*loneliness sucks when you noe u're nt alone...
haiz...i dont understand...it's been more than 2 months and still no letter from him yet...sometimes i wonder if i do get letters but my father [who must have nothing else to do] reads them n doesnt give them to me...if he does..he doesnt noe what he's doing to me...
i miss him so much....i noe i shouldnt...but i do...n the fact that i hvnt gotten any letter from me is making me feel even worse...and the oni thing tt is making me feel better is by thinking that he hasnt received any of my letters and therefore resulting in no letters received by me....
and i really cant imagine what might happen once he gets out...if he really hasnt gotten any of my letters, then there wld definately be a big
hu-ha when we meet. and another thing is, i'm worried that bcos he didnt get any of ma letters, he might not call me once he's out cos he'll think i've forgotten him n got someone else and cldnt care less about him or bother to write to him....
ARGH!!!!!!! i hate this!!!!
for all i noe, the damn
mofos at the prison read my letters, find them
inappropriate and throw them in the bin! [damn bloody

12:29 am
*i hate being tired!!!*
argh!! skool n werk has made me very tired..although i've somehow managed to get "enough" rest, i still feel really shag. everytime i'm supposed to wake up to do my skool werk, i never do... i'm just too tired... i cant take it ah... and now i have to reall buck up, both in skool and at werk! sux
big time!! argh!!!!!!! i need a vacation! haha!!
anyways, ma lil bro has a blog too!! so kewl!! i'm suprised he
actually has one! haha! [no offense
boy !!
lah, i wane sleep...tired!!!
love u baby....]

12:25 am
i hate computers...for now...
i don't get it...why is it wen i view my blog from the skools comp, my font is like super small, but wen i view others, their font size is ok??!! argh!!! it doesn't make any sense! why???
i hate having to keep modifying my stuff! it looks perfectly fine on other comps...why is it horrible on this comp?? argh!!!!

11:58 am