Saturday, July 15, 2006
..:: Letter of Apology ::..[I'm sorry that I hurt you, I'm sorry if I made you feel insecure, I'm sorry for letting you down]You read my blog. I didn't think you would, but you did. Whatever I said about him, it's true. But it doesn't mean that I'll leave you. He's a FedEx guy. I'm a customer. All FedEx guys will have a favourite place to deliver parcels, and all customers will have a favourite FedEx guy. Whether or not they click is a different story. You know that I'm friendly, and that I enjoy guys company rather than girls [don't get me wrong my lovelies. I love your company!]. What I mean is, it's easier for me to make friends with guys than girls, cos girls are all about competition [look at Ms Sundal!]. My point is, I did not intend to hurt your feelings, neither did I intent to run away with him to get married! We didn't exchange numbers, we didn't even exchange email address'! We are just sorta friends. We only ever meet when he delivers to my office. We don't even meet everyday.I love you, and you alone. No one is gonna change my mind about you, or change my feelings towards you. I want to marry you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Once again, I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to.

10:30 am