mom treated all of us to a "Secret Recipe" lunch. *thankiu* and she bought me tops from "TopShop" and a top for khai at "TopMan". and i bought a chain from "Forever 21" too. I also bought a top and pants from Robinsons. i did alot of shopping!! but i still have enuf. and halfway thru the day, i got my period. woopDeeDoo.
then my mom and bro's had to leave first cos the boys needed to cut their hair. so khai n i hung out at vivo till about 10pm then headed home. feel really crappy now. feel like throwing up. my head is spinning. feel so bleargh.
going to sleep soon. can't take this crappy feeling.

10:33 pm
...:: 2007 ::...
happy new year.
i hope this year would be a good year.
i'm turning 22 this year.
and i'm getting married too.
so far for the marriage plans... well, khai's parents are coming in June. we should be getting married earliest December, latest July '08. far gap aye? well, we're really hoping for it to be in December. We've got most things planned out. We most probably will be buying a house in either Punggol or Chua Chu Kang. I actually want to move to Kallang or Redhill. We'l just have to wait and see i guess.
i have a feeling it's gonna be quite a ride. with all the discussions that will be going on between the parents. and of course the fights me and khai will definately go through. the BIG test from God. scaree. but i know, and trust, that khai and i will get through it. we've been through ups and downs before, so i i'm sure we'll be ok. all the women in my family except for my sis keeps telling me and reminding me to lose weight or else khai will leave me. well, if khai DOES leave me cause i'm too fat and ugly, it will be hard to believe cause that should have happened 2 years ago. but then again, men do change their minds. i trust khai. and i know him well enough. no worries. so i guess if anything happens, i will suffer alot of heartache. heh. i also know that no one can break our relationship. if anyone tries, they won't be happy for their entire time on earth and after. it's not a curse, it's just a trust that i have with God. HE is always on my side. no matter how bad i may be. i'm protected. *thank you*
just finished watching "american beauty" on 5. 3rd time watchin it. heh. so morbid.
khai spent the night yesterday and we stayed up playing cards and xbox. then today we continued playing cards and xbox. so fun. everyone was here. one big happy family. minus papa, he went to aunty jopy's house. heh. n went to serangoon and oni came back at 9+. anyway, aunty izan n her husband came over too. so fun.
later today khai, his mom and i are going to vivo city. so fun. i want to watch movie tomorrow. "night at the museum" i think tats the rite tittle.hehe. dunno whether his mom wane watch though. i'll just treat her la.
ok. sleepy. goin to sleep now. goodnite.

12:02 am