*i'm back!!!]*
it's been a long time since i've written in here...kinda didnt hv time for tis... i broke up wit tt idiot!
he had fiance!! it's over for good and i'm never going back to him! haha!!
i like so many different guys now! the bouncers at centro, dj oli, and the bouncer at wu...i think he's name is ali... but i really like wan!! n dj oli!!
i'm seeing this guy..he's like way older than me..he's got a bike!! and he spends $$ on me! but i'm like nt proud of wat is going on..bt i noe tt he treats the no. 1 same as me...cos i told him if i find out he doesn't then it's over..
don't worry girls...i noe wat i'm doing..;)

8:28 pm